
Book Description

From the singularly inventive mind of Rikki Ducornet, Trafik is a buoyant voyage through outer space and inner longing, transposing human experiences of passion, loss, and identity into a post-Earth universe. Quiver, a mostly-human astronaut, takes refuge from the monotony of harvesting minerals on remote asteroids by running through a virtual reality called the Lights, chasing visions of an elusive red-haired beauty. Her high-strung robot partner, Mic, pilots their Wobble and entertains himself by surfing records of the obliterated planet Earth stored on his Swift Wheel for Al Pacino trivia, recipes for reconstituted sushi, and high fashion trends. But when an accident destroys their cargo, Quiver and Mic go rogue, setting off on a madcap journey through outer space toward an idyllic destination: the planet Trafik.

Aviationary - Aviation Dictionary of Terms & Abbreviations - Havacılık Terimleri ve Kısaltmalar Sözlüğü

Book Description

Sözlükte aşağıda verilen temel konulardaki başlıca terim, kısaltma ve ifadelere yer verilmiştir: private charter aviation terminology/ özel charter havacılık terminolojisi pilot controller glossary/pilot kontrolör terimleri passenger glossary/yolcu terimleri main terms used in civil aviation statistics /sivil havacılık istatistikleri temel terimler military aviation terms/askeri havacılık terimleri historic aviation terms/tarihi havacılık terimleri code words and phrases used in radio transmissions/telsiz iletişiminde kullanılan ifade kod sözcükleri certain aviation industry related terms/havacılık endüstrisine ilişkin terimler aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics/uzay ve havacılıkla ilgili terimler aviation terms and abbreviations / havacılık terimleri ve kısaltmaları airport acronyms used in FAA documents/FAA belgelerinde kullanılan havalimanı kısaltmaları glossary of flying terms/uçuş terimleri glossary for pilots and air pilot ve hava ile ilgili terimler glossary for pilots and air traffic services personel/pilotlar ve hava trafik hizmetleri personel terimleri flightpath glossary of aviation terms/uçuş güzergahı/rotası havacılık terimleri descriptive aviation glossary/tanımlayıcı havacılık terimleri aviation insurance glossary/havacılık sigorta terminolojisi aviation communications glossary/havacılık haberleşme terimleri air traffic management terms/hava trafik yönetim terimleri aerospace terminology/uzay terminolojisi glossary of flying terms/genel uçuş terminolojisi Sözlüğün hazırlık aşamasında 200’e yakın kaynağa başvurulmuş havacılık alanının tüm yan, yakın ve alt birimlerinde yer alan terim, ifade, kısaltma ve deyimler titizlikle incelenmiş ve detaylı bir şeklide ele alınmıştır. Yaklaşık 10.000’e yakın ifade, terim, deyim ve kısaltma yer almakta olup, birçoğu açıklamalarla verilmiştir.

Time Out London Bars, Pubs, and Clubs

Book Description

With more than 900 reviews of the best bars, pubs, clubs, gastropubs, and wine bars, this is the essential guide to where to drink in London. This completely updated ninth edition, compiled by the publishers of London’s most extensive restaurant guides, contains a huge range of drinking spots, from high-fashion cocktail bars to the best local pubs. Divided by area, the book features detailed maps and indexes for easy use.


Book Description

Denizcilikte kullanılan binlerce deyimi kullanıldıkları yerlerin herbiri için senaryo oluşturarak yazılmış faydalı bir kitap. Ancak kitaptan yararlanabilmek için yapılan işleri bilecek kadar denizcilik tecrübesine sahip olmak ve eğitim almış olmak gerekmektedir. It is a useful book written by creating scenarios for each of the thousands of idioms used in maritime. However, in order to benefit from the book, it is necessary to have enough maritime experience to know the work done and to be educated.

Lloyd's Register of Shipping 1923 Steamers

Book Description

The Lloyd's Register of Shipping records the details of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification. Before the time, only those vessels classed by Lloyd's Register were listed. Vessels are listed alphabetically by their current name.

Scimitar's Edge

Book Description

A wealthy Christian widow, her assistant, and her nephew and his former college roommate become the target of a terrorist's kidnapping plot while on a tourist and archeological trip to Turkey.

Nesne 19

Book Description

Nesne Psikoloji Dergisi 19

Next Generation Firewall Berbasis Untangle

Book Description

Untangle adalah software/perangkat lunak Next Generation Firewall berbasis Debian Linux yang dikhususkan untuk menangani dan mengontrol lalu lintas jaringan. Tersedia dalam bentuk hardware dan software appliance, Untangle cukup handle dalam melakukan proteksi jaringan dan keamanan sistem dengan biaya lisensi relatif rendah.

Lloyd's Register of Shipping 1928 Steamers

Book Description

The Lloyd's Register of Shipping records the details of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification. Before the time, only those vessels classed by Lloyd's Register were listed. Vessels are listed alphabetically by their current name.