Genetically Engineered Crops

Book Description

Genetically engineered (GE) crops were first introduced commercially in the 1990s. After two decades of production, some groups and individuals remain critical of the technology based on their concerns about possible adverse effects on human health, the environment, and ethical considerations. At the same time, others are concerned that the technology is not reaching its potential to improve human health and the environment because of stringent regulations and reduced public funding to develop products offering more benefits to society. While the debate about these and other questions related to the genetic engineering techniques of the first 20 years goes on, emerging genetic-engineering technologies are adding new complexities to the conversation. Genetically Engineered Crops builds on previous related Academies reports published between 1987 and 2010 by undertaking a retrospective examination of the purported positive and adverse effects of GE crops and to anticipate what emerging genetic-engineering technologies hold for the future. This report indicates where there are uncertainties about the economic, agronomic, health, safety, or other impacts of GE crops and food, and makes recommendations to fill gaps in safety assessments, increase regulatory clarity, and improve innovations in and access to GE technology.

Transgenic Crops of the World

Book Description

Since the first transgenic plants were produced back in the early 1980s, there have been substantial developments towards the genetic engineering of most crops of our world. Initial studies using isolated plant cells and removing their cell walls to form protoplasts, offered the possibility of transferring genetic material by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, chemical agents or electrical charges. However, in those cases were isolated protoplasts could be transformed, often, a shoot regeneration system was not available to induce the production of transgenic plants and any such regenerated plants were subject to mutation or chromosomal of cultured plant organs, such as leaf abnormalities. By the mid-1980s, the use disks, offered the convenience of combining gene transfer, plant regeneration and selection of transformants in a single system. This approach, enabled the production of stable, phenotypically-normal, transgenic potato and tomato plants in culture. By the late 1980s, the use of biolistics offered a means of inserting foreign genes into plant cells which where inaccessible to Agrobacterium infection. Even today, this technology is now standard practice for the production of some transgenic plants.

Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants

Book Description

Transgenic crops offer the promise of increased agricultural productivity and better quality foods. But they also raise the specter of harmful environmental effects. In this new book, a panel of experts examines: • Similarities and differences between crops developed by conventional and transgenic methods • Potential for commercialized transgenic crops to change both agricultural and nonagricultural landscapes • How well the U.S. government is regulating transgenic crops to avoid any negative effects. Environmental Effects of Transgenic Plants provides a wealth of information about transgenic processes, previous experience with the introduction of novel crops, principles of risk assessment and management, the science behind current regulatory schemes, issues in monitoring transgenic products already on the market, and more. The book discusses public involvementâ€"and public confidenceâ€"in biotechnology regulation. And it looks to the future, exploring the potential of genetic engineering and the prospects for environmental effects.

Transgenic Plants in Agriculture

Book Description

Axel Kahn's book, published late in 1996, which provided an overview of the opinions expressed by the Commission of Biomolecular Engineering about genetically modified plants, was a great success. Given the scale and importance of the phenomenon, the French Ministry of Agriculture and publishers John Libbey Eurotext have decided to publish an English-language version of this fundamental book about the introduction and development of genetically modified plants. For some years now, plant biotechnology, especially genetic engineering, has enabled us to modify the cycle of plant production, strengthening resistance to weedkillers and pests, improving yields and quality, adapting plants to unfavourable environments and creating new species. In France, the Biomolecular Engineering Commission (CGB) is responsible for authorising the marketing of these modified products. Over the past ten years it has certified 450 new products for public consumption. This book, which is suitable for the general public, reports on the experience acquired by the CGB and the studies it has conducted: What are the potential risks associated with so-called transgenetic plants? Are there any undetectable phenomena involved? - How can such plants be produced more safely? Axel Kahn is a world-renowned geneticist and clinician, chaired the Biomolecular Engineering Commission until 1998. Here he explains the "philosophy" of the CGB, which has gained unrivalled experience in Europe, and sets out ethical and scientific guidelines for the use of genetic engineering techniques.

Genetically Modified Crops in Agriculture

Book Description

Genetically modified crops are plants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic engineering methods. In most cases, the aim is to introduce a new trait to the plant which does not occur naturally in the species. Examples in food crops include resistance to certain pests, diseases, or environmental conditions, reduction of spoilage, or resistance to chemical treatments, or improving the nutrient profile of the crop. Recently rapid advances in the development and commercialization of transgenic crops across the world have been witnessed both in terms increased crop coverage and economic benefits. Genetically modified foods are foods derived from genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. The main aim of genetically modified crops is to produce a food that is able to survive even if any harmful chemicals or pesticides or herbicides are sprayed. Other benefit of genetically modified crops is to make food stay fresh for a long time. Some of genetically modified crops and food are corn, tomato, beets, potatoes, sprouts and alfalfa. It involves the insertion or deletion of genes. Examples in non-food crops include production of pharmaceutical agents, biofuels, and other industrially useful goods, as well as for bioremediation. This book covers those facets, from the source of the gene, compositions of a gene construct, method of gene delivery, and result of gene integration and expression, to effects of the transgene on plants and the ecology.

Genetic Engineering in Agriculture

Book Description

As debate rages over the costs and benefits of genetically engineered crops, noted agroecologist Miguel Altieri lucidly examines some of the issue's most basic and pressing questions: Are transgenic crops similar to conventionally bred crops? Are transgenic crops safe to eat? Does biotechnology increase yields? Does it reduce pesticide use? What are the costs to American farmers? Will biotechnology benefit poor farmers? Can biotechnology coexist with other forms of agriculture? What are the known and potential environmental and biological risks? What alternatives do we have to genetically modified crops?

Against the Grain

Book Description

The world's food production is undergoing a rapid and revolutionary transformation, but little is known about it and less is being done to question the wisdom of it. Within a very few years, much of what we eat will have been genetically engineered, without proper consideration of the issues of public health, consumer choice and ecological stability. Against the Grain argues that the consequences of this huge experiment could be catastrophic, and at the very least have been underestimated or ignored by the industries exploiting the new technologies. The authors have unearthed government and industry documents which show these new methods to be far from fail-safe or risk free. Comprehensively supported with facts and references, the book provides a full account of the science and technologies involved in producing 'transgenic plants'. It also explains the scale and speed of what is going on, and argues for full public accountability and control of new developments - before it is too late.

Transgenic Horticultural Crops

Book Description

As the world debates the risks and benefits of plant biotechnology, the proportion of the global area of transgenic field crops has increased every year, and the safety and value continues to be demonstrated. Yet, despite the success of transgenic field crops, the commercialization of transgenic horticultural crops (vegetables, fruits, nuts, and or