Transitar la formación pedagógica

Book Description

A partir del análisis de fragmentos de especialistas en el campo y soluciones directas a problemas concretos, las autoras describen una concepción responsable y reflexiva de la labor de la enseñanza. Editada por primera vez en 2009, Tilde publica la primera edición digital de Transitar la formación pedagógica, un texto que brinda nociones teóricas y herramientas prácticas que llenan de sentido la formación docente. Se trata de una obra ligada al trabajo sostenido de las autoras en la formación de formadores desde la perspectiva de prácticas reflexivas y en el campo de la didáctica, en los enfoques de enseñanza centrados en la comprensión profunda y en el reconocimiento de las aulas conformadas por diversidad de estudiantes. Esta reedición revisada incorpora un nuevo prólogo de las autoras.

All about teaching english

Book Description

Esta obra colectiva está elaborada por profesores de Didáctica del Inglés de varias universidades españolas. Este manual compendia los principales aspectos relacionados con la Didáctica de la Lengua Inglesa en Primaria y Secundaria, por lo que resulta muy práctico para utilizar en la diplomatura de Magisterio (Especialidad Lengua Extranjera), así como los cursos de capacitación pedagógica y especialización didáctica para profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria.

Museum education / Médiation culturelle - éducation muséale / Educación museal - mediación cultural

Book Description

ICOM Education is the annual journal issued by CECA, the international Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) network. The journal publishes papers written by museum professionals as well as academic researchers around the world in order to foster the reflection on the themes which are the committee's raison d'être: museum education, cultural action and audience research. This issue is dedicated to museum education, looking into the different meanings and understandings of the words as well as the various implementations in the museums all over the world.

Evaluación Educativa en la Formación de Profesores: Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay

Book Description

El libro Evaluación educativa: diálogos con formación inicial de profesores – Brasil, Colombia, Chile, España, Inglaterra, México, Nueva Zelanda y Uruguay da una nueva mirada a un tema complejo que rara vez se aborda en la producción académica mundial, a saber, la forma en que la evaluación educativa se ha enseñado, apropiado y practicado en los cursos de formación docente de diferentes universidades y países. El libro propone explorar el tema a partir de diversas referencias teórico-metodológicas y objetos de análisis, tales como: producción académica en revistas; la enseñanza de evaluación en los planes de asignaturas; y experiencias evaluativas vividas en la formación inicial y proyección para el desempeño profesional. Por su carácter integral combinado con un esmerado trabajo de organización y análisis, esta lectura se convierte en una excelente fuente de investigación para todos aquellos interesados en el área de Educación, especialmente aquellos que pasan por la evaluación educativa, la formación docente y el currículo. Además, la lectura de este libro puede orientar y calificar las prácticas educativas en el ámbito de la formación inicial y continua del profesorado, especialmente ayudando a comprender la evaluación educativa y cómo se puede enseñar en los cursos de formación del profesorado.

Teachers as Learners

Book Description

In Teachers as Learners, a collection of landmark essays, noted teacher educator and scholar Sharon Feiman-Nemser shines a light on teacher learning. Arguing that serious and sustained teacher learning is a necessary condition for ambitious student learning, she examines closely how teachers acquire, generate, and use knowledge about teaching over the trajectory of their careers. Together, these essays bear witness to the evolution and development of a body of scholarship about teacher learning in which the author herself played a catalyzing role.

Situated Language and Learning

Book Description

Why do poor and minority students under-perform in school? Do computer games help or hinder learning? What can new research in psychology teach our educational policy-makers? In this major new book, Gee tackles the 'big ideas' about language, literacy and learning, putting forward an integrated theory that crosses disciplinary boundaries, and applying it to some of the very real problems that face educationalists today. Situated Language and Learning looks at the specialist academic varieties of language that are used in disciplines such as mathematics and the sciences. It argues that the language acquisition process needed to learn these forms of language is not given enough attention by schools, and that this places unfair demands on poor and minority students. The book compares this with learning as a process outside the classroom, applying this idea to computer and video games, and exploring the particular processes of learning which take place as a child interacts with others and technology to learn and play. In doing so, Gee examines what video games can teach us about how to improve learning in schools and engages with current debates on subjects such as 'communities of practice' and 'digital literacies'. Bringing together the latest research from a number of disciplines, Situated Language and Learning is a bold and controversial book by a leading figure in the field, and is essential reading for anyone interested in education and language.

Procesos creativos en investigación cualitativa II

Book Description

La investigación es preguntar y saber lo que pregunto... no es esperar respuestas, sino adquirir conocimiento. Este libro surge de la necesidad de presentar a docentes y estudiantes de Maestrías y Doctorados, ejemplos de lineamientos básicos investigativos de enfoque cualitativo. Considerando que la investigación es creación, propuesta, desafío, nunca la verdad, se muestran cuatro tesis doctorales realizadas en los últimos años en tres países y contextos académicos distintos. Hay elementos que se repiten en cada tesis -son los fundamentos de la investigación cualitativa que, de una u otra manera, deben estar presentes en todo el enfoque. Y, al mismo tiempo, hay diferencias en la manera como cada autor abordó su proyecto. Ahí está la riqueza de este trabajo.

Designs for Learning

Book Description

"Paul Bredeson′s application of architecture′s principles of function, structure, and beauty to professional development policies and processes offers a unique and highly stimulating perspective sure to alter the thinking and work of researchers and practitioners alike. Creating artful designs for learning with structural integrity that appropriately meet the needs of educators and the students they teach should be the concern of professional developers at all levels." Thomas R. Guskey, Professor University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Experience a new paradigm for improving professional practice and career long growth! Redesign your professional development model to better reflect the relevant issues and realities of today′s schools. Designs for Learning will help you guide your staff through the increasing pressures and demands they face daily. By following the steps in this book, your staff will experience enriched learning opportunities that support improved practice. Using the metaphor of architecture, this landmark book outlines innovative ways to create and implement such a transformation, and highlights the rationale behind why these changes are so crucial. This insightful guide also offers straightforward explanations of the past, present, and future of professional development programs. Some of the visionary highlights are: A discussion of the six design themes and three essential components for effective professional development Explanations of the design features that foster successful learning environments An in-depth exploration into the five central elements that maximize professional development and shape its new paradigm Practical tools and strategies for planning, implementing, and evaluating professional learning in and beyond school Designs for aligning professional development, school improvement, and student learning

Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics-Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education

Book Description

Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics-Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education results from the Joint ICMI/IASE Study Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics: Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education. Oriented to analyse the teaching of statistics in school and to recommend improvements in the training of mathematics teachers to encourage success in preparing statistically literate students, the volume provides a picture of the current situation in both the teaching of school statistics and the pre-service education of mathematics teachers. A primary goal of Teaching Statistics in School Mathematics-Challenges for Teaching and Teacher Education is to describe the essential elements of statistics, teacher’s professional knowledge and their learning experiences. Moreover, a research agenda that invites new research, while building from current knowledge, is developed. Recommendations about strategies and materials, available to train prospective teachers in university and in-service teachers who have not been adequately prepared, are also accessible to the reader.