Transporting Epithelia

Book Description

Transporting Epithelia summarizes the progress that has been made in understanding a wide range of epithelial transport systems. This book discusses the epithelia involved in osmotic and ionic regulation from protonephridia to the mammalian kidney. It also explains the digestive and absorptive epithelia, as well as the epithelia that produce special secretions, such as milk, endolymph, aqueous humor, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, and tears. Furthermore, this book describes the role of the epithelium in the physiology of the animal and the structure of the epithelium. Then, the structure of the epithelium is correlated with its physiological properties. This book will be valuable both for teaching and as a reference for research workers interested in comparative aspects of transport phenomena.

Epithelial Transport

Book Description

Building from general principles, the authors clearly explain the fundamental role of epithelia in plasma electrolyte and water balance. Emphasis is placed on experimental approaches and methodology. A comprehensive glossary of terms is included.

Basic Epithelial Ion Transport Principles and Function

Book Description

This book discusses unique ion channels and transporters that are located within epithelial tissues of various organs including the kidney, intestine, pancreas and respiratory tract. As the authors show, these channels and transporters play crucial roles in transepithelial ion and fluid transport across epithelia and their contribution to maintaining homeostasis. Readers will be introduced to the fundamentals of ion transport in terms of function, modelling, regulation, structure and pharmacology. This is the first of three volumes highlighting the importance of epithelial ion channels and transporters in basic physiology and pathophysiology of human diseases. This volume focuses on basic fundamentals of epithelial transport physiology. There is a range of chapters dedicated to specific aspects of epithelial ion transport and cell function. Accordingly, the authors discuss techniques used to determine epithelial function, principles of epithelia transport, polarization of epithelial cells, mathematical modelling of epithelial ion transport, protein folding of ion channels, degradation epithelial ion channels, fundamentals of epithelial sodium, potassium and chloride transport, fundamentals of bicarbonate secretion, volume regulation, and microRNA regulation of epithelial channels and transporters. Given its scope, Volume 1 offers a valuable resource for physiology students, scientists and clinicians alike.

NaCl Transport in Epithelia

Book Description

After the pioneering studies by Ussing and co-workers, studies of epithelial Nael transport have come a long way. The first phase of the phenomenological description of the cell as a black box has been follow ed by studies of cellular mechanisms, the interplay of the different trans port components, and the mechanisms of regulation. A broad spectrum of methods has been applied to many epithelia in a variety of species. For the individual epithelia transport schemes have been proposed, and, at this point I think it is appropriate to take a pause and search for elements common to several epithelia. This aspect triggered the publica tion of this book, and in fact the various chapters emphasize that the funetional eomponents, expressed in the various epithelia, are not in finite in number, but they occur in epithelia which are separated in evolu tion by several hundred million years. The authors come both from the field of veterinary and human physiology as weIl as from biology. In my opinion, the close contacts and eollaborations between physiologists and biologists have been essential for the progress in this field. I wish to thank all authors for their con tributions, and I hope that the reader will appreciate this collection of up to date reviews on epithelia in nonvertebrates and vertebrates.

Epithelial Transport Physiology

Book Description

Biological cell membranes regulate the transfer of matter and information between the intracellular and extracellular compartments as basic survival and maintenance functions for an organism. This volume contains a series of reviews that are c- cerned with how epithelial plasma membranes regulate the transport of solutes between the intracellular and extracellular compartments of a cell. This book is also an attempt to analyze the molecular basis for the movement of various solutes across an epithelial cell membrane. This volume is devoted to a diversity of epithelial transport mechanisms in rep- sentative cell membranes of a variety of living things. The ?rst section of the book (Chapters 1–6) focuses on mechanisms of solute transport in epithelia of inver- brates. The last section which comprises ten chapters (Chapters 7–16) deals with solute transporters in epithelial cell membranes of vertebrates. It is hoped that with this particular ordering the reader can glean a telescopic view of the evolutionary history of the various epithelial solute transporters.

Studies of Epithelial Transporters and Ion Channels

Book Description

This book discusses unique ion channels and transporters that are located within epithelial tissues of various organs including the kidney, intestine, pancreas and respiratory tract. The authors will show, that each of these channels and transporters play crucial roles in transepithelial ion and fluid transport across epithelia and their responsibility in maintaining homeostasis. The reader gains an understanding of the fundamentals of epithelial ion transport, in terms of function, modelling, regulation, trafficking, structure and pharmacology. This is the third of three volumes highlighting the importance of epithelial ion channels and transporters in basic physiology and pathophysiology of human diseases. The focus of this volume lies with different ion channel and transporter families. Additionally, this volume benefits from pharmaceutical contributors and their insights into recent pre-clinical drug discovery efforts and results from clinical trials. Overall, these chapters offer a more thorough coverage of individual epithelial ion channels and transporters from the 1st Edition, along with eleven new chapters. That makes Volume 3 an insightful contribution for physiology students, scientists and clinicians.

Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease

Book Description

This book sheds new light on the physiology, molecular biology and pathophysiology of epithelial ion channels and transporters. It combines the basic cellular models and functions by means of a compelling clinical perspective, addressing aspects from the laboratory bench to the bedside. The individual chapters, written by leading scientists and clinicians, explore specific ion channels and transporters located in the epithelial tissues of the kidney, intestine, pancreas and respiratory tract, all of which play a crucial part in maintaining homeostasis. Further topics include the fundamentals of epithelial transport; mathematical modeling of ion transport; cell volume regulation; membrane protein folding and trafficking; transepithelial transport functions; and lastly, a discussion of transport proteins as potential pharmacological targets with a focus on the pharmacology of potassium channels.

NaCl Transport in Epithelia

Book Description

After the pioneering studies by Ussing and co-workers, studies of epithelial Nael transport have come a long way. The first phase of the phenomenological description of the cell as a black box has been follow ed by studies of cellular mechanisms, the interplay of the different trans port components, and the mechanisms of regulation. A broad spectrum of methods has been applied to many epithelia in a variety of species. For the individual epithelia transport schemes have been proposed, and, at this point I think it is appropriate to take a pause and search for elements common to several epithelia. This aspect triggered the publica tion of this book, and in fact the various chapters emphasize that the funetional eomponents, expressed in the various epithelia, are not in finite in number, but they occur in epithelia which are separated in evolu tion by several hundred million years. The authors come both from the field of veterinary and human physiology as weIl as from biology. In my opinion, the close contacts and eollaborations between physiologists and biologists have been essential for the progress in this field. I wish to thank all authors for their con tributions, and I hope that the reader will appreciate this collection of up to date reviews on epithelia in nonvertebrates and vertebrates.


Book Description

Epithelial cells probably constitute the most diverse group of cells found in the body. In addition to serving as interfaces between external and internal environments, their functions include ion and fluid secretion and reabsorp tion, protein exocytosis, hormone secretion, recognition, surface protection and the control of ciliary movement. By their very exposure on the surfaces of the body, epithelial cells are subjected to wide-ranging assault, by micro organisms and by chemical and physical forces. They are the targets for abrasion, infection and malignant transformation. Some epithelial cells show altered behaviour in inherited syndromes, such as cystic fibrosis, characterized by serious pancreatic and pulmonary disease. In view of the importance of epithelia and the fact that their function can be altered by environmental and inherited factors, they are the subject of intensive research, particularly so in the case of cancer where most tumours are of epithelial origin. The use of animal tissues in epithelial research continues to provide important advances and this, coupled with the need to focus more on human tissues, has prompted a greater research emphasis on accessible human epithelia and on the establishment of cell cultures from animal and human sources. For primary cell cultures and cell lines to be of value, they need to express properties appropriate to their progenitors and relevant to the study in progress.