Transzendentale Logik

Book Description

Aus dem Inhalt: Die transzendentallogische Funktion des Ich (Klaus Hammacher). - Du formel au transcendental: remarques sur l'itineraire de Husserl et de Fichte (Therese Pentzopoulou-Valalas). - Fichte und das Problem des intelligiblen Fatalismus (Georg Wallwitz). - Die Philosophie in Freiheit setzen: Freiheitsbegriff und Freiheit des Begriffs bei Schelling (Felix Duque).

Hume and Husserl

Book Description

To become fully aware of the original and radical character of his transcendental phenomenology Edmund Husserl must be located within the historical tradition of Western philosophy. Although he was not a historian of philosophy, Husserl's his torical reflections convinced him that phenomenology is the necessary culmination of a centuries-old endeavor and the solution to the contemporary crisis in European science and European humanity itself.l This teleological viewpoint re quires the commentator to consider the tradition of Western philosophy from Husserl's own perspective. Husserl maintained that the Cartesian tum to the "Cogito" represents the crucial breakthrough in the historical advance of Western thought toward philosophy as rigorous science. Hence 2 he concentrated almost exclusively on the modem era. Much has been written of Husserl's relationship to Descartes, Kant, and the neo-Kantians. His connections with Locke, Berkeley, and Hume have not been examined as closely despite his fre quent allusions to these British empiricists. Among these thinkers David Hume gained from Husserl the more extensive considera tion. Commentators have pointed out correctly that Husserl always criticized unsparingly Hume's sheer empiricistic approach to the problem of cognition. Such an approach, in Husserl's view, can only result in the "naturalization of consciousness" from which stem that "psychologism" and "sensualism" which lead Hume inevitably into the contradictory impasse of solipsism 3 and skepticism.

The Possibility of Transcendental Philosophy

Book Description

These essays span a period of fourteen years. The earliest was written in 1960, the latest in 1983. They all represent various attempts to understand the motives and the central concepts of Husserl's transcen dental phenomenology, and to locate the latter in the background of other varieties of transcendental philosophy. Implicitly, they also con tain a defense of transcendental philosophy, and make attempts to respond to the more familiar criticisms against it. It is hoped that they will contribute to a better understanding not only of Husserl's transcen dental phenomenology but also of transcendental philosophy in gener al. The ordering of the essays is not chronological. They are rather divided thematically into three groups. The first group of six essays is concerned with relating Husserlian phenomenology to more contem porary analytic concerns: in fact, the opening essay on Husserl and Frege establishes a certain continuity of concern with my last published book with that title. Of these, Essay 2 was written for an American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division symposium in which the other symposiast was John Searle. The discussion in that symposium concentrated chiefly on the relation between intentionality and causali ty - which led me to write Essay 6, later read as the Gurwitsch Memo rial Lecture at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philos ophy meetings in 1982 at Penn State.

Kant und das Problem der Analogie

Book Description

TOPOLOGIE DES LOGOS UND KANT-INTERPRETATION {sect} I. Topologie des Logos Die Geschichte der Philosophie ist die Geschichte der Entwicklung des Logos. Jedes System der Philosophie hat seinen Logos. Jedes System der Philosophie, welches seinen Logos hat, ist yom Standpunkte der Entwicklung der Philosophie als Ganzem gesehen eine notwendige Entwicklung des Logos. Die Geschichte der Philosophie ist, wie Hegel sagte, eine Entwicklung des absoluten Geistes. Aber diese Entwicklung des Logos solI man nicht als dialektische Entwicklung, wie Hegel sie sah, bezeichnen. Vielmehr befindet sich das System der Hegelschen Philosophie seiber an einer besonderen Stelle der Entwicklung des Logos. Die Entwicklung des Logos ist nicht immer dialektisch-formelle Entwicklung und wird nicht in Dialektik bis zum AuBersten getrieben. Wir mussen uns davor huten, die Entwicklung des Logos formell dialek tisch zu sehen. Vielmehr mussen wir die Entwicklung des Logos - in der Phase der notwendigen Entwicklung, in der er sich befinde- positiv betrachten. Dialektische Konstruktion der Geschichte der Philosophie auf Kosten der Tatsachen, wie Hegel sie trieb, ist dogma tisch-idealitisches Verhalten, und unser Verhalten soIl nicht solches sein. Betrachten wir positiv die Entwicklung des Logos in der Geschich te der Philosophie, so entsteht nicht dialektische Geschichtsauffassung, sondern Topologie der Entwicklung des Logos: kurz, die Topologie des Logo~. Nach der Topologie des Logos wird jedem System der Philoso phie sein Topos in der Entwicklung des Logos als Ganzem gegeben.

Felt Meanings of the World

Book Description

In a critical dialogue with the metaphysical tradition from Plato to Hegel to contemporary schools of thought, the author convincingly argues that traditional rationalist metaphysics has failed to accomplish its goal of demonstrating the existence of a divine cause and moral purpose of the world. To replace the defective rationalist metaphysics, the author builds a new metaphysics on the idea that moods and affects make manifest the world's felt meanings; he argues that each feature of the world is a felt meaning in the sense that each feature is a source of a feeling-response, if and when it appears. The author asserts that we must synthesize our two ways of knowing - poetic evocations and exact analyses - in order to decide which mood or affect is the appropriate appreciation of any given feature of the world. Smith gives evocative and exact explications of such features as the world's temporality, appearance, and mind-independency, as these features appear in the appropriate recitations.

Heidegger and Language

Book Description

The essays collected in this volume take a new look at the role of language in the thought of Martin Heidegger to reassess its significance for contemporary philosophy. They consider such topics as Heidegger's engagement with the Greeks, expression in language, poetry, the language of art and politics, and the question of truth. Heidegger left his unique stamp on language, giving it its own force and shape, especially with reference to concepts such as Dasein, understanding, and attunement, which have a distinctive place in his philosophy.

Mit Fichte philosophieren

Book Description

Dieser Band ist dem Andenken des 200. Todesjahres Fichtes gewidmet, mit der Absicht, seine letzten Schriften und die Aktualität seiner Philosophie zu würdigen. Nach dem Abschluss der Fichte-Gesamtausgabe im Jahre 2012 stehen alle Materialien zur Verfügung, die der Fichte-Forschung ermöglichen, eine schlüssige Interpretation der letzten Gedanken Fichtes zu liefern. Dementsprechend ist der Band in vier Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit der theoretischen und systematischen Darlegung seines Denkens in den letzten Berliner Jahren; der zweite Teil thematisiert den Freiheitsgedanken als grundlegende Annahme seines Systems und unternimmt unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Reaktionen auch den Versuch, diesen zu kontextualisieren. Der dritte Teil ist der politischen Seite seiner Theorie gewidmet, die Fichte gerade in den Berliner Jahren weiter ausarbeitete. Diesen klassischen Themen der Fichte-Forschung folgen im vierten Teil Beiträge, die Fichtes philosophische Ansätze in den Dialog mit gegenwärtigen Autoren und Fragen der Philosophie bringen. Beitragende sind Frederick Beiser, Daniel Breazeale, Matteo Vincenzo d’Alfonso, Mário Jorge De Carvalho, Carla De Pascale, Erich Fuchs, Andres Höntsch, Marco Ivaldo, Christian Klotz, Douglas Moggach, Peter L. Oesterreich, Ives Radrizzani, Klaus Ries, Jacinto Rivera de Rosales Chacón, Friedrike Schick, Andreas Schmidt, Hartmut Traub, Klaus Vieweg, Hans Georg von Manz und Günter Zöller.

Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics

Book Description

Essays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics sets out to fill up a lacuna in the present research on Husserl by presenting a precise account of Husserl’s work in the field of logic, of the philosophy of logic and of the philosophy of mathematics. The aim is to provide an in-depth reconstruction and analysis of the discussion between Husserl and his most important interlocutors, and to clarify pivotal ideas of Husserl’s by considering their reception and elaboration by some of his disciples and followers, such as Oskar Becker and Jacob Klein, as well as their influence on some of the most significant logicians and mathematicians of the past century, such as Luitzen E. J. Brouwer, Rudolf Carnap, Kurt Gödel and Hermann Weyl. Most of the papers consider Husserl and another scholar – e.g. Leibniz, Kant, Bolzano, Brentano, Cantor, Frege – and trace out and contextualize lines of influence, points of contact, and points of disagreement. Each essay is written by an expert of the field, and the volume includes contributions both from the analytical tradition and from the phenomenological one.


Book Description

Edmund Husserl, generally regarded as the founding figure of phenomenology, exerted an enormous influence on the course of twentieth and twenty-first century philosophy. This volume collects and translates essays written by important German-speaking commentators on Husserl, ranging from his contemporaries to scholars of today, to make available in English some of the best commentary on Husserl and the phenomenological project. The essays focus on three problematics within phenomenology: the nature and method of phenomenology; intentionality, with its attendant issues of temporality and subjectivity; and intersubjectivity and culture. Several essays also deal with Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology, although in a manner that reveals not only Heidegger’s differences with Husserl but also his reliance on and indebtedness to Husserl’s phenomenology. Taken together, the book shows the continuing influence of Husserl’s thought, demonstrating how such subsequent developments as existentialism, hermeneutics, and deconstruction were defined in part by how they assimilated and departed from Husserlian insights. The course of what has come to be called continental philosophy cannot be described without reference to this assimilation and departure, and among the many successor approaches phenomenology remains a viable avenue for contemporary thought. In addition, problems addressed by Husserl—most notably, intentionality, consciousness, the emotions, and ethics—are of central concern in contemporary non-phenomenological philosophy, and many contemporary thinkers have turned to Husserl for guidance. The essays demonstrate how significant Husserl remains to contemporary philosophy across several traditions and several generations. Includes essays by Rudolf Bernet, Klaus Held, Ludwig Landgrebe, Dieter Lohmar, Verena Mayer and Christopher Erhard, Ullrich Melle, Karl Mertens, Ernst Wolfgang Orth, Jan Patočka, Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl, Karl Schuhmann, and Elisabeth Ströker.