Proceedings of SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2016

Book Description

These proceedings of the SAI Intelligent Systems Conference 2016 (IntelliSys 2016) offer a remarkable collection of chapters on a wide range of topics in intelligent systems, artificial intelligence and their applications to the real world. Authors hailing from 56 countries on 5 continents submitted 404 papers to the conference, attesting to the global importance of the conference’s themes. After being reviewed, 222 papers were accepted for presentation, and 168 were ultimately selected for these proceedings. Each has been reviewed on the basis of its originality, novelty and rigorousness. The papers not only present state-of-the-art methods and valuable experience from researchers in the related research areas; they also outline the field’s future development.

Complexity Applications in Language and Communication Sciences

Book Description

This book offers insights on the study of natural language as a complex adaptive system. It discusses a new way to tackle the problem of language modeling, and provides clues on how the close relation between natural language and some biological structures can be very fruitful for science. The book examines the theoretical framework and then applies its main principles to various areas of linguistics. It discusses applications in language contact, language change, diachronic linguistics, and the potential enhancement of classical approaches to historical linguistics by means of new methodologies used in physics, biology, and agent systems theory. It shows how studying language evolution and change using computational simulations enables to integrate social structures in the evolution of language, and how this can give rise to a new way to approach sociolinguistics. Finally, it explores applications for discourse analysis, semantics and cognition.


Book Description

La Lógica de la Mentira

Book Description

La Lógica de la Mentira, es un reflejo del espejismo claro oscuro de la ética de la verdad, que tiene su desenlace en un silogismo falso que parte de premisas incompletas que justifican una idea errada; o, una decisión de trascendencia general que tiene una implicación futura, fatalista y determinista en perjuicio de las generaciones por nacer. La Lógica de la Mentira, es una obra que trata sobre los mecanismos de defensa que las personas, son propensa usar en situaciones que requieren una salida rápida sin evaluar las causas y consecuencias de la decisión asumida, que pudiera en lo inmediato o a largo plazo, perjudicar a terceros; y estos, a su vez, puedan perjudicar a otras personas, configurándose una cadena entrelazada de actuaciones, que tiene en principio su origen, en una mentira aparentemente lógica. Por ejemplo, es frecuente ver, como las decisiones de los Estados Naciones, Políticos, Jueces, Fiscales, y el Ciudadano común, están básicamente arraigadas en prejuicios.