A Treatise on White Magic

Book Description

This book contains the Fifteen Rules for Magic (for soul control), the soul, the White Magician, becoming manifest through its own inherent magical powers. The human being is essentially and inherently divine. The soul is the means whereby humanity evolves a consciousness of divinity, redeems gross matter and liberates the pure flame of spirit from the limitation of form.

A Treatise on White Magic

Book Description

This book contains the Fifteen Rules for Magic (for soul control), the soul, the White Magician, becoming manifest through its own inherent magical powers. The human being is essentially and inherently divine. The soul is the means whereby humanity evolves a consciousness of divinity, redeems gross matter and liberates the pure flame of spirit from the limitation of form.

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Book Description

This volume deals with the underlying structure of occult teaching for the present era and with those vast cosmic processes reproduced through all areas of life from universe to atom. A large section of the book gives a detailed exposition of Solar Fire, the Fire of Mind, since this is the dominant energy to be understood and controlled during this second solar system. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire provides a compact outline of a scheme of cosmology, philosophy and psychology, and serves as a basic reference and text book.

Letters on Occult Meditation

Book Description

The word occultism is used in the Alice Bailey books with one specific meaning: The study of that which is hidden. In occult meditation we learn to penetrate into hitherto veiled dimensions of consciousness, discovering the threefold function of the mind and the qualities of the true inner self, the soul. This type of meditation is particularly concerned with energy flow - energy which is impersonal and fiery in nature. Its potential dangers should therefore be understood and avoided, and practices adopted which are safe and trustworthy. This book sets out the basic principles of occult meditation, showing its overall objective to be planetary service.

Esoteric Healing

Book Description

Healing is an exact and an exacting science. Esoteric healing is equally scientific, based on a number of requirements, including knowledge of the constitution of man as a spiritual being and of the biology and anatomy of his physical form. In this book, the seven ray techniques of healing are described; the laws and rules of healing are discussed; basic causes of disease are shown; and requirements for healing are given in detail.

A Treatise on White Magic

Book Description

A Treatise on White Magic is a book by Alice Bailey. It is considered to be among the most important by students of her writings, as it is less abstract than most, and deals with many important subjects of her works in an introductory, even programmatic fashion. Bailey promulgated White Magic as a discipline to serve humanity. It is an esoteric text, which Bailey said was dictated telepathically by the Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul. It is offered as a "basic textbook" for the Western aspirant to initiation, and is divided into fifteen rules of magic, each one taking the reader further into the mysteries of spirituality. Topics discussed include: how an aspirant can best prepare himself for service, the various ray types of their influences, the relationship between the macrocosm and microcosm, the spiritual, causal, astral and physical realms and their interactions, the spiritual psychology of man, The Hierarchy of Masters, esoteric groups and schools, the spiritual centers (or chakras), the occult concept of the Seven Rays, meditation work and much more. One of the main themes is that of soul control.

Telepathy and Etheric Vehicle

Book Description

The scientific basis for the widely accepted ideal of the brotherhood of man rests on the fact of the interwoven etheric (or energy) structure underlying all forms in all kingdoms within the planet. It is this essential oneness which provides the conditions for intercommunication on all levels of consciousness, and which creates the possibility of simultaneous impression in many by a stream of Plan - inspired energy.

The Magical Treatise of Solomon, Or Hygromanteia

Book Description

The Magical Treatise of Solomon, or Hygromanteia is the ultimate grimoire--the absolute foundation of ceremonial magic. The true source of the Key of Solomon, it is arguably the most significant magical text in the world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary work has been translated from the original Greek into English, allowing magic scholars worldwide to finally access its treasures. The translator, Ioannis Marathakis, is a native born Greek academic with an extensive knowledge of ceremonial magic. Unlike the abridged Latin translation, this groundbreaking work is the complete text, now arranged in its proper order.

Les Treatise De Magica Noir

Book Description

'Les Treatise De Magica Noir' - Translated from French to literally mean, 'The Book of Black Magic, is a work that lives up to its name. The book stays within the framework of the arcane arts and nothing else. It contains unique spells, that are revolutionary in their time. Foreward by Kenneth Anger.