Transportation Networks

Book Description

Originally published in 1986 and a major contribution towards improving operations within transportation systems, this book provides detailed coverage of the theory of transportation networks as a general traffic and transportation discipline. It examines some of the daily difficulties encountered by traffic and transportation experts, uncovering the intricacies of vehicle routing and scheduling, crew planning and facilities placement. This problem-solving approach uses multiple numerical examples and simple mathematical methods to enable newcomers to apply the book’s solutions to the situations they encounter on the job.

Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling

Book Description

This volume consists of papers presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Computer Aided Scheduling of Public Transport, which was held in Montreal from August 19th to the 23rd, 1990. Since the first Workshop in Chicago in 1975 the field had matured considerably. In 1975, there were no presentations that described systems which had been implemented and used on a regular basis. By 1980, in Leeds, and certainly by 1983, in Montreal, several systems were in regular use. They were based on both heuristics and mathematical programming techniques. In 1990, there were more than one hundred transit companies using computer-aided scheduling tools in their regular operations. The scope of the Workshop was broadened in 1987, in Hamburg, so that topics related to scheduling may be introduced. We find, for example, in this book several papers on the technology related to the collection of data and/or the data bases required for scheduling and planning activities.

Transportation Planning on Trial

Book Description

After a decade-long shift in emphasis in regional transportation planning, steadily impacted by politics and planning commissions, environmental impact studies, and national, state and local legislation, the authors interpret and explain the meaning of the transportation planning process in the United States today. The book focuses on the interrelations between federal legislation, the judicial process and transportation planning, particularly in light of two important landmark federal acts - The Clean Air Act of 1990 and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991. The repercussions of these Acts have caused planners throughout the US to be much more circumspect about commitments they include in transportation plans and tr