Tut's Queen

Book Description

The beautiful Queen Ankh schemes for the crown of the frail Tut. Desperate for a viable son, she toys with the infatuated Carver, an inventive apprentice who spins dreams of becoming great beyond words. Intoxicated, he spies on the royal couple, and becomes embroiled in the intrigues of the court. Ankh learns the chariot-driving technique of warrior pharaohs to prove her legitimacy, but she also drugs and even kills people to suit her aims. Carver plays a crucial role when Tut dies in a reckless attempt to bolster his image. The widowed Ankh sees her dreams crash, but Carver finds fresh beauty under her tears. The story is founded in history, includes important but little known characters, and offers notions of ancient erotica. The narrative has subtle humor and much fantasy such as the pretend-precursor to a passage in the Iliad, or Carver breaking into Tut's tomb to suffer the Pharaoh's revenge.

The Last Heiress

Book Description

At the close of ancient Egypt''s ambitious Eighteenth Dynasty, power, art, and learning have reached a zenith. Due to the nation''s yearly flooding, steady harvests, and plentiful gold, Egypt is the richest nation in the world. Ruling over this paradise is Pharaoh, considered a god-on-earth by his people. But on the death of Amunhotep III, his son, known to history as the Heretic King Akhenaten, enters into a war with the powerful priesthood of Amun and claims ownership of the souls of his people. He raises a new god for Egypt to worship, and banishes the ancient gods from the land. The consequences of this will lead to the downfall of the ruling dynasty, the very family that had made Egypt into a mighty empire. The delicate and beautiful third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Princess Ankhesenamun knows nothing but power and luxury. Her mother Nefertiti rules Akhenaten''s heart and other wives as her father rules the land. But when Nefertiti fails to give Akhenaten the son he desires, the princess''s pampered world begins to fall apart. And at the height of Akhenaten''s triumph over his people, an unexpected tragedy strikes the land, giving those oppressed a new reason to fight. Soon the chaos outside the King''s House explodes within, tearing the royal family apart. Watching from the shadows is Prince Tutankhamun. His mother was a princess, but she died after his birth, and he has grown up on the edge of the king''s favor because of Nefertiti''s strong influence. The crown, which he feels is his by right, is expected to go Nefertiti''s oldest daughter, but Akhenaten refuses to name an heir. Attended as the son of a god but isolated from his family, Tutankhamun spends his days surpassing his tutors, gaining his omnipotent father''s attention only by extreme achievement or reckless courage. Though dominated by her oldest sister, Tutankhamun''s born rival, young princess Ankhesenamun is drawn to the proud and mysterious black-eyed boy. As events in her home become intolerable and terrifying, Ankhesenamun finds that the prince her mother and sister fear is the only one that she can trust. Broken by the burden of a war with his own people, Pharaoh begins to lose control. Paranoid and accustomed to utter indulgence, he wields his absolute authority with ever more brutal hands. He betrays his young daughter in the cruelest of ways before his sudden death leaves the royal family without a king, and beset on all sides by their own countrymen. Ankhesenamun wants nothing to do with the ensuing power struggle between the Great Royal Wife, Nefertiti, and the First Daughter and her lover. But as a beautiful young king''s widow, her hands are bound to the throne. Horrified at the prospect of another unwanted marriage, Ankhesenamun turns to Prince Tutankhamun, and they flee the palace. But Tutankhamun is destined to be Pharaoh, as he has always known. Murder makes him a king at age ten, and he persuades a fragile Ankhesenamun to be his Great Royal Wife. Though Akhenaten has destroyed his family''s hold on power, Tutankhamun fearlessly takes up the crown. He pledges to make everything right again, not only for his enraged and traumatized people, but for the princess he loves with a fierce, possessive loyalty. Encouraged by his counsellors, Tutankhamun breaks his father''s laws and calls back the ancient gods to Egypt. In return, the gods bless the young king with the love of his people and a tranquil home. Ankhesenamun regains her strength, and sets out to command her palace and learn the ancient rites of Egypt''s goddesses. Though challenged by a mysterious and painful affliction that threatens to cripple him in only a few years, Pharaoh is determined to become a warrior and resurrect the mighty imperial army of his ancestors. As the pair grows to maturity, they break free of the horrors of childhood and discover a love so powerful it''s blinding. It seems that all is well in Egypt, but as Pharaoh and his wife enchant each other, new enemies rear up against them. Corrupt courtiers and a powerful empire growing out of the north, as well as snake in the very heart of the king''s home all threaten the young king and queen of Egypt, and Tutankhamun must become increasingly ruthless to battle them all. When a horrible act of terror and defiance against the king brings Tutankhamun face to face with his father''s ghost, he loses faith in himself and must decide what sort of man he will be. Ankhesenamun adores her young husband, and she is determined to be nothing like her mother. But though blessed with a child, she has fatal complications with her next pregnancy. She battles with love and fear daily, and after another tragic loss, she questions if she wants more children. Her marriage is strained by Tutankhamun''s growing comfort with the darker sides of power, and she is determined to keep him from losing his soul like Akhenaten did. She wants nothing more than the life she has with Tutankhamun, without any interruption from the ghosts of the past. Just when Ankhesenamun and her husband learn to accept fate and enjoy their blessings, Tutankhamun dies a tragic death while fighting Egypt''s fiercest enemies. The pampered and delicate young queen is left alone, and as she brings her husband to his final rest, she discovers the terrifying truth that her husband''s death might have been set up by enemies in her very home. Caught in a viper''s nest of greed and betrayal, Ankhesenamun must plunge into a world of intrigue and corruption if she means to avenge her family and save her people from a usurper. Hanging her own life in the balance, she must play a subtle and deadly game of power in order to destroy a killer.

Queen Tut

Book Description

Who Was King Tut?

Book Description

Ever since Howard Carter uncovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922, the young pharaoh has become a symbol of the wealth and mystery of ancient Egypt. Now, a two-and-a-half-year-long museum exhibit of Tut’s treasures is touring major cities in the U.S., drawing record crowds. This Who Was . . . ? is complete with 100 black-andwhite illustrations and explains the life and times of this ancient Egyptian ruler, covering the story of the tomb’s discovery, as well as myths and so-called mummy curses.

The Search For Nefertiti

Book Description

Joann Fletcher, presenter of BBC2's 'Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings' has written an enthralling account of Nefertiti, one of Egypt's most compelling and mysterious figures. Wife of the controversial pharaoh Akhenaten, she lived through perhaps the most tumultuous period in the country's long history. The so-called Amarna Period has long held a fascination - not just for the enormous changes it brought to the religion, art and administration of Egypt, but for the many mysteries which surround it. Mysteries, that is, until now. Leading Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher has taken a fresh eye to the evidence and arrived at one of the most dramatic discoveries in recent times. Working with a team of leading experts, she has identified a long-forgotten mummy as the body of a female pharaoh of the Amarna Period, whom she believes is Nefertiti herself. Lying for over three thousand years in an unused side chamber of Tomb KV.35 in the Valley of the Kings, it tells a story which will forever change the way in which we view Nefertiti - and indeed women throughout Egyptian history. Now at last we see the full significance of her role as co-regent and later Pharaoh of Egypt, as well as understanding the astonishing luxury and decadence of her life in Amarna - a life she led as the country around her began to disintegrate.

Nefertiti, Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt

Book Description

Egypt's sun queen magnificently revealed in a new book by renowned Egyptologist, Aidan Dodson During the last half of the fourteenth century BC, Egypt was perhaps at the height of its prosperity. It was against this background that the “Amarna Revolution” occurred. Throughout, its instigator, King Akhenaten, had at his side his Great Wife, Nefertiti. When a painted bust of the queen found at Amarna in 1912 was first revealed to the public in the 1920s, it soon became one of the great artistic icons of the world. Nefertiti's name and face are perhaps the best known of any royal woman of ancient Egypt and one of the best recognized figures of antiquity, but her image has come in many ways to overshadow the woman herself. Nefertiti’s current world dominion as a cultural and artistic icon presents an interesting contrast with the way in which she was actively written out of history soon after her own death. This book explores what we can reconstruct of the life of the queen, tracing the way in which she and her image emerged in the wake of the first tentative decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs during the 1820s–1840s, and then took on the world over the next century and beyond. All indications are that her final fate was a tragic one, but although every effort was made to wipe out Nefertiti's memory after her death, modern archaeology has rescued the queen-pharaoh from obscurity and set her on the road to today’s international status.

Queen of Egypt

Book Description

She knows she's going to kill the man she loves. She just doesn't know why yet. Ankhesenamun needs to produce an heir to the throne -- quickly. Pharaoh Tutankhamun is young and weak. His chief advisors are planning his quiet removal and Ankhesenamun hopes to hold them off by producing an heir who can become a stronger Pharaoh. When Pharaoh's advisors move the court from the desert city of Akhetaten back to ancient Memphis, Ankhesenamun is thrown into a new world of danger, secrets, and old gods. Her dreams warn her of a blond-haired man who she will fall desperately in love with -- and who will die by her own hand. When the man from her dreams suddenly enters her life, she realises just how hard it's going to be to stay away from him. Forgetting the warnings, she throws herself into an affair with him. After all, she's supposed to be producing an heir. As his secrets start to be revealed, she searches for a way to save him. But saving his life might lead him to a fate worse than death. Queen of Egypt is the first book in a new series set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of historical fantasy who enjoy magical realism and an ancient world setting. This series features a famous Egyptian queen and a fantasy quest.

Perfect Secret Mission

Book Description

Shaquella Gricelle Anastasya, wanita yang terobsesi akan kekayaan. Karena obsesinya inilah ia bertemu dengan Taraska Melvin Marcello. Gricelle rela menjadi babysitter putri pengusaha yang terkenal bertempramen buruk agar ia bisa mendekati Melvi. Tujuan utama Gricelle disana adalah memikat hati Melvin dan menikah dengan pria kaya raya lalu membunuhnya. Namun mendekati Melvin bukanlah perkara mudah, ditambah Melvin yang masi tak bisa bengkit dari bayangan mendiang istrinya. Gricelle tak menyerah meski ia merasa rencananya tak semudah yang ia bayangkan. Apakah Gricelle akan berhasil dengan rencananya? Atau dia akan terjebak dalam permainannya sendiri?

Recollections of a Rebel Surgeon

Book Description

Consists of short stories by Dr. Daniel primarily of his days of a Confederate doctor. Some appeared in the Texas Medical Journal narrated by the 'Old Doctor'.