Facets of Vision

Book Description

The papers published in this Volume are the fruits of a symposium held in Regensburg in April 1987. The meeting was held to com memorate two most significant events in the development of com pound eye research. In chronological order these are firstly, Sigmund Exner's seminal monograph on the physiology of compound eyes of crustaceans and insects, which was first published in Vienna in 1891, and is now shortly to appear for the first time in the English translation [Exner, S. (1989) The Physiology of the Compound Eyes of Insects and Crustaceans. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo]. Secondly, the meeting was also held in honour of Professor Hansjochem Autrum's 80th birthday. Professor Autrum, who is justly acknowledged as one of the pioneers of modern compound eye research, attended the meeting as the guest of honour. In keeping with these historical occasions, it has been our intention in this volume to present a comprehensive collection of short reviews covering the major aspects of compound eye research. Whilst the most up-to-date developments have been included in every field from optics, through photochemistry, phototransduction, integrative processes and behavior, an attempt has also been made to provide a historical perspective.

Facets of Vision

Book Description

The papers published in this Volume are the fruits of a symposium held in Regensburg in April 1987. The meeting was held to com memorate two most significant events in the development of com pound eye research. In chronological order these are firstly, Sigmund Exner's seminal monograph on the physiology of compound eyes of crustaceans and insects, which was first published in Vienna in 1891, and is now shortly to appear for the first time in the English translation [Exner, S. (1989) The Physiology of the Compound Eyes of Insects and Crustaceans. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo]. Secondly, the meeting was also held in honour of Professor Hansjochem Autrum's 80th birthday. Professor Autrum, who is justly acknowledged as one of the pioneers of modern compound eye research, attended the meeting as the guest of honour. In keeping with these historical occasions, it has been our intention in this volume to present a comprehensive collection of short reviews covering the major aspects of compound eye research. Whilst the most up-to-date developments have been included in every field from optics, through photochemistry, phototransduction, integrative processes and behavior, an attempt has also been made to provide a historical perspective.

Insect Vision

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Arthropod Phylogeny

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Drosophila Eye Development

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1 Kevin Moses It is now 25 years since the study of the development of the compound eye in Drosophila really began with a classic paper (Ready et al. 1976). In 1864, August Weismann published a monograph on the development of Diptera and included some beautiful drawings of the developing imaginal discs (Weismann 1864). One of these is the first description of the third instar eye disc in which Weismann drew a vertical line separating a posterior domain that included a regular pattern of clustered cells from an anterior domain without such a pattern. Weismann suggested that these clusters were the precursors of the adult ommatidia and that the line marks the anterior edge of the eye. In his first suggestion he was absolutely correct - in his second he was wrong. The vertical line shown was not the anterior edge of the eye, but the anterior edge of a moving wave of patterning and cell type specification that 112 years later (1976) Ready, Hansen and Benzer would name the "morphogenetic furrow". While it is too late to hear from August Weismann, it is a particular pleasure to be able to include a chapter in this Volume from the first author of that 1976 paper: Don Ready! These past 25 years have seen an astonishing explosion in the study of the fly eye (see Fig.

Photoreceptor Optics

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The above consideration indicates that at present many of the experi mental facts on PS in animals can be quantitatively explained within the limits of the "universal" photoreceptor membrane concept. Of course, existence of preferential orientation of the absorbing dipoles in the tubuli of the rhabdomeres can not be totally rejected. We hope that the concept of the "universal" photoreceptor membrane may serve as the useful instrument when dealing with newly discovered properties of visual cells so that true mechanisms of electrical and optical coupling will be searched for instead of assumptions being made on additional properties of the photoreceptor membrane in every new animal under study. 5. Absorption Spectrum of the Universal Photoreceptor Membrane and Spectral Sensitivity of the Photoreceptor 5. 1 Preliminary Notes It seems nearly self-evident that the absorption spectrum of the pho toreceptor membrane coincides exactly with that of the visual pigment it contains. Hence, the membrane must exhibit three bands of absorp tion - the principal band with its peak within the limits of visible spectrum (or a-peak); the secondary band between 340 and 380 nm (S peak); and the third, protein band, in the ultraviolet (UV) at 280 nm (COLLINS et al. , 1952). The main peak of absorption is located within the range 433-575 nm for retinol-based pigments and between 438 and 620 nm for 3-dehydroretinol-based pigments, the position of Amax de pending on many ecological factors.

The Insects

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Animal Eyes

Book Description

This book covers the way that all known types of eyes work, from their optics to the behaviour they guide. The ways that eyes sample the world in space and time are considered, and the evolutionary origins of eyes are discussed. This new edition incorporates discoveries made since the first edition published in 2001.