Tyndale's Old Testament

Book Description

Translated by William Tyndale Reprint of 1534 edition with modern spelling 643 pp.

Tyndale's New Testament

Book Description

Translated by William Tyndale Reprint of 1534 edition with modern spelling 6 1/8 x 8 % Font size: 11

New Testament

Book Description

William Tyndale's translation of the New Testament is one of the most influential works in English literature. His unauthorized translations of the entire New Testament and a substantial part of the Old Testament were smuggled into England, where an eager public risked their lives to read them.


Book Description

R. Alan Cole provides introductory information and a passage-by-passage commentary on Exodus, a book crucial for understanding the message of the New Testament. Exodus tells of the saving acts of God, the instituting of Passover, the giving of the Law, and the stories of Moses (first prophet) and Aaron (first hight priest).


Book Description

Thousands camped east of the Jordan, ready to cross it, eradicate a decadent culture and establish their own nation. Their remarkable leader Moses, soon to die, stood and spoke to them. The book of Deuteronomy records these speeches. For J.A. Thompson, we cannot fail to be challenged by the persistent demands throughout the book that we should acknowledge the complete and sole sovereignty of God in our lives. Nor can we fail to be touched by the noble concept of God that underlies the whole book. - Publisher.

William Tyndale

Book Description

Traces the life of William Tyndale, the first person to translate the Bible into English from the original Greek and Hebrew and discusses the social, literary, religious, and intellectual implications of his work.

The October Testament

Book Description

This is William Tyndale's New Testament as it was published in the 1537 Matthew Bible, complete with commentaries from the Reformation, and gently updated by Ruth Magnusson Davis. This is the only 'modern' bible which is not. It maintains the historic language and enduring doctrine of the faith.

Obadiah, Jonah and Micah

Book Description

Obadiah's oracle against Edom. Jonah's mission to the city of Nineveh. Micah's message to Samaria and Jerusalem. The texts of these minor but important prophets receive a fresh and penetrating analysis in this introduction and commentary. The authors consider each book's historical setting, composition, structure and authorship, as well as important themes and issues. Each book is then expounded in the concise and informative style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series. The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series.


Book Description

The book of Isaiah is perhaps the most compelling of all Old Testament prophecy. No other prophet rivals Isaiah's brilliance of style, powerful imagery and clear vision of the messianic hope.Isaiah's prophetic ministry begins with his temple vision and calling: "I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send?'" Through a series of oracles Isaiah calls Israel and the nations to turn to the Lord, for judgment is coming. He announces that redemption is found in the Davidic Servant alone. Finally, in the "day of vengeance and the year of redemption" the Anointed Conqueror will punish rebellious peoples, comfort the contrite and reestablish the glory of Zion.J. Alec Motyer, author of the unparalleled one-volume commentary The Prophecy of Isaiah, now provides the long-awaited final volume in the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary Series. Unlike many Isaiah commentators who divide the book between chapters 1-39 and 40-66, Motyer instead identifies three messianic portraits: the King (Isaiah 1-37), the Servant (Isaiah 38-55), and the Anointed Conqueror (Isaiah 56-66). This volume provides Motyer's lucid exposition on these three portraits, examining Isaiah with insightful and probing passage-by-passage commentary.All who study the text of Isaiah will find here expert scholarship and solid footing for unraveling difficult issues of exegesis and interpretation.

The Song of Solomon

Book Description

The Song of Solomon, as its Hebrew title indicates, is "the best of songs." In it we hear the passionate melody of romantic love. But whose love is described? Is it a couple's love for each other, God's love for Israel or Christ's love for the church? This Old Testament book has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. They have felt uncomfortable--even embarrassed--when confronted with its strange and erotic imagery."The Song is a celebration of the nature of humanity---male and female created in God's image for mutal support and enjoyment. There is nothing here of the aggressive male and the reluctant or victimized female. They are one in their desires because their desires are God-given." So writes Lloyd Carr in this introduction and commentary to the Song of Solomon. With his own unique style, Carr skillfully explains the meaning of this ancient love story in a way that can be clearly grasped and applied for Christians living in today's world.