Typescript Letter Signed from William Winter, New York, to Jacob H. Strong, Rhinebeck, New York

Book Description

Winter writes that he will ask his publishers to send Strong a circular concerning his final collection of poems, lately published, and he also mentions that his "Life and Art of Mansfield" will hopefully be issued not later than December. Addressed to Strong in care of the Rhinebeck gazette. Addressed from New Brighton, Staten Island, New York.

Typescript Letter Signed from Whitelaw Reid, London, to William Winter, New York

Book Description

Reid writes that he is sending a copy of a letter of introduction that he has just given to a "confiding lady," which is included here. He asks if Winter would give her advice and assistance in the matter of having her plays place before suitable managers. The letter is on letterhead from Dorchester House, Park Lane, W. The copy to which Reid refers is addressed to Mrs. John R. Guelph and introduces her to William Winter. It is addressed to Mrs. Guelph at 19 Burton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, U.S.A. With accompanying envelope addressed to Winter at 17 Third Avenue, Fort Hill, New Brighton, Staten Island, U.S.A.