Science and Ultimate Reality

Book Description

This volume provides a fascinating snapshot of the future of physics, covering fundamental physics, at the frontiers of research. It comprises a wide variety of contributions from leading thinkers in the field, inspired by the pioneering work of John A. Wheeler. Quantum theory represents a unifying theme within the book, along with topics such as the nature of physical reality, the arrow of time, models of the universe, superstrings, gravitational radiation, quantum gravity and cosmic inflation. Attempts to formulate a final unification of physics are discussed, along with the existence of hidden dimensions of space, space-time singularities, hidden cosmic matter, and the strange world of quantum technology.

The meaning of reality

Book Description

The Transbeingness of Man

Book Description

This book is my contribution of intuitive epistemology. This book discusses many new understandings of ultimate reality but, primarily, new understandings of the nature of God, the nature of man, and the nature and origin of our present universe. God is described as not personal, not all-powerful, not all-knowing, and not all-present. Individualized man is described as the unknowing expression of God. The universe is described as composed, in part, of the formless realm, the physical realm, the purgatorial realm, the spiritual realm, and the infinite void. The transbeingness of man is described as formless man, physical man, purgatorial man, and spiritual man. Individualized man, a nonspecific term for individualizations of infinite man, is described as alternately existing in two realities. The first reality is core reality. In core reality, individualized man is in total self-conscious unity and harmony with God. Thus, in core reality, individualized man exists in a mental self-realizing state of total harmony and bliss. The second reality is objective reality. In objective reality, individualized man experiences his infinite existence. This experiencing of existence is described as the purpose for individualized mans existence. Also, a fundamental understanding of this book is understanding the difference between real experiences and nonreal experiences. All functions within ultimate reality comprise real experiences. All experiences self-consciously created by individualized man are nonreal experiences. It is through the creative experiencing of objective existence that individualized man understands himself, God, and the purpose for his infinite existence. Finally, this book describes heaven and hell. Individualized man self-punishes himself for all his wrongdoings; God punishes no one. Hell is reserved for the individualizations of man that self-consciously reject God, but real physical hell is not a place of punishment.

Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality

Book Description

Dr. Tillich shows here that in spite of the contrast between philosophical and biblical language, it is neither necessary nor possible to separate them from each other. On the contrary, all the symbols used in biblical religion drive inescapably toward the philosophical quest for being. An important statement of a great theologian's position, this book presents an eloquent plea for the essential function of philosophy in religious thought.