Ulwencreutz's The Royal Families in Europe V

Book Description

Ulwencreutz's Royal Families in Europe V - A brief history of the ruling houses during the last 2000 years. From the house of La Tour d'Auvergne to the house of Zahringen.


Book Description

This book does not claim absolute truths, but it speaks for those who can no longer speak for themselves by the histories they witnessed, wrote about, and which defined their ancestors and descendants, including the most powerful woman that ever lived – Countess Elizabeth Bathory. She tried to change the world; she paradoxically succeeded and failed. But what drove her? What did she know, we do not? What is her history? To begin to understand all this, one must travel back in time to when it began, when truth first became obscured, and when European society – Western culture - went horribly wrong. It is why her world was the way it was. Today, historiological “truths” of European Medieval Dark Ages, at best, exist as dim flashes of information in ancient manuscripts. A very interconnected European medieval history has much more, but inconvenient historiological information to informs us of events, names, places, and dates, but like a giant, complicated jigsaw puzzle. Unfortunately, many pieces are still missing, none more so than that of Carpathia. Consequently, an incomplete, theoretical picture of historical reality remains. There’s a reason for it. Throughout history, Europeans struggled for Humility, Humanity and Liberty, but only Carpathian Ungars maintained and struggled to keep it for more than a millennium – from about 600 to 1711. Their history has gone missing, supplanted by myths. Their greatest leaders are caricatures of Gothic horror literature, and their greatest traitors are their heroes. Their monuments are everywhere. Carpathia’s history does not exist in Western consciousness. What is it about Carpathia we are not supposed to know? Its missing medieval jigsaw puzzle pieces, when liberated from obscure archives, then reassembled, and inserted into the macro context of centuries, however, allows us to understand why. The period covered in this book is roughly seven centuries. It’s a litany of tragic moral failures. It begins with spiritual leaders who consistently failed in their moral duty because they misguidedly assumed a Roman imperial culture from the outset. It ends with the creation of a repressed imperial Ungaria and the supposed “first kings of Hungary.” Events within this book’s pages cover most of the first great pendulum swing of “European Cultural Chrysalis” – it’s Metamorphosis of Odium.” It explores the complexity of why, and how European culture became one of intolerance and hatred which tried to extinct all non-conformists within their divine Medieval European World Order. It explains why it was perfectly ethical and moral, and why society believed in the Resurrection of all things good after the final Apocalypse – this order’s primary vision. Resisting all this, of course, were all Carpathian cultures, the last being the Slavic-Turkic Ungars. To the Medieval European World Order, they, like the Caliphates, were the greatest heretics and heathens of the Dark Ages. These civilisations were the last refuge of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in a world which had none. It’s a story of us.

Did They Rest in Peace?

Book Description

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. By what miracle can an assortment of seemingly unrelated particles come together and correctly assemble to form a human being? Amazingly, once aggregated, these atoms, molecules, and compounds manage to interact reasonably coherently during our lives but seek to return to their dusty state when death occurs. Of the billions of our species who have existed on earth over the millennia, most have quietly and inexorably returned to ashes and dust when their term of life expired. This book tracks some of the misadventures of selected corpses, including burials that went awry to body snatching, exhumations, human-relic collection, and assorted desecrations. Over the years, it seems that a remarkable number of bodies have failed to enjoy the admonition to “Rest in Peace.” Whether these aberrations in the burial process have disturbed the afterlife of the departed, everyone is dying to discover the answer.

The Royal Families in Europe

Book Description

Ulwencreutz's The Royal Families in Europe - The Reigning and Formerly Reigning Sovereign Royal Houses of Europe and South America. Even includes some almost unknown royal houses.

The Royal Heraldry of England

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Henry II

Book Description

Henry II is the most imposing figure among the medieval kings of England. His fiefs & domains extended from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, & his court was frequented by the greatest thinkers of his time. Best known for his dramatic conflicts, it was also a crucial period in the evolution of legal & governmental institutions.

The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain

Book Description

From the arrival of the Roman legions to the present day, this superbly illustrated volume tells the enthralling story of Britain and her people over two thousand years. 200+ b & w illustrations. of color plates.