Un Joven Conforme Al Corazón de Dios

Book Description

Jim George, autor del conocido libro: Un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios, lleva a los jóvenes en un viaje radical de la fe. Ayuda a los jóvenes a convertirse en hombres que honran a Dios en todo lo que hacen. Jim George, author of A Man After God's Own Heart, takes older teenagers on a radical journey of faith. Young men will discover biblical principles that blaze a trail to godly living. A Young Man After God's Own Heart helps guys grow into men who honor God in all they do.

Un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios

Book Description

En este libro el autor da a conocer el designio perfecto de Dios sobre cómo llegar a ser un hombre que influya de manera eficaz en todos los aspectos clave de su vida. [A journey towards greater growth and maturity for men-equipping them to be men after God's own heart. Men will learn how to experience the satisfaction that comes from living a life of purpose at work, home, and church.]

Una Joven Conforme Al Corazon de Dios = a Young Woman After God's Own Heart

Book Description

Que significa ir tras el corazn de Dios en tu vida diaria? Significa entender y seguir el plan perfecto de Dios en cuanto a tus amistades, tu fe, tus relaciones familiares y tu futuro. // What does it mean to purse God s heart in your everyday life? It means understanding and following God s perfect plan for your friendships, your faith, your family relationships, and your future.

A Young Woman After God's Own Heart

Book Description

This young woman's version of Elizabeth George's bestselling book A Woman After God's Own Heart® shares the intentions and blessings of God's heart with teen girls. On this journey they discover His priorities for their lives—including prayer, submission, faithfulness, and joy—and how to embrace those priorities in daily life. Elizabeth's mentor style, the "Heart Response" messages of reflection, and the age–significant themes make this an excellent book for groups or for personal study. And best of all, girls will discover that God is a faithful, caring, and loving presence during this exciting and sometimes difficult time in their lives.

Una Joven Conforme Al Corazon de Dios

Book Description

What does it mean to purse God's heart in your everyday life? It means understanding and following God's perfect plan for your friendships, your faith, your family relationships, and your future.

A Young Man After God's Own Heart

Book Description

Pursuing God really is an adventure—one that can get extreme, one you'll never tire of. Becoming a young man after God's own heart is a lot like climbing a mountain. You'll find all sorts of challenges on the way up, but the awesome view at the top is well worth the trip. Real success in life—the kind that counts with God—starts by discovering God's priorities for you. These include... building your faith choosing the right kinds of friends getting along at home winning the battle over temptation making right choices about the future Once you get started on this journey, you'll never be the same! Includes new and revised content.

A Woman After God's Own Heart Large Print

Book Description

Change Your Priorities to Change Your Life and Your Home Now in easy-to-read 18-point font! You will experience peace, order, and joy when you follow God's guidelines for every area of your life, and best of all, you will become a woman after His heart! Elizabeth George shares God's Word and woman-to-woman practical wisdom on how you can pursue God's priorities by... putting God first in your day, your heart, and your life improving your relationships with family and friends building a strong bond with your husband raising your children to follow Jesus and make right choices growing in your service to others As you embrace God's plans for you, you will find real purpose in a life of prayer and practicing God's priorities as you become A Woman After God's Own Heart®.

Conforme Al Corazon de Dios

Book Description

En Conforme al corazón de Dios, Mike Bickle enseña cómo Dios está levantando creyentes y dándoles corazones como el de David. La Biblia registra que David era un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios. Ser un hombre o una mujer conforme al corazón de Dios consiste en cómo lo vemos a Él, cómo nos relacionamos con Él y nuestro destino en Él. David tenía una pasión constante por buscar y entender las emociones de Dios. De la misma forma como David, llegaremos a entender y reflejar el corazón de Dios de una manera que aún la humanidad no ha visto. Como resultado tendremos visión, una nueva pasión y veremos el cumplimiento de las promesas de Dios. Este libro enseña que David estaba comprometido a obedecer el corazón de Dios. David era un discípulo de las emociones de Dios. David estaba apasionado por ver el poder y las promesas de Dios en su generación. Podemos tener un corazón como el que tuvo David. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Imagine what David felt like to be singled out and given an almost unfathomable spiritual identity...to seen by God as "a man after His own heart." David's secret is that he was energized by intimacy with God as a student of God's emotions. He encountered the power of God's emotions. It transformed his emotions for God. You can also become a student of God's emotions and experience being energized by the Holy Spirit to a life of deep obedience and mature love. Invest time in understanding the emotions found in God's heart for you, and your own heart will experience a glorious awakening.

A Young Woman's Guide to Prayer

Book Description

Elizabeth George, author of the bestseller A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart (more than 300,000 copies sold), now shows teen women how to make prayer a part of their busy lives. From her own journey through the Bible and the lives of others, Elizabeth shares the difference prayer makes in everyday life. She provides step-by-step guidance and ideas for experiencing an exciting prayer life, highlighting how to— make prayer a reality establish a regular time for talking with God pray from the heart for daily needs improve relationships through prayer Teen girls will grow to know God in a very real way as they develop an active, personal, and meaningful prayer life! Great for Sunday school, youth group studies, and individual reading. Rerelease of A Young Woman’s Call to Prayer

Say and Pray Bible

Book Description

Say and Pray Devotions with Your Little Ones Today Encourage even the littlest hearts to grow in faith through these fun devotions that teach the importance of gratitude. Children will enjoy pointing to and naming labeled objects on each page while learning more about God's love and how He provides for us. Scripture and short prayers will also hide God's Word in young hearts.