Understanding Ellen White

Book Description

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has become a truly global movement with almost twenty million members from diverse cultures and backgrounds; many of whom are unfamiliar with the history of God's leading and the prophetic ministry of Ellen White. While it does not attempt to provide the final answer for every question, Understanding Ellen White builds a foundation for interpreting her experience with God and her ministry. Basic to any understanding of Ellen White is her own walk with God. Two golden threads weave throughout her life and experience and are central to who she was and what she accomplished: the love of God in Christ and a focus on Scripture. When these two principles are correctly understood and integrated in examining Ellen White's life and experience, then all other issues addressed in this book are put in perspective. Perhaps the saddest reality regarding Ellen White's writings is that many dismiss them as irrelevant even before reading her work. A Kellogg's Corn Flakes advertisement from several years ago is apropos when applied to Ellen White's writings and ministry: whether you have lived with her writings your whole life or have never read her, the invitation is to "taste them again for the very first time." Book jacket.

Reading Ellen White

Book Description

Fundamentals of Christian Education

Book Description

The Great Controversy

Book Description

The Great Controversy is a work by Ellen G. White, a founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, considered a prophetess or messenger of God among Seventh-day Adventist members. The book tells about the ever-persistent controversy between the good and the bad, represented by the opposition of Christ and Satan and the forces of angels that accompany them.

The Development of the Seventh-Day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889

Book Description

Ellen G. White was a major figure of nineteenth-century American Christianity. This volume is a historical examination of the process through which early Seventh-day Adventists justified and accepted White's prophetic claims between 1844 and 1889. It evaluates and analyzes the development of their understanding of the doctrine of the gift of prophesy in general, and White's gift in particular.

The Desire of Ages

Book Description

The World of Ellen G. White

Book Description

Many Seventh-day Adventists are somewhat familiar with positions taken by Ellen G. White on such topics as recreation, education, health, reform, etc. Most Adventists are not familiar, however, with the historical context of her writings. Even biographies of Ellen White usually fail to describe the world in which she lived and of which she was a part. What was the usual diet of Americans when she gave counsel on that subject? What was the situation of public education? What was the town in which she grew up like? She made many cross-country train trips, beginning soon after the first transcontinental railroad. What was the rail travel like then? What was the situation of Blacks, when she wrote about the church's attitude toward the freedom? All these topics and more, including the economic situation in Australia during the nine years Ellen White spent there, are presented in this book. Each of 14 areas is handled by a scholar who has specialized in the field. - Contributors. Preface. 1. Ellen White's Hometown: Portland, Maine, 1827-1846. 2. Michigan and the Civil War. 3. Tension Between the Races. 4. Overland by Rail, 1869-1890. 5. The Rise of Urban- Industrial America. 6. When America Was "Christian". 7. The Sunday Law Movement. 8. The Crusade Against Alcohol. 9. Health and Health Care. 10.The Transformation of Education. 11. Amusing the Masses. 12. Literature for the Nation. 13. Ideas and Society. 14. The Australian 1890s. For Further Reading.

Ellen G. White A Psychobiography

Book Description

This explosive work contains a great deal of highly documented material on the life and movement of Ellen G. White that Adventists in general, to say nothing of the public, will not know. The book is not a classic psychobiography, although history and psychology are the primary disciplines employed. It also contains a sprinkling of theology and personal reflection to make it a unique blend. The most striking evidence presented raises major questions about the prophet’s mental and moral health. It is a must read for anyone who truly wants to understand Seventh-Day Adventism and its prophetic founder. A devastating work. What Numbers and Rea started, your book will finish! —John Dart (1936-2019), longtime religion editor, Los Angeles Times I enjoyed the writing and the stories. The anecdotes you included enriched the content. Your writing was personal, and I think readers will feel that you are writing to them, and makes the book of increased value. There is the same question with Joseph Smith. Why do people stay in the face of such documentation? What are the forces that keep them tied to source documentation of fraud? —Dr. Robert Anderson, psychiatrist, author, Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith: Psychobiography and the Book of Mormon I found the material fascinating, a powerful polemic! —Ronald Numbers, William Coleman professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison, author, Prophetess of Health

Ellen White Under Fire

Book Description

During her lifetime, Ellen White withstood wave upon wave of personal criticisms. Yet the historical records confirm her as a person of integrity, and her writings confirm her loyalty to the Bible. In Ellen White Under Fire, Dr. Jud Lake provides a comprehensive assessment of Ellen White critics, past and present, as well as her defenders - all the while building confidence in her prophetic gift.

Seventh-day Adventists Believe ...

Book Description

The 28 Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Bible texts and Descriptions of each doctrine.