U. S. Special Operations Forces (SOF)

Book Description

Contents: (1) Background: Command Structures and Components; Special Operations Forces in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, and Joint; NATO Special Operations; (2) Current Organizational and Budgetary Issues: 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review Report SOF-Related Directives; 2010 USSOCOM Posture Statement; (3) Afghanistan-Related Issues; A Change of Command Relationship for U.S. SOF; U.S. SOF Direct Action Against Afghan Insurgents; Training Village Security Forces; (4) Issues for Congress: Are Current Command Relationships and Rules of Engagement Having a Detrimental Impact on Special Operations in Afghanistan?; Are We Making the Best Use of SOF in Afghanistan?

Posture Statement 2006

Book Description

United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has undergone an unprecedented transformation in the last 3 years from a force provider to a combatant command with global responsibilities leading the War on Terrorism. Enabled by Congressional and Department of Defense (DoD) support, USSOCOM has increased resources, manning, training, and capability. These increases, coupled with 4 years of combat experience and an imaginative vision, have created the most lethal and agile Special Operations force (SOF) in history. Focused on developing the specific skills required for the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), USSOCOM shifted funding from large programs to enhanced training and equipment for the SOF Warrior: Global scouts with specialized skills to locate, identify, and defeat our adversaries. This remarkable transformation shaped the Command into a Combatant Headquarters uniquely capable and postured to lead the DoD in the GWOT, while producing the most capable Special Operations Forces ever. SOF are in Afghanistan and Iraq defending our Nation against terrorism on a daily basis. However, it is Special Operation's unique, but less visible, ability to help establish the conditions to counter and defeat terrorism through Unconventional Warfare, Psychological Operations, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, and Civil Affairs that will become increasingly vital to our long-term success in the GWOT. USSOCOM recognizes that the United States is engaged in an extended, global campaign that requires the unique skills of special operations, as well as the strengths of our conventional military forces, government agencies, and our international partners. This posture statement discusses leading the GWOT and SOF Readiness, which includes People; Training and Education; SOF Warrior Systems; Retention; Budget Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics; the Quadrennial Defense Review; Equipment Advances and Initiatives; Science and Technology; and Acquisition Logistics.

USSOCOM Posture Statement 2007

Book Description

The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) will celebrate its 20th Anniversary in April, 2007. The impetus for the Command's creation was the failed rescue attempt of American hostages in Iran in 1980. Congress recognized that the capabilities and equipment required to conduct joint special operations could not be fragmented throughout the Services and be successful. This vision established a joint Special Operations headquarters, with service-like responsibilities, that could provide the organization, training, and equipment required for complex special operations. USSOCOM remains the only Combatant Command established by Congress with the passing of the Nunn-Cohen Amendment to the Goldwater-Nichols Act in 1986. Throughout 2007, the Command will celebrate this landmark event while continuing to focus on synchronizing the Global War on Terror (GWOT) and supporting Special Operations Forces (SOF) Warriors.

Posture Statement

Book Description