Unlocking the Secrets of the Shroud

Book Description

One of the first books written in the U.S. since 1988 that presents the Shroud of Turin as the authentic burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth. The author, a medical doctor, takes us on a scientific and scriptural search (with more than 70 revealing photographs) that allows us to decide for ourselves whether the ancient cloth has any meaning for us today. A companion video that traces the story of the shroud from Turin to Jerusalem is also available. In 1961, while poking around in a used bookstore in Boston, Lavoie stumbled across a paperback called A Doctor at Calvary, by French surgeon Pierre Barbet. As Lavoie thumbed through the pages, he discovered that Barbet was writing not about Jesus' crucifixion but about the Shroud of Turin, a piece of cloth that contained the bloody image of a naked man. Thus began Lavoie's 30-year quest to uncover the true origins of the Shroud and to reveal its mysteries. In this well-told scientific and theological detective story, Lavoie offers a step-by-step account of his attempts to prove that the Shroud of Turin could well have been the shroud that covered Jesus as he was taken from his cross to his tomb. In order to show that the marks on the cloth are indeed blood stains, Lavoie discusses the nature of blood as it clots, especially when those clots are covered with cloth. Through various experiments, he is able to conclude: "blood clots transfer to cloth as mirror images of themselves; the neatness of the transfers is related to the fact that the man of the shroud died in the vertical position; the time the clots take to transfer to cloth coincide closely with the gospel timetable of the death and burial of Jesus." Lavoie is on his firmest footing when he sticks to his scientific theories, but when he begins to argue in the final chapters that John's gospel and letters indicate that John possessed the shroud and was hiding it from his audience, he treads shakier speculative ground.

The Shroud

Book Description

Two decades after radiocarbon dating declared the Turin Shroud a mediaeval fake, brand-new historical discoveries strongly suggest that this famous cloth, with its extraordinary photographic imprint, is genuinely Christ's shroud after all. In 1978 in his international bestseller The Turin Shroud Ian Wilson ignited worldwide public debate with his compelling case endorsing the shroud's authenticity. Now, 30 years later, he has completely rewritten and updated his earlier book to provide fresh evidence to support his original argument. Shroud boldly challenges the current post-radiocarbon dating view - that it is a fake. By arguing his case brilliantly and provocatively, Ian Wilson once more throws the matter into the public arena for further debate and controversy.

The Second Messiah

Book Description


Hidden Secrets of the Vatican: The Ark, the Holy Grail and the Turin Shroud

Book Description

The Vatican is a secret world full of mystery and intrigue, dating back to biblical times. Today there are many questions relating to ancient artefacts and relics that the Vatican has a long history of keeping hidden. Where is the Holy Grail? Is the Turin Shroud truly an image of Christ and what happened to the Ark? In this book we will investigate three holy relics with a mysterious past and an unknown future.

Eternal Plot

Book Description

Discover the allure and mystery of the Shroud of Turin through this compelling and comprehensive book. From its mysterious discovery in the 14th century to its current placement in the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist, this book explores every aspect of the Shroud, offering deep historical, scientific, and cultural analysis. What you'll find in this book: Origins and History: Explore the earliest historical mentions of the Shroud and its journey through the centuries to its custody in Turin. Scientific Analysis: Delve into advanced imaging techniques and controversies surrounding the carbon-14 dating, providing a clear view of the scientific evidence both supporting and questioning the authenticity of the Shroud. Theological and Cultural Reflections: Discover the theological significance of the Shroud in the Christian tradition and its cultural influence on art, literature, and Western visual culture. Contemporary Context: Explore the impact of the Shroud in the modern world, from the reception by pilgrims to its global visibility through the internet and digital media. Future Perspectives: Look towards the future of Shroud research and the challenges that still need to be addressed in its conservation and understanding. Written with academic rigor yet accessible to all, "The Shroud of Turin: Mystery, History, and Meaning" is an essential book for anyone fascinated by the history, science, and spirituality surrounding this millennia-old enigma. Whether you're a scholar of religious history, a science enthusiast, or simply curious, this book will offer you a new perspective on the Shroud of Turin and its implications for our understanding of the past and present.

The Crucifixion of Jesus, Completely Revised and Expanded

Book Description

In a language that is both precise and easy to understand, Dr. Zugibe presents his discoveries culled from years of exhaustive research. Documented with 95 illustrations that explore the impact of crucifixion on the body, he demonstrates the realities behind the crucifixion on the body, providing a virtual autopsy on Christ from across the centuries.

Faith on Trial

Book Description

A formerly agnostic lawyer uses court-required standards to set forth solid archeological, historic, scientific, and medical evidence supporting the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Book Description

The Sign

Book Description

Christianity was born nearly two thousand years ago in ancient Palestine. It has shaped the course of human history. Yet historians still cannot say how it really began. How did a first-century Jew called Jesus manage to spark a new religion? It is one of the biggest and most profound of all historical mysteries. This extraordinary book finally provides a convincing answer. Traditionally, the birth of Christianity has been explained via the miracle of the Resurrection. After Jesus died he was raised from the dead by God and appeared to his disciples, telling them to spread the gospel. Once they saw the Risen Jesus, nothing could shake their belief. Within a few generations Christianity had spread throughout the Middle East and Europe; within a few centuries it had taken over much of the world. But historians have been unable to account for Christianity’s remarkable success without the Resurrection to spark it. If no one really saw the Risen Jesus, how were his followers convinced that he was their immortal Messiah? Art historian Thomas de Wesselow has spent the last seven years deducing the answer to this puzzle, and in doing so he has pieced together an entirely new picture of the birth of Christianity. Reassessing a familiar but misunderstood historical source and reinterpreting many biblical passages, de Wesselow shows that the solution has been staring us in the face for more than a century. The Shroud of Turin, widely thought to be a fake, is in fact authentic. And it holds the key to the greatest mystery in human history.

Secrets of the Shroud of Turin

Book Description

The Shroud of Turin is the most famous and mysterious Christian relic in our history. Many experts have examined and tested the Shroud to determine if it is the Shroud that wrapped around Christ's body at his burial, or just a fake. To this day not a single one of the experts have proven that the Shroud is a fake, or that it is real. They provide only personal theories, and flawed carbon dating tests.The author Richard Jackson has discovered an ancient Bible Code that was used to create the Shroud. This code reveals that it is a fake version of the Shroud that was used to cover the crucified body of Christ at his burial, who created it, and why. The code reveals hidden biblical messages that are on the Shroud that relate to Christ and the events leading up to, and after the crucifixion. The author reveals everything to you in detail in this book.This book is a must-read for Shroud researchers, skeptics, and enthusiasts. If you like ancient mysteries you will love the information that is in this book.