Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of India's Tax and Trade Policy

Book Description

This title was first published in 2003. India's tax revenues depend on manufacturing while agriculture and services generate employment. WTO's Uruguay and Doha rounds imply large tariff cuts. This affects the competitiveness of the Indian manufacturing sector and has implications for government deficits. Excessive dependence on indirect taxes and subsidies to regulate markets introduces distortions and is incompatible with free market principles. The book analyses welfare implications of fiscal and trade policies for India. To put the results in perspective, developments in trade theory, public finance and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling are covered. Theoretical results are juxtaposed with empirical findings from these models. Methodology to construct CGE models is also covered. The trade model covers tariff cuts under various assumptions besides incorporating "new trade theory". As tax reforms and tariff cuts are independent, past tax reforms like MODVAT (MODified VAT) and proposed reforms like VAT, elimination/reduction of subsidies are covered using a separate tax model.

Rajasthan, the Quest for Sustainable Development

Book Description

Including contributions from 14 leading economists, this anthology journeys through the progress of Rajasthan's economy. A modern, egalitarian, and democratic society must be put on a path of sustainable development, the guide asserts, which necessitates action beyond the narrow confines of economics. This book addresses these questions in the context of Rajasthan and the distinct roles of the state, the market, and the civil institutions.

Micro and Small Enterprises in India

Book Description

This book presents a set of analytical and deeply policy-oriented articles on the dynamics of growth and performance of micro and small enterprises in India during the period of reforms. It provides fairly detailed analyses of policy changes for the micro and small enterprises secotr as well as empirical analyses of performance and efficiency of the unorganised manufacturing sector. it examines a range of emerging and persistent complex issues facing this crucial sector including credit, exports, trade regulations, capacity building, subcontracting, clustering, entrepreneurship and rural industrialisation. Focusing on the constraints facing this sector even during the economic reforms, most of the articles analyse how and why special attention, particularly by the state, needs to be paid towards enhancing firm competitiveness. Broad-basing the benefits of policy interventions to the overwhelmingly present yet left out micro enterprises, including rural areas, forms an important concern. This volume attempts to critically examine critical areas of intervention that could open up possibilities of developing a strong micro and small enterprises sector in India.

Asymmetric Demography and the Global Economy

Book Description

The global demographic transition presents marked asymmetries as poor, emerging, and advanced countries are undergoing different stages of transition. Emerging countries are demographically younger than advanced economies. This youth is favorable to growth and generates a demographic dividend. However, the future of emerging economies will bring a decline in the working-age share and a rise in the older population, as is the case in today's developed world. Hence, developing countries must get rich before getting old, while advanced economies must try not to become poorer as they age. Asymmetric Demography and the Global Economy contributes to our understanding of why this demographic transition matters to the domestic macroeconomics and global capital movements affect the asset accumulation, growth potential, current account, and the economy's international investment position. This collaborative collection approaches these questions from the perspective of "systemically important" emerging countries i.e., members of the G20 but considers both the national and the global sides of the problem.


Book Description