Public Transport Planning and Management in Developing Countries

Book Description

Developing Countries Have Different Transportation Issues and Requirements Than Developed CountriesAn efficient transportation system is critical for a country's development. Yet cities in developing countries are typically characterized by high-density urban areas and poor public transport, as well as lack of proper roads, parking facilities, road

Urban Transport in the Developing World

Book Description

Policy-making for urban transport and planning of economies in the developing world present major challenges for countries facing rapid urbanisation and rampant motorisation, alongside growing commitments to sustainability. These challenges include: coping with financial deficits, providing for the poor, dealing meaningfully with global warming and energy shortages, addressing traffic congestion and related land use issues, adopting green technologies and adjusting equitably to the impacts of globalisation. This book presents a contemporary analysis of these challenges and new workable responses to the urban transport problems they spawn.

The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies

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This edited volume discuses urban transport issues, policies, and initiatives in twelve of the world’s major emerging economies – Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, and Vietnam - countries with large populations that have recently experienced large changes in urban structure, motorization and all the associated social, economic, and environmental impacts in positive and negative senses. Contributions on each of these twelve countries focus on one or more major cities per country. This book aims to fill a gap in the transport literature that is crucial to understanding the needs of a large portion of the world’s urban population, especially in view of the southward shift in economic power. Readers will develop a better understanding of urban transport problems and policies in nations where development levels are below those of richer countries (mainly in the northern hemisphere) but where the rate of economic growth is often increasing at a faster rate than the wealthiest nations.

Urban Transport Environment and Equity

Book Description

Traditional transport planning has generated transport systems that propagate an unfair distribution of accessibility and have environmental and safety issues. This book highlights the importance of social and political aspects of transport policy and provides a methodology to support this approach. It emphasizes the importance of co-ordinating urban, transport and traffic planning, and addresses the major challenge of modifying the building and use of roads. The author makes suggestions for innovative and radical new measures towards an equitable and sustainable urban environment.

Sustainable Urban Transport Financing from the Sidewalk to the Subway

Book Description

Urban transport systems are essential for economic development and improving citizens' quality of life. To establish high-quality and affordable transport systems, cities must ensure their financial sustainability to fund new investments in infrastructure while also funding maintenance and operation of existing facilities and services. However, many cities in developing countries are stuck in an "underfunding trap" for urban transport, in which large up-front investments are needed for new transport infrastructure that will improve the still small-scale, and perhaps, poor-quality systems, but revenue is insufficient to cover maintenance and operation expenses, let alone new investment projects. The urban transport financing gap in these cities is further widened by the implicit subsidies for the use of private cars, which represent a minority of trips but contribute huge costs in terms of congestion, sprawl, accidents, and pollution. Using an analytical framework based on the concept of "Who Benefits Pays," 24 types of financing instruments are assessed in terms of their social, economic and environmental impacts and their ability to fund urban transport capital investments, operational expenses, and maintenance. Urban transport financing needs to be based on an appropriate mix of complementary financing instruments. In particular for capital investments, a combination of grants †“from multiple levels of government†“ and loans together with investments through public private partnerships could finance large projects that benefit society. Moreover, the property tax emerges as a key financing instrument for capital, operation, and maintenance expenses. By choosing the most appropriate mix of financing instruments and focusing on wise investments, cities can design comprehensive financing for all types of urban transport projects, using multi-level innovative revenue sources that promote efficient pricing schemes, increase overall revenue, strengthen sustainable transport, and cover capital investments, operation, and maintenance for all parts of a public transport system, "from the sidewalk to the subway."

Public Transport Planning and Management in Developing Countries

Book Description

Developing Countries Have Different Transportation Issues and Requirements Than Developed Countries An efficient transportation system is critical for a country’s development. Yet cities in developing countries are typically characterized by high-density urban areas and poor public transport, as well as lack of proper roads, parking facilities, road user discipline, and control of land use, resulting in pollution, congestion, accidents, and a host of other transportation problems. Public Transport Planning and Management in Developing Countries examines the status of urban transport in India and other developing countries. It explains the principles of public transport planning and management that are relevant and suitable for developing countries, addresses current transportation system inefficiencies, explores the relationship between mobility and accessibility, and analyzes the results for future use. Considers Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics It’s projected that by 2030, developing nations will have more vehicles than developed nations, and automated guided transit (AGT) and other transport systems will soon be available in India. This text compares five cities using specific indicators—urbanization, population growth, vehicle ownership, and usage. It determines demographic and economic changes in India, and examines how these changes have impacted transportation demand and supply, transport policy and regulations, and aspects of economics and finance related to public transport. The authors emphasize preserving and improving existing modes, efficient use of the public transport management infrastructure, implementing proper planning measures, and encouraging a shift towards sustainable modes. They also discuss sustainability in terms of environment, energy, economic, and land use perspectives and consider the trends of motorization, vehicle growth, modal share, effects on mobility and environment, and transport energy consumption and emissions. Public Transport Planning and Management in Developing Countries addresses the growing resource needs and economics of public transport in developing countries, explains various aspects of public transport planning and management, and provides readers with a basic understanding of both urban and rural public transport planning and management in developing countries.

Urban Transport Development

Book Description

Urban Transport Development is a contribution to the ongoing global discussion on the future of urban transport. The main themes are how to cope with the complexity of urban transport development and the process of change including its determining factors. The role of leadership in the development process is the key issue. Main areas of discussion are the historical background, the diversity and complexity of present problems, and the outcome of attempts to promote positive future development in urban environments around the world.

Affordability and Subsidies in Public Urban Transport: What Do We Mean, What Can Be Done?

Book Description

Abstract: Subsidy policies on public urban transport have been adopted ubiquitously. In both developed and developing countries, subsidies are implemented to make transport more affordable. Despite their widespread implementation, there are virtually no quantitative assessments of their distributional incidence, making it impossible to determine if these instruments are pro-poor. This paper reviews the arguments used to justify subsidy policies in public urban transport. Using different tools to quantitatively evaluate the incidence and distributive impacts of subsidy policy options, the paper analyzes the findings of a series of research papers that study urban public transport subsidy policies in developed and developing countries. The available evidence indicates that current public urban transport subsidy policies do not make the poorest better off. Supply-side subsidies are, for the most part, neutral or regressive; while demand-side subsidies perform better-although many of them do not improve income distribution. Considering that the policy objective is to improve the welfare of the poorest, it is imperative to move away from supply-side subsidies towards demand-side subsidies and to integrate transport social concerns into wider poverty alleviation efforts, which include the possibility of channeling subsidies through monetary transfer systems or through other transfer instruments (food subsidies, health services and education for the poor). The general conclusion of the paper is that more effort should be devoted to improve the targeting properties of public urban transport subsidies using means-testing procedures to ensure a more pro-poor incidence of subsidies.