Use of Process Monitoring Data for the Enhancement of Nuclear Material Control and Accounting

Book Description

Two licensed fuel fabrication facilities, one processing low-enriched and the other high-enriched uranium, were examined in this study. Safeguards effectiveness of the current material accounting system at each licensee was quantitatively assessed using an evaluation methodology. Two generations of alternate material control systems using portions of the facilities' process monitoring data were developed and similarly evaluated for each facility.

Use of Process Monitoring Data to Enhance Material Accounting

Book Description

A study was conducted for the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of a continuing program to estimate the effectiveness of using process monitoring data to enhance special nuclear material accounting in nuclear facilities. Two licensed fuel fabrication facilities with internal scrap recovery processes were examined. The loss detection sensitivity, timeliness and localization capabilities of the process monitoring technique were evaluated for single and multiple (trickle) losses. The impact of records manipulation, mass and isotopic substitution, and collusion between two insiders as methods for concealing diversion were also studied.