That They May All Be One

Book Description

Cardinal Kasper is a distinguished theologian who was a colleague of Cardinal Ratzinger, Karl Rahner, and Hans Kung at The Universities of Münster and Tübingen. Kasper now heads the Vatican's Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with the specific task of fostering relations between the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches and Ecclesial communities. Here he outlines his vision for the unity of Christian Churches. A man with an open mind, Kasper covers one of the major responsibilities of the contemporary Catholic Church. His perspective of the uniqueness of The Catholic Church and its magisterium is presented here as a modern inquiry into the nature of truth. His views are enlightening and engaging, and reflect the important role of dialogue as understood by the Catholic Church, which also listen to other traditions and learn from them. Many will read it in the hope that the thought of this renowned, open-minded Church leader may give hope to people of all traditions that they may learn to understand Jesus's injunction - 'they may be one'.

Ut Unum Sint

Book Description

That They May All Be One

Book Description

Encyclical letter calling for Christian unity, given by Pope John Paul II, at Saint Peter's on 25 May, 1995.

That They May All Be One

Book Description

Cardinal Kasper is a distinguished theologian who was a colleague of Cardinal Ratzinger, Karl Rahner, and Hans Kung at The Universities of Münster and Tübingen. Kasper now heads the Vatican's Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with the specific task of fostering relations between the Catholic Church and other Christian Churches and Ecclesial communities. Here he outlines his vision for the unity of Christian Churches. A man with an open mind, Kasper covers one of the major responsibilities of the contemporary Catholic Church. His perspective of the uniqueness of The Catholic Church and its magisterium is presented here as a modern inquiry into the nature of truth. His views are enlightening and engaging, and reflect the important role of dialogue as understood by the Catholic Church, which also listen to other traditions and learn from them. Many will read it in the hope that the thought of this renowned, open-minded Church leader may give hope to people of all traditions that they may learn to understand Jesus's injunction - 'they may be one'.

Christian Unity — the Next Step

Book Description

Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants have in many ways moved from diatribe to dialogue. Conversations among theologians have achieved significant progress on many issues in the half century since the Catholic Church entered the ecumenical movement in earnest. In CHRISTIAN UNITY – THE NEXT STEP ‘THAT THEY MAY ALL BE ONE’ Kevin E. Mackin, OFM, a popular priest and former college president and professor, delves into and shares his studies on recent Church history and theology, and posits that the time is ripe for more real-world Christian collaboration and service, for further internal reform, and for a third ecumenical Council.

The Reform of the Papacy

Book Description

Where is the Catholic church going in 2007 and beyond? With the ascendancy of a new pope and talk of a papal visit to the U.S. in 2007, the future of the Catholic church is again on the minds of many. In this influential bestseller, John R. Quinn, who served as Archbishop of San Francisco, makes a clear and bold case for reform within the Catholic Church, particularly of the policies and procedures of the Roman Curia.

That They May Be One

Book Description