Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture

Book Description

Rapid urbanization has created a major challenge with regard to waste management and environmental protection. However, the problem can be ameliorated by turning organic waste into compost for use as an agricultural fertilizer in urban and peri-urban areas. This is especially significant in less developed countries, where food security is also a key issue. This book addresses these subjects and is mainly based on papers presented at a workshop held in Ghana by the International Board for Soil Research and Management (now part of the International Water Management Institute) and FAO. Special reference is given to sub-Saharan Africa, with acknowledgement to experiences from other parts of the world.

Review of Guidelines and Manuals for Value Chain Analysis for Agricultural and Forest Products

Book Description

This paper gives an overview of guidelines and manuals for valuechain analysis in agriculture and forestry. The publications were compiled through web search using key words such as value chain manuals, value chain guidelines, value chain handbooks. Information was also gathered by requesting key informants to provide any guidelines they knew of. The value chain concept has been applied in different ways by different organizations. Thus, this paper starts by reviewing the commonalities and differences in the definition of value chain and other relevant terms. Four stages of value chain analysis are described: appraisal, design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. It then lists 32 guidelines and manuals, breaking them into four groups: (1) those that deal with all four stages of value chain analysis, (2) those focusing on the first two stages, appraisal and design, (3) those that focus on forest products, and (4) those examining special topics cutting across the other guidelines such as collective marketing, farmer-trader relations or gender analysis. For each guideline or manual, there is a brief overview of the contents, the specific survey instruments, case studies and the web address or other means of accessing it. Future work should include a more detailed analysis of the approaches and methods used in the different manuals and their strengths and weaknesses.

Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture

Book Description

This book offers a broad and global level description of the current status of wastewater use in agriculture and then brings the readers to various places in the MENA Region and Europe to explain how some countries and regions have addressed the challenges during implementation. On a global scale, over 20 million hectares of agricultural land are irrigated using wastewater. This is one good, and perhaps the most prominent, example of the safe use potential of wastewater. Water scarcity and the cost of energy and fertilisers are among the main factors driving millions of farmers and other entrepreneurs to make use of wastewater. In order to address the technical, institutional, and policy challenges of safe water reuse, developing countries and countries in transition need clear institutional arrangements and more skilled human resources, with a sound understanding of the opportunities and potential risks of wastewater use. Stakeholders in wastewater irrigation who need to implement from scratch or improve current conditions, find it difficult to gather the necessary information on practical implementation aspects. The main objective of this book is to bridge that gap.

Global Waste Management Outlook

Book Description

The UNEP Governing Council of February 2013 requested the United Nations Environment Programme "to develop a global outlook of challenges, trends and policies in relation to waste prevention, minimization and management, taking into account the materials life cycle, subject to the availability of extra-budgetary resources and in consultation with Governments and stakeholders, building on available data, best practices and success stories, taking into account the Global Chemicals Outlook and any other relevant initiatives and taking care not to duplicate existing information, to provide guidance for national policy planning." UNEP's International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC), in collaboration with the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), has taken the lead on this initiative; aiming to develop the Global Waste Management Outlook as a tool to provide an authoritative overview, analysis and recommendations for action of policy instruments and financing models for waste management. The GWMO is the result of two year's work and provides the first comprehensive global overview of the state of waste management around the world in the 21st century.

Sustainable Value Chains for Sustainable Food Systems

Book Description

"The workshop considered potential contributions of the organization, functioning and governance of food value chains to the sustainability of food systems. The various sessions were focused on different aspects in order to integrate perspectives of various actors, the private sector and civil society along with contributions from FAO, research and academia."--Publisher's description.

Unasylva 250

Book Description

Cities need forests. The network of woodlands, groups of trees and individual trees in a city and on its fringes performs a huge range of functions – such as regulating climate; storing carbon; removing air pollutants; reducing the risk of flooding; assisting in food, energy and water security; and improving the physical and mental health of citizens. Forests enhance the look of cities and play important roles in social cohesion; they may even reduce crime. This edition of Unasylva takes a close look at urban and peri-urban forestry – its benefits, pitfalls, governance and challenges.

Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture

Book Description

The use of urban wastewater in agriculture is receiving renewed attention, with the increasing scarcity of fresh water resources in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Wastewater is a low-cost alternative to conventional irrigation water, although it may carry health and environmental risks. This book critically reviews experience worldwide of these issues. Emphasis is placed on untreated wastewater use by means of field-based case studies from Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. It brings together a range of perspectives including economic, health, agronomic, environmental, institutional, and policy dimensions.

Farming Systems and Poverty

Book Description

A joint FAO and World Bank study which shows how the farming systems approach can be used to identify priorities for the reduction of hunger and poverty in the main farming systems of the six major developing regions of the world.