Value Stocks beat Growth Stocks: An empirical Analysis for the German Stock Market

Book Description

Based on a 'free of survivorship-bias' sample of German stocks listed at the Frankfurt stock exchange, the study investigates the ability of hedge portfolio formation structures, built of three value premium proxies (P/B, P/E, and DY), the size factor, and the technical momentum factor, to generate excess returns in the period 1992 to 2011. First, the author characterizes and defines the significant terms that are in connection with value and growth investing. He continues with the discussion of asset pricing with the CAPM, the Fama and French three-factor model, and the Carhart extension, and then describes the expected stock returns that are of capital importance. Moreover, the author deals with related studies for the German stock market. He gives a detailed description of the empirical analysis before he draws his conclusions. The author's purpose is to answer the following core questions: Is there a value premium in the German market between 1992 and 2011? Is there a reversed size premium like recent empirical findings suggest? Do high momentum stocks perform better than low momentum stocks? Is there a significant seasonal pattern in hedge portfolio returns? The combination of which factors best explains expected stock returns?

Efficiency and Anomalies in Stock Markets

Book Description

The Efficient Market Hypothesis believes that it is impossible for an investor to outperform the market because all available information is already built into stock prices. However, some anomalies could persist in stock markets while some other anomalies could appear, disappear and re-appear again without any warning. A Special Issue on "Efficiency and Anomalies in Stock Markets" will be devoted to advancements in the theoretical development of market efficiency and anomaly in the Stock Market, as well as applications in Stock Market efficiency and anomalies.

The Phenomenon of IPO Underpricing in the European and U.S. Stock Markets

Book Description

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) marks one of the most important events of a company. Basically, the aim is to generate maximum proceeds by selling the company’s shares to investors. However, the shares that are sold seem to be underpriced as the price significantly soars on the first trading day. Since the very first detection of this phenomenon in the United States in 1969, several subsequent studies have documented the existence of worldwide IPO underpricing. This study focuses on IPO Underpricing in the European and United States Stock Markets by outlining and discussing the following essential issues: What is underpricing in the context of the IPO? Which motivations are there and how do they impact? Is there IPO underpricing in the markets of Europe and the United States of America?

Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes

Book Description

Economists broadly define financial asset price bubbles as episodes in which prices rise with notable rapidity and depart from historically established asset valuation multiples and relationships. Financial economists have for decades attempted to study and interpret bubbles through the prisms of rational expectations, efficient markets, equilibrium, arbitrage, and capital asset pricing models, but they have not made much if any progress toward a consistent and reliable theory that explains how and why bubbles (and crashes) evolve and are defined, measured, and compared. This book develops a new and different approach that is based on the central notion that bubbles and crashes reflect urgent short-side rationing, which means that, as such extreme conditions unfold, considerations of quantities owned or not owned begin to displace considerations of price.

Statistics of Financial Markets

Book Description

Practice makes perfect. Therefore the best method of mastering models is working with them. This book contains a large collection of exercises and solutions which will help explain the statistics of financial markets. These practical examples are carefully presented and provide computational solutions to specific problems, all of which are calculated using R and Matlab. This study additionally looks at the concept of corresponding Quantlets, the name given to these program codes and which follow the name scheme SFSxyz123. The book is divided into three main parts, in which option pricing, time series analysis and advanced quantitative statistical techniques in finance is thoroughly discussed. The authors have overall successfully created the ideal balance between theoretical presentation and practical challenges.

Empirical Asset Pricing

Book Description

An introduction to the theory and methods of empirical asset pricing, integrating classical foundations with recent developments. This book offers a comprehensive advanced introduction to asset pricing, the study of models for the prices and returns of various securities. The focus is empirical, emphasizing how the models relate to the data. The book offers a uniquely integrated treatment, combining classical foundations with more recent developments in the literature and relating some of the material to applications in investment management. It covers the theory of empirical asset pricing, the main empirical methods, and a range of applied topics. The book introduces the theory of empirical asset pricing through three main paradigms: mean variance analysis, stochastic discount factors, and beta pricing models. It describes empirical methods, beginning with the generalized method of moments (GMM) and viewing other methods as special cases of GMM; offers a comprehensive review of fund performance evaluation; and presents selected applied topics, including a substantial chapter on predictability in asset markets that covers predicting the level of returns, volatility and higher moments, and predicting cross-sectional differences in returns. Other chapters cover production-based asset pricing, long-run risk models, the Campbell-Shiller approximation, the debate on covariance versus characteristics, and the relation of volatility to the cross-section of stock returns. An extensive reference section captures the current state of the field. The book is intended for use by graduate students in finance and economics; it can also serve as a reference for professionals.

Expectations and the Structure of Share Prices

Book Description

John G. Cragg and Burton G. Malkiel collected detailed forecasts of professional investors concerning the growth of 175 companies and use this information to examine the impact of such forecasts on the market evaluations of the companies and to test and extend traditional models of how stock market values are determined.