Vampire Dormitory T10

Book Description

Alors que Mito est prisonnière de Ruze, Ren apparaît pour la sauver ! Par amour pour elle et en remerciement de ce qu’elle a fait pour lui, le dhampire termine de la préparer pour son mariage avec Luka. Mais Ruze n’a pas dit son dernier mot. Il s’interpose à nouveau entre les deux tourtereaux et provoque Luka en duel. Les âmes soeurs réussiront-elles à s’unir pour sauver le pays des vampires ?!

Vampire Dormitory 10

Book Description

Ruzé has kidnapped Mito and locked her away to become his bride! But before the ceremony can be completed, Ren infiltrates the castle to bust Mito out! Ren, wanting to repay his debt of gratitude to Mito, helps her escape and prepare for her wedding with Ruka. Ruzé makes one last stand, challenging Ruka to a final confrontation over Mito's hand in marriage! Will Ruka and Mito be able to defeat him and say their vows before the eclipse ends?!

Vampire Dormitory 6

Book Description

“Thank you for protecting me… and for loving me.” Ruka has finally awakened to his true feelings towards Mito. Without regard for gender or destiny, he is in love. But, not wanting to give her up, Ren has erased Mito’s memories of Ruka, transformed her into a boy, and is about to marry her! Ruka, madly in love, crashes the ceremony, and…! Then, mysterious new characters are introduced as a new chapter in the heart-pounding boys’ love-esque romance drama begins!

Vampire Dormitory 4

Book Description

"I'll do it! I'll become your thrall!" A crossdressing girl and an obsessive vampire find themselves entangled in a dangerous relationship inside the boys' dorm. This is a heart-pounding boys' love-esque romance drama from award-winning author Ema Toyama! Ren discovers Mito's secret—and asks her out! Meanwhile, Ruka returns to the Land of the Vampires only to be accosted for pursuing Mito rather than searching out his destined partner, which would allow him to claim the title of Lord of the Vampires. However, he is informed of a premonition: he will encounter his destined partner upon his return to the human realm! But can Mito compete for his attentions… against herself?!

Vampire Dormitory 07

Book Description

Vampire Dormitory 7

Book Description

Now that Mito and Ruka each know how the other feels, their romance goes into overdrive as Ruka pops the question! However, Major Ruzé of the Patriots, a militia attempting to seize control of the Land of the Vampires, seeks to steal Mito away and separate Ruka from his destined partner! What's more, it seems Ruka and Ruzé have some kind of connection… With explosive new twists, the dangerous romance between a crossdressing girl and an obsessive vampire rises to a new climax!

Vampire Dormitory 5

Book Description

Not wanting to give Mito up to Ruka, Ren uses his dhampir magic to turn her into a him! Mito's days pass one by one as the chance for Ruka to recognize her as his destined partner grows slimmer and slimmer… But then, Ren's father creates a female doppelganger of Mito to steal Ruka away! Will he be able to tell the difference in time?! It's one turn after another as the heart-pounding boys' love-esque romance drama continues!

Vampire Dormitory 04

Book Description

Vampire Dormitory 01

Book Description

Vampire Dormitory 11

Book Description