Southwestern Rare and Endangered Plants

Book Description

Reviews the current status of plant conservation in the southwestern U.S., citing specific cases from surveys, and genetic, demographic, and ecological studies. In addition, broad issues affecting the paradigms of conservation of rare plants species in an ecosystem management context are reviewed. Contents: public involvement in plant conservation; demography; genetics; issues concerning rarity and preserving biodiversity; reproductive and pollination biology; autecology; strategies for protection in an ecosystem context; and surveys and monitoring. 40 papers. Illus.

Rare Plants of Texas

Book Description

Since 1987, more than 225 species have been identified and described as endangered, imperiled, or declining. Complete with photographs, line drawings, and county maps, this book describes the officially listed, candidate, and species-of-concern plants in Texas. Individual accounts include information on distribution, habitat, physical description, flowering time, federal and state status, similar species, and published references.