Ventilazione meccanica non invasiva

Book Description

La crescita esponenziale dell’interesse per la ventilazione non invasiva (NIV) verificatasi negli ultimi 10-15 anni, non solo dal punto di vista clinico e applicativo, ma anche speculativo, ha pochi eguali nella recente storia della medicina. In Italia e in Europa in generale tale metodica è applicata su larga scala, prevalentemente nei reparti di Pneumologia e nelle Unità di Cure Intermedie Respiratorie, mentre per quanto riguarda la sua applicazione nei reparti di Terapia Intensiva Generale (UTI) i dati emersi da uno studio multicentrico condotto nei paesi francofoni vedono la NIV impiegata in una quantità di casi che rappresenta fino al 50% dei pazienti che richiedono assistenza ventilatoria. Il recente studio EUROVENT ha inoltre dimostrato come la NIV non si limiti alla sua applicazione “acuta”, dal momento che circa 25.000 pazienti sono attualmente ventilati “in cronico” a domicilio. Inoltre, si calcola che milioni di cittadini europei soffrano attualmente di disturbi respiratori durante il sonno, e per molti di essi il trattamento medico di prima scelta è rappresentato dalla NIV. Questo libro si propone lo scopo di richiamare l’attenzione sulle più recenti acquisizioni in questo campo, con la speranza di fornire uno strumento valido e maneggevole per la scelta e l’impostazione della migliore modalità di ventilazione.

Non Invasive Artificial Ventilation

Book Description

Over the last two decades, the increasing use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has reduced the need for endotracheal ventilation, thus decreasing the rate of ventilation-induced complications. Thus, NIV has decreased both intubation rates and mortality rates in specific subsets of patients with acute respiratory failure (for example, patients with hypercapnia, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, immune deficiencies, or post-transplantation acute respiratory failure). Despite the increased use of NIV in clinical practice, there is still a need for more educational tools to improve clinicians’ knowledge of the indications and contraindications for NIV, the factors that predict failure or success, and also what should be considered when starting NIV. This book has the dual function of being a "classical" text where the major findings in the literature are discussed and highlighted, as well as a practical manual on the tricks and pitfalls to consider in NIV application by both beginners and experts. For example, setting the ventilatory parameters; choosing the interfaces, circuits, and humidification systems; monitoring; and the "right" environment for the "right" patient will be discussed to help clinicians in their choices.

Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation

Book Description

The 3rd and updated edition of this book represents a new and unique scientific reference for the medical community on how to understand rationale and applications of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). Its aim is to establish the indications of NIMV in critically ill patients in weaning from invasive MV. Nowadays, there is a growing evidence-based medicine that recommends use of NIMV in patients after extubation or in difficult weaning patients also affected by comorbidities. This book has been conceived with the vision or providing the best resources for everyone working in ICUs even if belonging to different specialties (intensive care, anesthesiology, pneumology, emergency medicine, etc.). Considering the enormous increase of literature on this topic, authors have selected major key topics related to NIMV, excluding those with low rate of interest, have updated previous topics and have introduced new items collecting them in a practical book analyzing major key topics for a correct practical applications. A new gaze has been devoted to emergency medicine and prehospital applications and technical developments (new ventilation modes: neurology adaptive modes, average support mode and to the development of synchronization and patient-ventilator interaction result). A section dedicated to sleep medicine - due to the new interesting studies on NIV-CPAP adaptation studies, clinical impacts of CPAP devices and ventilatory modes representing an essentials development for a new adequate analysis - is now included. A part devoted to clinical indications based on the observation of new clinical indications in anesthesiology and pneumology in NIV as complementary technique for procedures like bronchoscopy, pre-oxygenation and difficult endotracheal intubations is also now foreseen.

Upper Airway Disorders and Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation

Book Description

This book analyses the basic rationale of noninvasive respiratory management in upper airways medical and perioperative disorders and key interactions and clinical implications. It offers key diagnostic tools to detect early and late failure of upper airway disorders whit a noninvasive approach. Furthermore, all medical and post-operative clinical indications of acute and chronic diseases in upper airway respiratory disorders and outcomes are summarized. The book can be considered unique from various perspectives: from the physiological and practical point of view as well as from the side of the therapeutic approach. As a matter of fact, from the physiological perspective, noninvasive mechanical ventilation has been shown to have several beneficial effects on the elasticity, musculature, and resistance of the upper and lower airways. Then, in the book the relationships between noninvasive respiratory management options and upper airway disorders in medical and postoperative conditions are also considered. Finally, the book provides information and analysis of the interaction of upper airways in the interaction of noninvasive mechanical ventilation management, which are the determining factors in the response in various clinical settings. Considering the growing evidence of the role of upper airways disorders in influencing the outcomes of noninvasive mechanical ventilation, in this book is presented a unique multidisciplinary approach to better understand the role of upper airways in noninvasive mechanical ventilation. The volume – richly illustrated – offers an exhaustive analysis of the role of the upper airways in patients who require treatment with noninvasive mechanical ventilation and can be considered a scientific reference for several specialists such as intensivists and anesthesiologists, pneumologists-sleep medicine professionals as well as otorhinolaryngologists.

Index Medicus

Book Description

Excerpta Anestesiologica

Book Description

Il volume è rivolto agli anestesisti rianimatori e abbraccia diverse prospettive: temi generali come la sedazione e la sedo-analgesia in terapia intensiva, l’uso corretto di diuretici e l’utilizzo “colto” dei farmaci; problematiche ancora molto discusse come la “Goal Directed Hemodynamic Therapy” nel perioperatorio del paziente a rischio; argomenti più specialistici come la gestione dell’insufficienza epatica acuta in terapia intensiva e della acidosi ipercapnica nella ventilazione artificiale protettiva.

Ventilazione meccanica invasiva e non invasiva

Book Description

Ventilazione meccanica invasiva e non invasiva. Dalla fisiologia alla clinica affronta l’argomento partendo da una solida analisi delle basi fisiologiche e, attraverso una disamina delle tecnologie applicate, ne valuta le indicazioni cliniche analizzando anche le tattiche e le strategie di utilizzo.


Book Description