Cuba y el mundo. Articulos politicos

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El autor nació en Ciudad Habana en el año 1964, y actualmente reside en el sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos. Entre sus escritos se encuentran poemas de diferente temario; otras obras extensas de carácter bíblico como el libro titulado '¡Tierra, tierra, tierra! Oye Palabra de Yahweh'; cuentos, obras de teatro, escritos políticos sobre el acontecer mundial y de su país natal; además del conocido libro autobiográfico 'Nacido Patria o Muerte'; libros de salmos y alabanzas cristianas, y la obra literaria 'Aventuras de Victorino Chang'.Aquí te entregamos este libro de 30 artículos 'Cuba y el mundo. Artículos políticos', compilados durante la segunda mitad de los años 2009-2010. En ellos se reflejan y analizan puntos de vista del autor en referencia a su país natal y hechos que transcurren progresivamente en nuestro acontecer mundial.Como dato complementario relacionado a la trayectoria educacional del autor, es graduado con una Maestría en Ciencias (MS) y enseñanza de la lengua española en Nova Southeastern University (NSU); graduado con una Licenciatura en Artes (BA) y la lengua española en Florida Atlantic University (FAU) ambas en los EE.UU; y graduado como Piloto de Combate y Mando Táctico en el Instituto Militar Superior de las Fuerzas Aéreas Soviéticas A. Serov en Krasnodar, antigua URSS.CONTENIDO-Introducción.-La hipocresía de la prensa.-¿Calentamiento global o gobierno mundial?-Toreando gallinitas.-Raulito y su cobardía del ALBA.-El Proyecto Varela y el Movimiento Cristiano Liberación.-Reconciliando proyectos.-La verdad de lo ocurrido Comandante.-Cuba, levántate y anda. -La hora de la verdad Comandante.-El camarada y las becas del gran futuro.-Cuba, mi vecino cubano, y el año nuevo.-El gran cubano Félix Varela y Morales.-Jugando al Socialismo bueno o malo.-El socialismo venezolano y su maquinaria reguladora.-Entre fuego y marabú.-Orlando Zapata y el muro de Berlín.-The 100 yrs old Beast of Jekyll Island.-Se acerca la muerte física de los tiranos de Cuba.-¿Es el Islam una religión de paz?-El derecho a ser libre.-¿Cómo puede haber paz?-Chávez como buen hijo de Putin.-Raúl Castro, Communism-Socialism, and Autocratic Leaders.-Basilio, Quitera, Camacho, y el Nuevo Orden Mundial Socialista.-The Emotional Intelligence of Transformational Leaders.-El Compañero y la Compañera.-¿Desarme o engaño mundial?-¡Feliz Navidad a todos!-La Niebla que nos impide la Fe.-"Tierra de mis amores eternos".

A First Book in Spanish

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Prominent Women in Latin America

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A biographical listing of approximately 90 prominent Latin American women.

Conflicts of Interest

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María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, the recently discovered nineteenth-century novelist, broke many of the boundaries that circumscribed the life of both women and Hispanics in the southwestern territories of the United States. Not only was she the first Hispanic novelist to write English, but her courage and resolve took her into the circles of governmental and financial power where very few women had tread before. Conflicts of Interest captures the conflicted personality of María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, a woman pulled in different directions by tensions of class, race, gender, and nationality. The trajectory of Ruiz de Burtons life through her correspondence makes for a compelling and revealing narrative, one that brings to life the evolution of discourse and culture in the Southwest as it was becoming integrated in the United States a process which, some might argue, continues today. This volume is as complete a collection of the Ruiz de Burton letters as is possible, given the imperfect historical record. Included are various personal and business documents and a collection of articles about her family. Among her correspondents were such important historical figures as Samuel L. M. Barlow, E. W. Morse, Prudenciana Moreno, and Platón Vallejo. But this album is not a simple collection of letters and documents; rather, researchers Sánchez and Pita have made great efforts to reconstitute Ruiz de Burtons life and times through their analysis and commentary.

Argentines of Today

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Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry

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The science of surface and colloid chemistry has been expanding at a rapid pace, resulting in new areas of development, additional applications, and more theoretical and experimental information on related systems. Completely revised and expanded to reflect the very active worldwide research on this subject, this is the definitive handbook for the

Verses of the Sanctuary

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VERSES OF THE SANCTUARY is the continuation of a journey of the children of the Sanctuary which started in ANAMNESIS. The children of the Sanctuary, are the creative minds, the divine souls, gods among human begins and the light of life. They live in the human society, just like everyone else but all along, they have felt something is missing, they perceive that there is something else; they try to find the inexplicable to the reason and to the senses... the truth. Understanding more the new world, behind unopened doors, between unexplored parallels, where the poetical verses of art dominates, where philosophy is a life style and where all the immortal souls belongs to... the eternal place, the Sanctuary. Here are the Poetry and Songs, experience by the divine immortal souls, fighting their own demons, in a world of dark mortal souls, a world of hate and chaos, destruction and confusion.

Panorama hispanohablante Student Book 1

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The Panorama hispanohablante suite covers everything you need for the two year ab initio Spanish course for the IB Diploma programme.

Notes and Queries

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