VERITAS Dark Matter Search in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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In the last century, several astronomical measurements have supported that a significant percentage (about 22%) of the total mass of the Universe, on galactic and extragalactic scales, is composed of a mysterious "dark" matter (DM). DM does not interact with the electromagnetic force; in other words it does not reflect, absorb or emit light. It is possible that DM particles are weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that can annihilate (or decay) into Standard Model (SM) particles, and modern very- high-energy (VHE; > 100 GeV) instruments such as imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) can play an important role in constraining the main properties of such DM particles, by detecting these products. One of the most privileged targets where to look for DM signal are dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), as they are expected to be high DM-dominated objects with a clean, gas-free environment. Some dSphs could be considered as extended sources, considering the angular resolution of IACTs; their angu- lar resolution is adequate to detect extended emission from dSphs. [...].

Optimized Dark Matter Searches in Deep Observations of Segue 1 with MAGIC

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This thesis presents the results of indirect dark matter searches in the gamma-ray sky of the near Universe, as seen by the MAGIC Telescopes. The author has proposed and led the 160 hours long observations of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Segue 1, which is the deepest survey of any such object by any Cherenkov telescope so far. Furthermore, she developed and completely characterized a new method, dubbed “Full Likelihood”, that optimizes the sensitivity of Cherenkov instruments for detection of gamma-ray signals of dark matter origin. Compared to the standard analysis techniques, this novel approach introduces a sensitivity improvement of a factor of two (i.e. it requires 4 times less observation time to achieve the same result). In addition, it allows a straightforward merger of results from different targets and/or detectors. By selecting the optimal observational target and combining its very deep exposure with the Full Likelihood analysis of the acquired data, the author has improved the existing MAGIC bounds to the dark matter properties by more than one order of magnitude. Furthermore, for particles more massive than a few hundred GeV, those are the strongest constraints from dwarf galaxies achieved by any gamma-ray instrument, both ground-based or space-borne alike.

Searching for Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies and Other Galactic Dark Matter Substructures with the Fermi Large Area Telescope

Book Description

Over the past century, it has become clear that about a quarter of the known universe is composed of an invisible, massive component termed ''dark matter''. Some of the most popular theories of physics beyond the Standard Model suggest that dark matter may be a new fundamental particle that could self-annihilate to produce [gamma] rays. Nearby over-densities in the dark matter halo of our Milky Way present some of the most promising targets for detecting the annihilation of dark matter. We used the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to search for [gamma] rays produced by dark matter annihilation in Galactic dark matter substructures. We searched for [gamma]-ray emission coincident with Milky Way dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies, which trace the most massive Galactic dark matter substructures. We also sought to identify nearby dark matter substructures that lack all astrophysical tracers and would be detectable only through [gamma]-ray emission from dark matter annihilation. We found no conclusive evidence for [gamma]-ray emission from dark matter annihilation, and we set stringent and robust constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross section. While [gamma]-ray searches for dark matter substructure are currently the most sensitive and robust probes of dark matter annihilation, they are just beginning to intersect the theoretically preferred region of dark matter parameter space. Thus, we consider future prospects for increasing the sensitivity of [gamma]-ray searches through improvements to the LAT instrument performance and through upcoming wide- field optical surveys.

Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Gamma Rays

Book Description

Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Gamma Rays summarizes the evidence for dark matter and what we can learn about its particle nature using cosmic gamma rays. It has almost been 100 years since Fritz Zwicky first detected hints that most of the matter in the Universe that doesn't directly emit or reflect light. Since then, the observational evidence for dark matter has continued to grow. Dark matter may be a new kind of particle that is governed by physics beyond our Standard Model of particle physics. In many models, dark matter annihilation or decay produces gamma rays. There are a variety of instruments observing the gamma-ray sky from tens of MeV to hundreds of TeV. Some make deep, focused observations of small regions, while others provide coverage of the entire sky. Each experiment offers complementary sensitivity to dark matter searches in a variety of target sizes, locations, and dark matter mass scales. We review results from recent gamma-ray experiments including anomalies some have attributed to dark matter. We also discuss how our gamma-ray observations complement other dark matter searches and the prospects for future experiments.

Study of the Galactic Center and Dark Matter Search with H.E.S.S.

Book Description

The H.E.S.S. (High Energy Spectroscopic System) experiment is an array of five Cherenkov telescopes that observe the sky in gamma-rays from about 100 GeV up to several ten TeV.Gamma rays are produced in violent non-thermal phenomena in the Universe in the neighborhood of pulsars, supernovae, black holes, ..., and could also be produced by the annihilation of dark matter particles.Numerous cosmological and astrophysical probes suggest that 85% of the total matter budget in the Universe is of unknown origin. This component of matter known as dark matter is non baryonic and could consist of yet undiscovered particles which privileged candidates are arguably massive particles with electroweak couplings with ordinary matter (WIMPs).Dark matter particles may annihilate into Standard Model particles in dense regions of the Universe. Among the annihilation products are photons which detection at high energy with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes could bring unique information on the nature of the dark matter.H.E.S.S. observes dark-matter-dense regions of the sky such as the Galactic Center and dwarf galaxy satellites of the Milky Way. A study on the interpretation of an excess of gamma-rays detected by H.E.S.S. at the Galactic Center in terms of acceleration of protons by a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars is performed.10 years of observations of the Galactic Center with the four-telescope H.E.S.S.-I array, five years of data taking towards the Galactic Center region with the full H.E.S.S.-II array and a two-years dataset towards newly discovered dwarf spheroidal galaxies are analyzed. The search for dark matter annihilation signals towards these targets provided the strongest limits so far on dark matter annihilation cross section in gamma rays of TeV energies. The potential of dark matter detection with the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) towards the inner Galactic halo are studied. They may annihilate into Standard Model particles in dense regions of the Universe. Among the annihilation products are high energy photons. The detection of these photons with ground-based Cherenkov telescopes may reveal the nature of the dark matter. H.E.S.S. have observed some dark-matter-dense regions of the sky likethe Galactic Center and dwarf galaxies satellites of the Milky Way. In this work 10 years of observations of the Galactic Center with the four-telescopes H.E.S.S.-I array, five years of data taking towards the Galactic Center region with the full H.E.S.S.-II array and a two-years dataset towards newly discovered dwarf spheroidal galaxies are analyzed. The searches for dark matter annihilation signals towards these targets produced the strongest limits so far on dark matter annihilation cross section in gamma rays of TeV energies.Perspectives of dark matter detection with the future array CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) towards the inner Galactic halo are also discussed. A study on the interpretation of an excess of gamma-rays detected by H.E.S.S. at the Galactic Center in terms of acceleration of protons by a population of unresolved millisecond pulsars complements the dark matter searches.

Dark Matter in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

Book Description

From their unique location in orbit around the Milky Way, dwarf spheroidal galaxies are excellent laboratories for studying dark matter. In this thesis, information from the dynamics of stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies is used to infer the mass distribution of dark matter in these objects. A more precise measurement of the mass distribution would give us valuable clues about the nature of dark matter and can help us to target dark matter searches. Classically, the mass of a dwarf galaxy is estimated from measurements of the stellar velocity dispersion profile which tells us the width of the stellar velocity distribution at different distances from the galactic centre. Unfortunately, the velocity dispersion profile only constrains the mass of the galaxy at one radius and places little constraint on dark matter models. To improve upon the classic analysis, one can complement information from the velocity dispersion measurements (the second moment of the velocity distribution) with information from higher moments which constrain the shape of the velocity distribution. We relax assumptions made in previous works and develop new methods that for the first time allow us to draw robust conclusions about the ability of higher moments to differentiate between dark matter models that are indistinguishable in the classic analysis. Whilst our methods are not able to verify predictions from cosmological simulations of dark matter, we found that the fourth moment of the velocity distribution can dramatically improve constraints on the mass distribution of dwarf galaxies and can be used to improve the precision of dark matter detection experiments.