
Book Description

This book presents all of the 101 described species, 13 subspecies, and 30 varieties of the group of Western Australia plants known as the genus Verticordia. Comprehensive information about each species, the history of their discovery, naming, and cultivation is included along with life-size color paintings. The book also contains black and white illustrations, distribution maps, tables, and keys to ~identification.

Rare or Threatened Australian Plants

Book Description

The Rare or Threatened Australian Plants (ROTAP) list and associated coding system was developed and has been maintained by CSIRO since 1979, and lists taxa that are Presumed Extinct, Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare or Poorly Known at the national level. This edition provides the most up-to-date list for conservation purposes. A significant number of endangered and Vulnerable taxa are included, which have not yet been considered for inclusion on either the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council list or the Commonwealth's Schedule 1. This is the first ROTAP publication to include subspecies and varieties, and the list now includes 5031 taxa. There have also been at least 3270 amendments to data for listed taxa. A total of 2012 additional records of regional data for tax already listed has been included. A key factor in the development of public opinion, and the design of effective management schemes, lies in the production of accurate data to tell the story. What is threatened? Where is it found? These are two of the most fundamental questions to answer before any strategic plans can be drawn up. Obtaining such apparently simple statistics is a huge task. Rare or Threatened Australian Plants is therefore an important reference for the national status of threatened species, particularly for Rare and Poorly Known species.

Australian Seeds

Book Description

This is the first complete guide to the collection, processing and storage of wild collected seed. While the main focus is on Australian seeds, the procedures and protocols described within the book are of international standard and apply to users throughout the world. The book provides a basic understanding to seed biology, evolution and morphology, and includes chapters on all aspects of harvesting, processing and storage of seeds. This will enable users to collect, process and store seed more efficiently, thus reducing loss of seed viability during the storage process with potentially huge savings in time, effort and expense in the rehabilitation and restoration industries. With a strong emphasis on the species-rich Western Australian region, Australian Seeds features photographs of more than 1200 species showing clearly their size and shape. Comprehensive seed germination data enables users to know how long to allow for germination times and whether some form of pre-germination treatment is required and what this should be. This is of major importance to horticulturists and agriculturists planning crop and weed control programmes. It will also be a valuable resource to anyone interested in Australian flora.

Australian Native Plants

Book Description

Australian Native Plants provides a comprehensive guide to the horticulture of our native plants. Based on nearly 50 years of experience at Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Perth, the book describes the necessary growing conditions for mainly Western Australian native plants and covers some of the more technical aspects such as plant propagation and grafting, the use and benefits of tissue culture, methods of seed collection and storage, and the role of smoke in improving germination. Western Australia is home to about five per cent of the world’s vascular plants and contains Australia’s only terrestrial ‘biodiversity hotspot’. Written by experts with an in-depth knowledge of how to grow these plants outside their natural habitat, Australian Native Plants provides the more technically minded professional or enthusiast with information based on decades of research, experimentation and application. It aims to encourage the growing of Australian plants so that they can be used more widely and contribute to interesting, attractive and diverse private gardens and public landscapes in a changing environment.

Ecology of Plant-Derived Smoke

Book Description

Discusses how plant-derived smoke functions as a tool for promoting seed germination and growth, with 1355 species accounts.

1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants

Book Description

This book represents the most comprehensive compilation of data on threatened vascular plants ever published. It includes the names of some 33,000 plant species determined to be rare or threatened on a global scale. Conservation assessments were provided by the IUCN Species Survival Commission, the National Botanical Institute (South Africa), Environment Australia, and CSIRO, The Nature Conservancy, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, together with hundreds of botanic gardens and botanists throughout the world. The Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh and the New York Botanical Garden have made major in-kind contributions.The result of 20 years work by botanists and conservationists around the world, it is intended as a conservation tool, a provider of baseline information to measure conservation progress and as a primary source of data on plant species. Most importantly, however, it provides the building blocks on which to base a worldwide effort to conserve plant species.


Book Description

Did you know that there are plants that can survive fire? Plants with seed pods that explode, shooting seeds far and wide? Plants that can help clean up pollution? Or that Australia is home to the most ‘venomous’ plant in the world? Plantabulous! More A to Z of Australian Plants presents 26 iconic and unique native plants for you to discover in your local park, bushland or even your own backyard! Filled with fabulous facts, activities and illustrations, Plantabulous! will prove just how fabulous Australia’s native plants really are! Reading level varies from child to child, but we recommend this book for ages 6 to 12.

Her Share of the Blessings

Book Description

In this pathbreaking volume, Ross Shepard Kraemer provides the first comprehensive look at women's religions in Greco-Roman antiquity. She vividly recreates the religious lives of early Christian, Jewish, and pagan women, with many fascinating examples: Greek women's devotion to goddesses, rites of Roman matrons, Jewish women in rabbinic and diaspora communities, Christian women's struggles to exercise authority and autonomy, and women's roles as leaders in the full spectrum of Greco-Roman religions. In every case, Kraemer reveals the connections between the social constraints under which women lived, and their religious beliefs and practices. The relationship among female autonomy, sexuality, and religion emerges as a persistent theme. Analyzing the monastic Jewish Therapeutae and various Christian communities, Kraemer demonstrates the paradoxical liberation which women achieved by rejection of sexuality, the body, and the female. In the epilogue, Kraemer pursues the disturbing implications such findings have for contemporary women. Based on an astonishing variety of primary sources, Her Share of the Blessings is an insightful work that goes beyond the limitations of previous scholarship to provide a more accurate portrait of women in the Greco-Roman world.