Vigilance and Performance in Automatized Systems/Vigilance et Performance de l’Homme dans les Systèmes Automatisés

Book Description

PREFACE xv Il Y a une ou deux decennies les ingenieurs ont crn ou voulu faire croire que l'automatisation des systemes de production et de contrOle permettrait de s'affranchir entierement de ce maillon faillible que constitue l'Homme.On a meme vu une reunion scientifique se reunir sur Ie theme "L'homme element limitatif de l'utilisation des systemes d'armes". Dne telle attitude montre avant tout que 1'0n n'a pas su integrer l'utilisateur dans la conception du systeme considere. Elle consacre la faillite d'un concept. On est revenu a une notion plus realiste de la situation. En effet, meme dans les systemes dits "entierement automatises" on trouve toujours un ou plusieurs hommes, indispensables pour surveiller Ie deroulement du processus, intervenir lorsque se produit une defaillance, voire reprendre en main l'ensemble des operations lorsque survient un incident. Le developpement des automatismes modifie evidemment la tache de 1'0perateur. L'homme contribue moins directement a la production elle-meme, en ce sens qu'on n'exige plus de lui un effort physique. On lui confie, dans des conditions de travail encore inhabituelles et auxquelles il n'est pas specialement prepare, des systemes dont les couts sont tres eleves et qui risquent d'etre deteriores s'il commet la moindre faute. Sans compter les risques qu'il est alors susceptible de faire courir a ses concitoyens. Le bon sens reprenant le dessus, on s'interesse maintenant a la place de l'Homme confronte a ces situations qu'il rencontre de plus en plus frequemment dans l'industrie.

StarBriefs Plus

Book Description

With about 200,000 entries, StarBriefs Plus represents the most comprehensive and accurately validated collection of abbreviations, acronyms, contractions and symbols within astronomy, related space sciences and other related fields. As such, this invaluable reference source (and its companion volume, StarGuides Plus) should be on the reference shelf of every library, organization or individual with any interest in these areas. Besides astronomy and associated space sciences, related fields such as aeronautics, aeronomy, astronautics, atmospheric sciences, chemistry, communications, computer sciences, data processing, education, electronics, engineering, energetics, environment, geodesy, geophysics, information handling, management, mathematics, meteorology, optics, physics, remote sensing, and so on, are also covered when justified. Terms in common use and/or of general interest have also been included where appropriate.

Advances in Solid State Fermentation

Book Description

G.HAINNAUX Departement Milieu et Activites Agricoles, Centre ORSTOM, 911 Avenue d' Agropolis, B.P. 5045, 34032 Montpellier Cedex , France. Solid state fermentation, popularly abbreviated as SSF, is currently investigated by many groups throughout the world. The study of this technique was largely neglected in the past in European and Western countries and there is now a high demand for SSF, meaning in food, environment, agricultural, phannaceutical and many other biotechnological applications. It gives me satisfaction to note that the importance of this technique was realised at my department way back in 1975 since then, our team has put concentrated efforts on developing this technique. xvii Foreword Advances in Solid State Fermentation Foreword M. PUYGRENIER Agropolis Valorisation, Avenue d' Agropolis, 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. On the name of the Scientific Community, I would like to express the wish that this International Symposium on SSF should be successful. Solid State Fermentation is part of biotechnology research. It consists on seeding solid culture medium with bacteria or fungi (filamentous or higher) and on producing, in this medium (solid components and exudates) metabolites and high value products. In fact, this process is very old. In older industries such the food and agricultural, this technique has been extensively used. An example of this is the production of pork sausages and Roquefort cheese. Pharmaceutical industry could make extensive use of SSF in the production of secondary metabolites of many kinds and development in this direction is soon expected.

Executing Practices

Book Description

From the contestable politics of emoji modifier mechanisms and micro-temporalities of computational processes to genomic exploitation and the curating of digital content, Executing Practices highlights a range of ways in which execution emerges and how it participates within networked forms of liveliness.

StarBriefs 2001

Book Description

When working in the highly technical fields of astronomy and the related space sciences, the practitioner is constantly confronted with a baffling array of different abbreviations, acronyms, contractions, and symbols. The identification and differentiation of these terms is a task which, all too often, can prove to be a near impossible one. With over 140,000 separate dictionary-style entries, and over 20 years in collation, StarBriefs 2001 represents the most comprehensive and accurately validated collection of abbreviations, acronyms, contractions, and symbols within astronomy, related space sciences and other related fields. As such, this invaluable reference source (and its companion volume, StarGuides 2001 should be on the reference shelf of every library, organisation or individual with any interest in these areas. Besides astronomy and space sciences, related fields such as aeronautics, aeronomy, astronautics, atmospheric sciences, chemistry, communications, computer sciences, data processing, education, electronics, engineering, energetics, environmental, geodesy, geophysics, information handling, management, mathematics, meteorology, optics, physics, remote sensing, and so on, are also covered when justified. In addition, there are separate sections devoted to Greek letters, mathematical symbols, special signs and characters, as well as to entries with a numerical prefix. Finally, terms in common use and/or of general interest have also been included where appropriate.

Memory Reconsolidation in Psychotherapy

Book Description

Memory reconsolidation (MR)—a foundational process with the potential, if properly understood, to consistently bring about the kind of transformational change that we look for in the lives of clients—is the subject of this book. Featured in this issue is Bruce Ecker, one of the foremost experts in applying techniques that fulfil the neurobiological requirements to achieve MR in clinical practice. In fact all of the authors in this issue are experts in their respective fields, demonstrating the unifying nature of MR in such diverse therapies as the Alexander technique, energy psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and progressive counting. Understanding the biological basis of our memory and how it can be modified is the key to effective therapeutic change, especially when emotional memories are driving unwanted symptoms.The content of this special issue has been previously published in The Neuropsychotherapist or the International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy.


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Dr. Ainslie examines an elementary human paradox: that we are endangered by our own wishes.

Psychological Stress

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Social Informatics

Book Description

This book constitutes the proceedings of the Workshops held at the International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo 2014, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, in November 2014. This year SocInfo 2014 included nine satellite workshops: the City Labs Workshop, the Workshop on Criminal Network Analysis and Mining, CRIMENET, the Workshop on Interaction and Exchange in Social Media, DYAD, the Workshop on Exploration of Games and Gamers, EGG, the Workshop on HistoInformatics, the Workshop on Socio-Economic Dynamics, Networks and Agent-based Models, SEDNAM, the Workshop on Social Influence, SI, the Workshop on Social Scientists Working with Start-Ups and the Workshop on Social Media in Crowdsourcing and Human Computation, SoHuman.