Vol.2. Expanded. Mind Blowing Dialogues With Anunnaki Ulema Masters Living Among Us.

Book Description

7th Edition. VOLUME 2. EXPANDED-AUGMENTED BY 90%%%%. Revelations of the Greatest Information, Secrets & Mysteries of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Time Space Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Occult and Life After Death. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. For the first time in the study and discovery of modern ufology, extraterrestrials, and Anunnaki, real people from around the world ask 300-500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema Masters questions on the most intriguing and important subjects in the history of humanity. This is a very rare and exceptional opportunity to enter an Anunnaki-Ulema circle (School/Society) and hear directly the answers of the Anunnaki Ulema, learn about their secret teachings, and meet legendary Anunnaki Ulema living among us. Author's website: www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.com Email: [email protected]

Vol. 1. Expanded. Mind Blowing Dialogues With Anunnaki Ulema Masters Living Among Us.

Book Description

7th Edition. EXPANDED-AUGMENTED BY 90%%. Revelations of the Greatest Information, Secrets & Mysteries of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Time Space Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Occult and Life After Death. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. For the first time in the study and discovery of modern ufology, extraterrestrials, and Anunnaki, real people from around the world ask 300-500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema Masters questions on the most intriguing and important subjects in the history of humanity. This is a very rare and exceptional opportunity to enter an Anunnaki-Ulema circle (School/Society) and hear directly the answers of the Anunnaki Ulema, learn about their secret teachings, and meet legendary Anunnaki Ulema living among us. Author's website: www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.com Email: [email protected]

Mind Blowing Dialogues With Anunnaki Ulema Masters Living Among Us. 5th Edition

Book Description

5th Edition, brand new and revised. For the first time in the history of modern ufology & Anunnaki, real people communicate with 300/500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema & write to them, read their correspondence, questions& answers. Are you protected by an angel, a "Double", your astral body? The whole secrets & story of the German first UFOs, frontiers of the world beyond; Nibiru, the Anunnaki's physical & non-Physical dimensions. Matrix of humanity, Matrix of the Universe, Matrix of your life & future. Description of how Anunnaki created Mankind. This is what you see & feel when you enter Nibiru, the afterlife & other dimensions. Description of Grays fetuses storage room, tubes & containers, operation room for breeding, hybridization, creating new race. Complete description of the habitat of hybrids, cloned people, how they live day by day. Relation between you, Anunnaki and God (is he real or fake?) Why aliens & humans have MIND not a soul?

Mind Blowing Dialogues with Anunnaki Ulema Masters Living Among Us. 3rd Edition. Revelations of the Greatest Information, Secrets and Mysteries of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Time Space Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Occult and Life After Death

Book Description

3rd Edition, brand new and revised. For the first time in the history of modern ufology & Anunnaki, real people communicate with 300/500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema & write to them, read their correspondence, questions& answers. Are you protected by an angel, a Double, your astral body? The whole secrets & story of the German first UFOs, frontiers of the world beyond; Nibiru, the Anunnaki's physical & non-Physical dimensions. Matrix of humanity, Matrix of the Universe, Matrix of your life & future. Description of how Anunnaki created Mankind. This is what you see & feel when you enter Nibiru, the afterlife & other dimensions. Description of Grays fetuses storage room, tubes & containers, operation room for breeding, hybridization, creating new race. Complete description of the habitat of hybrids, cloned people, how they live day by day. Relation between you, Anunnaki and God (is he real or fake?) Why aliens & humans have MIND not a soul?

INSIDE the EXTRAORDINARY WORLD of the ANUNNAKI and ANUNNAKI-ULEMA: What I Saw, what I Learned, and what I Can Teach You. Book 2

Book Description

Book 2 of a set of 2 volumes. Maximillien de Lafayette who has studied with the Anunnaki-Ulema for 50 years, takes us on an unprecedented tour to the hidden and extraordinary world of the Anunnaki and his teachers the Anunnaki-Ulema and Enlightened Masters. He describes in detail, what he saw, what he learned, and what he is allowed to tell us, and plenty he did. The book explains in a plain language the mind-bending secrets, mysteries and secret teachings of the Masters. It includes: 1.Can we enter the Fourth Dimension, Chabkaradi. 2.Anunnaki /Extraterrestrials shape-shifting Ibra-Anu. 3.Messages sent to the Conduit Haridu; How to read them? 4.The war between United States military men and the Grays at Dulce Base. 5. What do we see in the First stage of the Afterlife Hattari? 6.Helama-Gooliim: Entities and Djinns Created by the Anunnaki, and the Ulema in Modern Times. 7.Evolution of the extraterrestrials and the human races.


Book Description

Vol.2, 740 pages. This is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the Conduit, the Supersymetric Mind, the Double, the Astral Body, communications with spirits and entities from the world beyond, the power of the mind, mediumship, channeling, the enlightenment, the Fourth Dimension, the Fifth Dimension, Earth energy, healing, the world outside time and space, extraterrestrials, time-travel, reading the future, and similar topics. This is NOT a repetitious book. It was intentionally compiled from the most important concepts, theories, esoteric techniques, wisdom, Eastern philosophy, the world of the mystic seers "The Ulema", and particularly the teaching of Maximillien de Lafayette. The present work contains knowledge, techniques and revelations, no other author has ever discussed.

Anunnaki Ulema Techniques and Tarot Deck to See Your Future. Vol. 2

Book Description

Part 2 from a set of 2 parts. The world's most powerful book on the occult and foreseeing your future on Earth and in other dimensions.9th Edition. Previously published under "Ulema Anunnaki Tarot". Revised and Expanded.Published by Times Square Press. New York, Berlin. For the first time ever in the Western world, and in the history of the occult, divination, Tarot, Anunnaki, Ulema, and esoteric studies of all kinds, the reader, the seer, the adept and the novice will have access to the world's most powerful book on the subject. These 7,000 year old secrets, and forbidden knowledge and techniques, for reading the future and changing major events in your life, are being made available for the first time. Lessons, advice, techniques, training and reading your Future and Tarot are directly provided by the last contemporary Ulema Anunnaki who lived consecutively through three centuries.

Anunnaki Ulema: Origin, Classes and Stories of Their Extraordinary Powers

Book Description

The book includes:1.Atabukha “Darja†. Categories, classes and levels of the Anunnai Ulema.a-The Noubahari “Noubarim†, “Noubari†, “Noubaha’; b-The Mou-Na.rin “Mounawariin†, “M’Noura-Iin†; c-The Gayir-Mirayin “Gayrmirayim†; d-The Ari-Siin “Arishim†.e-History of the Anunnaki Ulema (Knights of St John of Malta, The Templars, The Wise Men of Arwad, and Hiram-Grand Orient Masonic Rites’ members)f- The Emim were a group of the Anunnaki “Fallen Angels†, and members of a tribe which challenged the authority of Anu on Earth. They were gigantic, and extraordinarily strong. The Emim were feared by the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. According to the Anunnaki-Ulema, the Emim were the first extraterrestrials to shape-shift.2-Fantastic stories about the Anunnaki-Ulema extraordinary deeds, faculties, and supernatural powers as witnessed by the author.

Reign of the Anunnaki

Book Description

Reveals the ongoing alien manipulation of humanity and how we can break free • Explores how the Anunnaki have maintained invisible surveillance over us and how they control our development through religion, secret societies, and catastrophes • Reveals how they feed off our energies and how this ability has allowed them to remain here on Earth as multidimensional entities, enforcing their control invisibly • Explains how they established religion to control us and how Gnostic Christianity--which came from Christ and not the Anunnaki--offers a way out of their matrix of control Cuneiform texts found on clay plates in Mesopotamia tell us about an extraterrestrial race, called the Anunnaki, who came from space to exploit our planet. Through genetic manipulation, they created modern humans from existing earthly life forms to serve them as slaves. They physically left our planet millennia ago, but as Jan Erik Sigdell reveals, their influence and control over humanity is still pervasive and significant. Sigdell explains how the Anunnaki have maintained invisible surveillance over us as well as control over how humanity develops, setting limits on our evolution and holding back our development by means of manipulation and catastrophes, including the deluge immortalized in the Bible and many other ancient myths. He shows how they still manipulate our politics and affairs via secret societies, such as the Illuminati, and the political elite, such as the Bilderberg Group. Examining ancient descriptions of the Anunnaki as entities that resemble winged reptiles or amphibians, the author also explores their diet and how they feed off blood and the energies given off by lower life forms, such as humans, when they are expressing extreme negative emotions, having sex, or dying. This energy-feeding ability has allowed them to remain here on Earth as multidimensional entities, enforcing their control invisibly. He explains how the Anunnaki established religions as tools for control, setting up the major religions with themselves as “gods” and playing them against each other to keep humanity’s attention away from ongoing Anunnaki manipulation. They have also hidden from us the existence of the true highest creator, who created the cosmos as well as the Anunnaki themselves. The author reveals how the highest creator sent a messenger called Jesus to expose the Anunnaki and show us a way out of their matrix of control through a spirituality based on love, empathy, and sacred sexuality. But the “god” of the Anunnaki defeated this messenger and replaced him with a false Christ. This led to the development of Paulinian Christianity under Anunnaki influence, as well as other parallel religions such as Islam, and the suppression and elimination of the original Christianity, Gnostic Christianity. With the discovery of hidden Gnostic texts and teachings at Nag Hammadi in 1945, the way is now paved for our release from the reign of the Anunnaki.


Book Description

Published by Times Square Press http://www.timessquarepress.com/ Author's website:www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.comThe subjects introduced in this book are explosive. Most important is the fact that it reveals the potential return of the Anunnaki in 2022, and the most frightening transformation that it would bring to the earth. If this is going to happen, a huge number of the people on earth, those grossly contaminated by Grays' DNA, will be annihilated. Only those who are naturally uncontaminated and those who managed to clean themselves completely will be taken up through an antimatter bubble, with the animals and certain important buildings and inanimate art and culture objects, and kept safe until the earth would be clean again. Such a scenario is, to say the least, disconcerting. Even if you are not sure whether you are a believer or not, you should certainly consider the possibilities - and the book teaches you exactly how to save yourself.