Book Description

Vol.2, 740 pages. This is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the Conduit, the Supersymetric Mind, the Double, the Astral Body, communications with spirits and entities from the world beyond, the power of the mind, mediumship, channeling, the enlightenment, the Fourth Dimension, the Fifth Dimension, Earth energy, healing, the world outside time and space, extraterrestrials, time-travel, reading the future, and similar topics. This is NOT a repetitious book. It was intentionally compiled from the most important concepts, theories, esoteric techniques, wisdom, Eastern philosophy, the world of the mystic seers "The Ulema", and particularly the teaching of Maximillien de Lafayette. The present work contains knowledge, techniques and revelations, no other author has ever discussed.

Spirit Paintings and Art from the Afterlife: The Greatest Spirit Artists and Medium Painters of all Time

Book Description

"The world's first book on the Greatest Spirit Artists and Medium Painters of all Time. Published by Times Square Press and the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, New York. Everything you need to know about psychic artists, their world, their spirit portraits, their techniques, their styles, and how they communicate with the Spirit world."--Publisher's description.

Anunnaki Ulema: Origin, Classes and Stories of Their Extraordinary Powers

Book Description

The book includes:1.Atabukha “Darja†. Categories, classes and levels of the Anunnai Ulema.a-The Noubahari “Noubarim†, “Noubari†, “Noubaha’; b-The Mou-Na.rin “Mounawariin†, “M’Noura-Iin†; c-The Gayir-Mirayin “Gayrmirayim†; d-The Ari-Siin “Arishim†.e-History of the Anunnaki Ulema (Knights of St John of Malta, The Templars, The Wise Men of Arwad, and Hiram-Grand Orient Masonic Rites’ members)f- The Emim were a group of the Anunnaki “Fallen Angels†, and members of a tribe which challenged the authority of Anu on Earth. They were gigantic, and extraordinarily strong. The Emim were feared by the Phoenicians and the Hebrews. According to the Anunnaki-Ulema, the Emim were the first extraterrestrials to shape-shift.2-Fantastic stories about the Anunnaki-Ulema extraordinary deeds, faculties, and supernatural powers as witnessed by the author.

Vril: the Life Force of the Gods

Book Description

In Vril, the Life Force of the Gods is Blumetti explores the relevancy of our heathen, Germanic esoteric tradition in the 21st century, the nature of Vril as the Life Force of the Gods and how Odin revealed to us how to harness this power. He refers to Odins gift as Vrilology and explains how we can use Vrilology to transform our lives and the world around us, explores the Norse cosmology and cosmogony, the nature of the Gods, their relationship with quantum physics, how Vrilology can improve your health, luck, wealth, relationships and success by drawing on the power of Vril. Blumetti gives a thorough explanation how, by aligning yourself with Odin and the Norse Gods, you can draw on their life force and transform yourself into a Vril Being. This is what he means by Balder Rising.

Munitions of the Mind

Book Description

A classic work, Munitions of the mind traces how propaganda has formed part of the fabric of conflict since the dawn of warfare, and how in its broadest definition it has also been part of a process of persuasion at the heart of human communication. Stone monuments, coins, broadsheets, paintings and pamphlets, posters, radio, film, television, computers and satellite communications - throughout history, propaganda has had access to ever more complex and versatile media. This third edition has been revised and expanded to include a new preface, new chapters on the 1991 Gulf War, information age conflict in the post-Cold War era, and the world after the terrorist attacks of September 11. It also offers a new epilogue and a comprehensive bibliographical essay. The extraordinary range of this book, as well as the original and cohesive analysis it offers, make it an ideal text for all international courses covering media and communications studies, cultural history, military history and politics. It will also prove fascinating and accessible to the general reader.

Vol. 2: LIGHTWORKERS WORLD ELITE: 300 Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers You Can Fully Trust

Book Description

Vol. 2: LIGHTWORKERS WORLD ELITE: 300 Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers You Can Fully Trust. On the cover, the pioneers: Francois Charles Rambert, Francoise Desbouches, Vickie Gay, Dr. Linda Salvin, Jennifer Wallens, Rev. Deborah Bishop. Published by Times Square Press, New York. Volume 1 from a set of 4 volumes (Approx. 1,100 pages). LIGHTWORKERS WORLD ELITE: 300 Psychics, Mediums and Lightworkers You Can Fully Trust. The world's largest, most comprehensive and authoritative book ever published! Don't spend a nickel on any psychic, medium, healer, astrologer, or lightworker before you read this book. Simply put this set of 4 volumes is your perfect guide to find honest, caring, seasoned and bona fide practitioners in the United States and around the world. Keep it handy.


Book Description

Volume 2 from a set of 5 volumes, DJINN, SIHR AND SPIRITISM: Vocabulary, Phraseology And Dictionary Of The Languages Of Sahiriin, Djinn, Afarit, Shayatiin, Spirits, Witchcraft. Published by Times Square Press. New York. Also available in a mega book containing the whole set of 5 volumes. There is no way in the world would you be able to summon and communicate with spirits, Djinns, Afarit, demons and even Noble Souls (Arwaah Tahira) if you are not familiar with the terminology, vocabulary and phraseology of their languages and the Sihr language. This book will teach you all of the above, and provide you with most useful phrases needed in your conversation with summoned spirits and entities. It is easy, fun, and fast

Vol.2. Expanded. Mind Blowing Dialogues With Anunnaki Ulema Masters Living Among Us.

Book Description

7th Edition. VOLUME 2. EXPANDED-AUGMENTED BY 90%%%%. Revelations of the Greatest Information, Secrets & Mysteries of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Time Space Travel, Parallel Dimensions, Occult and Life After Death. Published by Art, UFOs & Supernatural Magazine. For the first time in the study and discovery of modern ufology, extraterrestrials, and Anunnaki, real people from around the world ask 300-500 year old Anunnaki-Ulema Masters questions on the most intriguing and important subjects in the history of humanity. This is a very rare and exceptional opportunity to enter an Anunnaki-Ulema circle (School/Society) and hear directly the answers of the Anunnaki Ulema, learn about their secret teachings, and meet legendary Anunnaki Ulema living among us. Author's website: www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.com Email: [email protected]

Volume 2. How The Best Psychics, Mediums And Lightworkers In The World Connect With God, Angels And The Afterlife

Book Description

Volume two from a set of 3 volumes. How The Best Psychics, Mediums And Lightworkers In The World Connect With God, Angels And The Afterlife. Angels And The Afterlife.Their Techniques Versus Mind, Logic And Cosmic. Published by Times Square Press and the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums, New York. This book deals exclusively with lightworkers, psychics, mediums and healers' reasonable and outrageous claims, including their psychic readings style and methodology. For this book, we chose and interviewed the best of the best in the business.


Book Description

Published by Times Square Press http://www.timessquarepress.com/ Author's website:www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.comThe subjects introduced in this book are explosive. Most important is the fact that it reveals the potential return of the Anunnaki in 2022, and the most frightening transformation that it would bring to the earth. If this is going to happen, a huge number of the people on earth, those grossly contaminated by Grays' DNA, will be annihilated. Only those who are naturally uncontaminated and those who managed to clean themselves completely will be taken up through an antimatter bubble, with the animals and certain important buildings and inanimate art and culture objects, and kept safe until the earth would be clean again. Such a scenario is, to say the least, disconcerting. Even if you are not sure whether you are a believer or not, you should certainly consider the possibilities - and the book teaches you exactly how to save yourself.