Book Description

Their go-to tactic is spreading rumors about you, making life miserable. They wanna trash your name regardless of facts and control how others see you so its death by embarrassment too. A smear campaign is evil, demonic, psychologically abusive and unhealthy but is used mainly. Cut them outa your life once and for all and welcome sanity and eventual lovers of your soul. Home is all, where you walk tall. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst

Walk Tall!

Book Description

Do you have: back pain, stooped posture, height loss, Dowager's hump, hip or spine fractures, or poor balance? Try the Meeks Method and see the change.


Book Description

SOLITUDE is highest therapy. That means not just physical aloneness but social media avoidance. It used to be you could erase an ex quick, but now with ease of internet stalking we just stay sick. You're putting him first instead of yourself--always seeking outer validation by some louse. Move on and don't try to get back. The answer is solitude for it’s not about them but the original trauma in childhood. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst


Book Description

In setting a boundary we may have to burn a bridge. No matter, you'll feel much better. Having to filter everything thru kings with poor character doesn't sound like America. He had the charisma to take it to that level but not the character to keep himself there or better. He started out with style--looking good--but quickly became a caricature: a fool or wolf. War is instructive: losing 95% of the time and then sudden victory: persistence! Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst and Fox design


Book Description

Systems theory: all mental illness is rooted in attachment trauma--we are framed by the SYSTEM. By framing us they either mess us up for life or we take that suit off and put a new on one, and go on. Because they're not awake living in their present moment they aren’t working with a full deck and will bury the truth to death. Few are smart, the bulb's dim or out on most. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst


Book Description

Karen Kellock On Mental Illness and the Hero's Path: SEASON OF TREASON: Every fairy tale, myth or story of victory starts with overcoming evil or sinning. It is a season, tho' a wretched one--but also a season of favor and remuneration later on. In my season of treason all were against me just like Job see. The people I met/things I experienced were atrocious but in fearful denial I feigned acceptance. It was a land without justice nor lines. It was utter nonsensical emptiness and I was terrified. It was evil powers with a downed hedge, but things always even out in the end. Remember that and it'll all turn around friend. The Creative Act is a literal structure in nature. It seeds, germinates, and blossoms to full potential. All it takes is a creative discoverer to put it all together. Cover by Ayyaz Khan, Inside page KK portrait by Manuel Bagier.


Book Description

The unique can’t endure remarks from retards so become increasingly isolated seeming even more bizarre. A deep empath is tortured by gossip and ridicule and it’s the reason genius dies early from drugs and alcohol. It helped immensely to know it wasn’t each I was mad at but being imposed on by the whole generation/the communist spirit see. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst


Book Description

Self unforgiveness is a demonic stronghold holding you down/why you feel inferior to all around. You’re stuck in a hog pen when you can't forgive yourself: must shake shame/guilt to get unstuck. When life is cluttered with negative history you never move into destiny. But self-forgiveness blocks that lie and gives you God's superpower, aye. You can't shame a person who has forgiven himself. His history informs him by escaping hell. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Blaze Goldburst


Book Description

The bible calls it a DROUGHT: when no one knows what you're talking about--spiritual and mental nuts. The female community is a massive impediment to genius: they are petty, mean, underhanded, fiendish. They hang together like peas in a pod and gossip [like old hens going for recognition] that you’re odd. The calumny is horrible and unwarranted. Just cuz one says something they take it as truth darn it. Cover by Karen Kellock, Inside page by Blaze Goldburst


Book Description

Time to say goodbye to everything you're known. Your Time Has Come and If they're not with you 100% then good riddance to em. This is your last day down with the masses. Now your life is spectacularly above them all, the joyless. After escaping malicious attacks we rise to the top in victory and abundance. Loners live ten years longer—is it any wonder? A new vista arises after escaping the painful pugnacious matrix with relational lunatics. Cover by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst