Wardens of the Everqueen

Book Description

Torglug the Despised and the forces of Nurgle seek to destroy the Everqueen. But with their new Stormcast allies, the beleagured sylvaneth at last have a hope of victory... Athelwyrd, the last great bastion of Ghyran’s sylvaneth, has fallen to the pestilent servants of the Plague God. At their head, the warlord Torglug the Despised will do anything to seize the ultimate prize his master so fervently desires: Alarielle, the Everqueen. Her defenders will not see her taken easily though – Lord-Castellant Grymn and his chamber of Hallowed Knights have sworn themselves to her protection. As a great exodus of sylvaneth and Stormcast Eternals sets out from the ruin of Athelwyrd with Torglug’s Chaos host hard on their heels, the strength and conviction of Alarielle’s defenders will be tested as never before.

Fury of Gork

Book Description

Still in search of allies for their war against Chaos, the Stormcast Eternals brave the Ghurlands to parley with the greenskinned servants of Gorkamorka: the orruks. Zephacleas and his Astral Templars have been sent into the wildest regions of the Ghurlands to seek out Gorkamorka, the double-headed god of the orruks and one-time ally of Sigmar in the age before Chaos. However, their search is interrupted in the boneyards of the gargants by the Tzeentchian sorceress Sharizad, who quests for a powerful daemonsword. Aided by the black-clad Sons of Mallus, the Astral Templars must brave the Howling Labyrinth to stop the weapon from falling into the wrong hands, and unexpected allies in this mission might lead them close to their original goal: meeting the fist of Mork and the fist of Gork.

The Realmgate Wars: Volume 2

Book Description

Bound into a huge omnibus edition, the second volume in the Realmgate Wars saga, the epic conflict that defined Games Workshop's newest fantasy setting: the Age of Sigmar. In every corner of the Mortal Realms, vile forces of evil cast their darkness. Sigmar has yet to regain control over the Realmgates, and the black night of corruption seems unending. For Sigmar’s order to prevail, his mighty heroes, the Stormcast Eternals, must reignite former bonds, consort with unlikely allies, and prepare to conquer even themselves. Only when all those who seek to oppress the rule of Order are crushed shall the stars of the Mortal Realms blaze once again. This volume contains six novels from the Realmgate Wars saga, including the award-winning Warbeast, and Call of Archaon, Fury of Gork, Bladestorm, Mortarch of Night and Lord of Undeath.


Book Description

Lord-Celestant Arkas Warbeast of the Celestial Vindicators returns to restore order to the lands that he ruled in his mortal life, lands now befouled by the verminous hordes of the skaven Clans Pestilens. The once noble tribes of Ursungorod in Ghur have almost entirely fallen to Chaos, and an infestation of Clans Pestilens skaven has amassed in the caverns beneath the snowy tundra. There, Poxmaster Felk is on the brink of opening a vital realmgate – but Sigmar intends to seize this portal for himself. Arkas Warbeast, Lord-Celestant of the Celestial Vindicators, was once a mortal ruler of these lands. Now, with the aid of the Knights Excelsior, he has returned to free his kingdom from the clutches of Chaos and claim the realmgate in his God-King’s name. But first he must vanquish the ghosts of his past and overcome his own conflicted nature, in order to unleash the beast within.

Mortarch of Night

Book Description

Emissaries of the God-King Sigmar are sent to the Realm of Death to seek the allegiance of the Great Necromancer Nagash. Long ago, Sigmar numbered Nagash among his allies, but the Master of Death betrayed the God-King, causing the great pantheon of gods to crumble as the Age of Chaos began. Now, Sigmar seeks to reform his ancient alliegiances - Tarsus Bull-Heart, Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights, has been sent to the Vales of Sorrows with his Warrior Chamber to treat with the Great Necromancer. The Stormcast Eternals soon discover that Shyish is an unforgiving realm, and they are forced to accept aid from a vampire of dubious provenance, one whose name resonates throughout history: Manfred von Carstein. Tarsus and his Lord-Relictor Ramus both fear that there is more to their new guide than meets the eye, for it is well known that the dead cannot be trusted...

Soul Wars

Book Description

Nagash revives an ancient grudge with the God-King Sigmar as a ferocious new war between the living and the dead shakes the Mortal Realms. The Mortal Realms tremble with unending war. In Shyish, the Realm of Death, an ancient evil stirs, sensing opportunity. Nagash, the Undying King and God of Death, sets his gaze upon the citadels of the living and the servants of Sigmar, the God-King of Azyr. Allies once, joined together against the machinations of the Ruinous Powers, the two gods now find themselves enemies. Nagash, burning with the need to avenge an ancient slight, calls forth his soulless legions to sweep across the realm he claims as his own and reassert death’s dominion over all things, as the War of Heaven and Death begins anew.

The History and Politics of Exhumation

Book Description

This book argues that a serious, scholarly study on exhumation is long overdue. Examining more well-known cases, such as that of Richard III, the Romanovs, and Tutankhamen, alongside the more obscure, Michael Nash explores the motivations beyond exhumation, from retribution to repatriation. Along the way, he explores the influence of Gothic fiction in the eighteenth century, the notoriety of the Ressurection Men in the nineteenth century, and the archeological heyday of the twentieth century.

Hammers of Sigmar

Book Description

The God-King’s champion battles his foes for the first time. Amongst all of the Stormhosts, none are more vaunted than the Hammers of Sigmar. In the shadow of the Nomad City, the mettle of the Stormbound is tested the battle to sanctify the Crucible of Blood, a gateway to Chaos and madness. Within the ranks of the Stormcast Eternals, there is one who is greater than all others. He is the Celestant-Prime. For centuries he slumbered, until the great hammer of Sigmar, Ghal Maraz, was returned. But a warrior born must still be tempered, and so unto the swamps of Krahl does Sigmar cast his scion to destroy a powerful creature called the Prismatic King.

Call of Archaon

Book Description

Three champions of Chaos face hellish trials to become one of Archaon's chosen Knights of Ruin. Of the many champions of Chaos, none are as great or as feared as mighty Archaon. He is the Everchosen, Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse and Ender of Worlds, and it is a worthy warrior indeed who can fight by his side. Such Knights of Ruin are known as the Varanguard. Only by answering the call of Archaon can a warrior of Chaos ascend to their ranks, and acceptance is never guaranteed, for their mettle must first be proven. In this dark tale, three fell champions of the Chaos Gods all heed the call of the Everchosen. Each desires the ultimate prize: to become part of the Varanguard. But where one is chosen, others will fail, for Archaon’s will is cruel and his trials exacting...

The Spear of Shadows

Book Description

A band of mortal heroes are sent by the duardin god Grungni to retrieve an artefact of dark power and keep it from the clutches of Chaos. In the beginning, there was fire. And from that fire came eight weapons of terrible power, honed to a killing edge by the chosen weaponsmiths of Khorne. Now, as the Mortal Realms echo with the thunder of war, the great powers seek to acquire the eight wherever they might be found, no matter the cost. In a city of prophecy and secrets, Grungni, smith-god of the duardin, gathers together a group of mortal warriors from across the realms in order to locate the first of the eight weapons. But they are not alone in their quest; agents of the Ruinous Powers search for the weapon for themselves. Now the race is on, as man, duardin and daemon alike seek to claim the Spear of Shadows...