WebQuest: Incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo para la educación superior

Book Description

El presente artículo explora el uso de la WebQuest como metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos Colaborativos en la formación de estudiantes de educación superior de la Escuela de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH). Con esta finalidad se diseñó la WebQuest para ser aplicada con estudiantes entre 18 y 22 años en la asignatura de Programación. La investigación fue de tipo cognitivo-constructivista, descriptiva, de campo, transversal, aplicada, de ciencias básicas y bajo el paradigma científico, enmarcada bajo políticas y lineamientos del Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir 2013-2017. Mediante la utilización de herramientas colaborativas Google Drive y Google Sites, el test CHAEA para estilos de aprendizaje, herramientas ofimáticas y software especializado determinando así su incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo de los 54 estudiantes tomados como muestra. Se aplicaron dos técnicas estadísticas: t-Student para comprobar el rendimiento académico, comportamiento y estilos de aprendizaje. Con 5% de error y un punto crítico de 2,055 a dos colas, se obtuvieron valores de: 4,382, 2,434 y 3,701 respectivamente. La técnica Chi-cuadrado se aplicó para comprobar las habilidades del siglo XXI, con un punto crítico de 40,1, se generó el valor calculado de 119,84, demostrando que la metodología WebQuest favorece la generación de aprendizajes significativos dentro y fuera del aula de clase.

Diseño de una Webquest como apoyo para el Aprendizaje Colaborativo

Book Description

En el presente libro se expone una propuesta de trabajo con las Webquest para guiar al estudiante en el aprendizaje colaborativo y uso academico de las Tecnologias de Informacion y Comunicacion. La propuesta aqui plasmada, se desarrollo en la Licenciatura de Educacion Preescolar de la Escuela Normal "Dr. Gonzalo Aguirre Beltran" de la Cd. de Tuxpan, Veracruz, Mexico. Es ahi donde la formacion de los educadores del manana exige al alumnado y profesorado un uso educativo y productivo de las TIC para la mejora en los procesos de ensenanza y aprendizaje. De tal modo que educar y guiar al estudiante normalista y universitario hacia un aprendizaje basado en problemas en donde el analisis, la busqueda, seleccion, socializacion, exposicion clara de ideas y los conocimientos previos, permitiran al alumno adquirir aprendizajes significativos mediante el trabajo colaborativo. Despues de meses de investigacion documentada y de campo, se presenta esta propuesta como una alternativa innovadora que ayudara al lector a visualizar una opcion pedagogica mediada por TIC en donde el diseno instruccional, las herramientas y aplicaciones de la Web, juegan un papel determinante en el aprendizaje."

What Kind of Citizen?

Book Description

"What kind of citizen is no ordinary education book. By drawing on accessible and engaging discussions around the goals of schooling, it is imminently readable by a broad public. Neither fluff nor polemic, the theory and practice described in the book are based in solid empirical research and come out of the most influential frameworks for citizenship and democratic education of the last several decades (the "Three Kinds of Citizens" framework that emerged from collaboration between the author and Dr. Joseph Kahne as well as consultations with thousands of school teachers and civic leaders.) - This framework has been used in 67 countries to help teachers and school reformers think about how to structure educational programs and how schools can strengthen democratic societies. - This book pulls together a decade of research on schools into one place giving the reader a comprehensive look at why schools should be at the forefront of public engagement and how we can make that happen"--

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education

Book Description

This book addresses computer-supported collaborative learning (also known as CSCL) particularly within a tertiary education environment. It includes articles on theory and practice in this area including topics such as: how can groups with shared goals work collaboratively using the new technologies? What problems can be expected, and what are the benefits? In what ways does online group work differ from face-to-face group work? And what implications are there for both educators and students seeking to work in this area?

Concept Mapping in Mathematics

Book Description

Concept Mapping in Mathematics: Research into Practice is the first comprehensive book on concept mapping in mathematics. It provides the reader with an understanding of how the meta-cognitive tool, namely, hierarchical concept maps, and the process of concept mapping can be used innovatively and strategically to improve planning, teaching, learning, and assessment at different educational levels. This collection of research articles examines the usefulness of concept maps in the educational setting, with applications and examples ranging from primary grade classrooms through secondary mathematics to pre-service teacher education, undergraduate mathematics and post-graduate mathematics education. A second meta-cognitive tool, called vee diagrams, is also critically examined by two authors, particularly its value in improving mathematical problem solving. Thematically, the book flows from a historical development overview of concept mapping in the sciences to applications of concept mapping in mathematics by teachers and pre-service teachers as a means of analyzing mathematics topics, planning for instruction and designing assessment tasks including applications by school and university students as learning and review tools. This book provides case studies and resources that have been field tested with school and university students alike. The findings presented have implications for enriching mathematics learning and making problem solving more accessible and meaningful for students. The theoretical underpinnings of concept mapping and of the studies in the book include Ausubel’s cognitive theory of meaningful learning, constructivist and Vygotskian psychology to name a few. There is evidence particularly from international studies such as PISA and TIMSS and mathematics education research, which suggest that students’ mathematical literacy and problem solving skills can be enhanced through students collaborating and interacting as they work, discuss and communicate mathematically. This book proposes the meta-cognitive strategy of concept mapping as one viable means of promoting, communicating and explicating students’ mathematical thinking and reasoning publicly in a social setting (e.g., mathematics classrooms) as they engage in mathematical dialogues and discussions. Concept Mapping in Mathematics: Research into Practice is of interest to researchers, graduate students, teacher educators and professionals in mathematics education.

EBOOK: Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classroomsaa

Book Description

This book focuses on the talk of science classrooms and in particular on the ways in which the different kinds of interactions between teachers and students contribute to meaning making and learning. Central to the text is a new analytical framework for characterising the key features of the talk of school science classrooms. This framework is based on sociocultural principles and links the work of theorists such as Vygotsky and Bakhtin to the day-to-day interactions of contemporary science classrooms. *presents a framework, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing the language of teaching and learning interactions in science classrooms *provides detailed examples and illustrations of insights gained from applying the framework to real science lessons in Brazil and the UK. *demonstrates how these ways of thinking about classroom talk can be drawn upon to inform the professional development of science teachers. *offers an innovative research methodology, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing classroom talk. *expands upon the ways in which sociocultural theory has been systematically applied to analysing classroom contexts. This book offers a powerful set of tools for thinking and talking about the day-to-day practices of contemporary science classrooms. It contains messages of fundamental importance and insight for all of those who are interested in reflecting on the interactions of science teaching and learning, whether in the context of teaching, higher degree study, or research.

International Handbook of Media Literacy Education

Book Description

At the forefront in its field, this Handbook examines the theoretical, conceptual, pedagogical and methodological development of media literacy education and research around the world. Building on traditional media literacy frameworks in critical analysis, evaluation, and assessment, it incorporates new literacies emerging around connective technologies, mobile platforms, and social networks. A global perspective rather than a Western-centric point of view is explicitly highlighted, with contributors from all continents, to show the empirical research being done at the intersection of media, education, and engagement in daily life. Structured around five themes—Educational Interventions; Safeguarding/Data and Online Privacy; Engagement in Civic Life; Media, Creativity and Production; Digital Media Literacy—the volume as a whole emphasizes the competencies needed to engage in meaningful participation in digital culture.

Making Sense of Secondary Science

Book Description

When children begin secondary school they already have knowledge and ideas about many aspects of the natural world from their experiences both in primary classes and outside school. These ideas, right or wrong, form the basis of all they subsequently learn. Research has shown that teaching is unlikely to be effective unless it takes into account the position from which the learner starts. Making Sense of Secondary Science provides a concise and accessible summary of the research that has been done internationally in this area. The research findings are arranged in three main sections: * life and living processes * materials and their properties * physical processes. Full bibliographies in each section allow interested readers to pursue the themes further. Much of this material has hitherto been available only in limited circulation specialist journals or in unpublished research. Its publication in this convenient form will be welcomed by all researchers in science education and by practicing science teachers continuing their professional development, who want to deepen their understanding of how their children think and learn.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Book Description

A Blueprint for Building Entrepreneurial Organizations Nobody needs to tell you that in the new economy, managers using conventional strategies are losing out to smart, fast, entrepreneurial competitors who move on ideas others overlook and who confidently act while others dither. Are the managers of leading companies simply doomed to let this happen? Not at all, argue Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian MacMillan. The fundamental problem is that the tools, training, and conceptual frameworks that work for business-as-usual can't, and don't, work when your main challenge is to bury old business models and aggressively create completely new ones. To succeed, today's strategists need the thought process and discipline that are second nature to successful entrepreneurs. The Entrepreneurial Mindset offers a refreshingly practical blueprint for thinking and acting in environments that are fast-paced, rapidly changing, and highly uncertain. It provides both a guide to energizing the organization to find tomorrow's opportunities and a set of entrepreneurial principles you can use personally to transform the arenas in which you compete. Using lessons drawn from leading entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies, The Entrepreneurial Mindset presents a set of practices for capitalizing on uncertainty and rapid change. Like McGrath and MacMillan's bestselling Harvard Business Review articles, such as "Discovery-Driven Planning," the book provides simple but powerful ways to stop acting by the old rules and start thinking with the discipline of habitual entrepreneurs. The Entrepreneurial Mindset will show you how to: * Eliminate paralyzing uncertainty by creating an entrepreneurial frame that shapes a shared understanding of what is to be accomplished and what would be worthwhile * Create a richly stocked opportunity register in which you mobilize great ideas for redesigning existing products, finding new sources of differentiation, resegmenting existing markets, reconfiguring market spaces, and seizing the huge upside potential of breakthroughs * Build a dynamic portfolio of businesses and options that continuously move your organization toward the future * Execute dynamically your ideas so that you can move fast, with confidence and without undue risk * Develop your own way of leading with an entrepreneurial mindset to create a vibrant entrepreneurial climate within your organization The Entrepreneurial Mindset is about succeeding in an unpredictable world. It will help everyone from independent entrepreneurs to managers of large corporations develop insights that others overlook and act on them to build the truly entrepreneurial organizations of the future.