What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking

Book Description

Pregnancy won't be the same after reading What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking?. It presents the similarities and differences between expectant Moms and Dads. It explains that knowing these differences can produce a lasting relationship..that will endure for 50 years. This book describes the expectations, changing, challenging and sometimes baffling behaviors, of first time expectant fathers, a foreign and often misunderstood territory filled with myth and misunderstanding. What do men think about during the nine months of pregnancy? What are their concerns and worries? Are they worried about "real" things related to the birth of the baby? Why do some men stray from their relationship and have affairs during this time? Why do some men lose themselves in work, to old friends, hobbies, habits, and almost anything to avoid pregnancy which is when their partner needs them most. How can you detect and avoid your spouse or partner's destructive behavior? Are men more prone to violence with their partners during pregnancy? What changes in behavior are normal for fathers during pregnancy? How frequently do pregnancies result in separation or divorce? Are there early warning signs that a couple's relationship may be in trouble? How can you test and know the strength of your personal relationship? How can you make the pregnant relationship the best you've every enjoyed in your life? What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? provides readers with a roadmap to understanding the windfalls and pitfalls of their new adventure of having a family. It will help every expectant couple understand their needs during pregnancy and give them a commanding lead toward achieving their dreams as parents. As every pregnancy begins with hope, Dr. Rodriguez fulfills this hope by opening new insights, encouraging tolerance, and providing an understanding of the signs and steps to follow for a blissful tomorrow. Studying the behavior of expectant fathers and couples for over 25 years, the author presents the yearnings, dreams, exploits, confessions, and challenges of expectant fathers during pregnancy. As he clearly writes, they feel deep emotions about the pregnancy. Couples feel deep emotions toward one another. They feel passion for their lives and futures. Each father and couple expressed the wish that they had known more about themselves, their expectations, and how to meet their partner's needs. What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? grants their request.

What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking?

Book Description

The Prequel To Confessions of a Sister Out of Time is a soap opera style entanglement of miscegenation. It picks up where Uncle Tom's Cabin left off and continues four steps beyond. The book tells the story of two mulatto (Quadroon) women of African descent who are reared as white women in a luxurious environment, with slaves of their own. These women become scheduled for the auction block. Later in the story a mulatto baby is switched with a white baby, who was mistakenly cast into slavery. Three interracial marriages take place in the middle of the 1800's story. A slave master defends and participates in a system that unknowing to him, enslaved his own heir.

What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? A Book for Expectant Moms about Expectant Dads

Book Description

What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? A Book for Expectant Mothers ABOUT Expectant Fathers describes the changing, challenging and sometimes baffling behaviors, of expectant fathers, a foreign and often misunderstood territory filled with myth and mistakes. Written for expectant mothers, the book replaces fiction with fact about the thinking and behavior of their spouse and partner during pregnancy. The book provides the reader with a roadmap to understanding the windfalls and pitfalls of starting a family. The lessons and stories presented help every expectant couple express their needs during pregnancy giving them a commanding lead to achieve their dreams as parents. Every pregnancy begins with hope. I fulfill this hope by offering new insights, encouraging tolerance, and providing the signs and steps to follow for a blissful tomorrow.

The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature

Book Description

This book traces the image of the pregnant male as it evolves in classical Greek literature. Originating as a representation of paternity and, by extension, "authorship" of creative works, the image later comes to function also as a means to explore the boundary between the sexes.

Planetary Express 2070

Book Description

Pregnancy won't be the same after reading What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking?. It presents the similarities and differences between expectant Moms and Dads. It explains that knowing these differences can produce a lasting relationship .that will endure for 50 years. This book describes the expectations, changing, challenging and sometimes baffling behaviors, of first time expectant fathers, a foreign and often misunderstood territory filled with myth and misunderstanding. What do men think about during the nine months of pregnancy? What are their concerns and worries? Are they worried about "real" things related to the birth of the baby? Why do some men stray from their relationship and have affairs during this time? Why do some men lose themselves in work, to old friends, hobbies, habits, and almost anything to avoid pregnancy which is when their partner needs them most. How can you detect and avoid your spouse or partner's destructive behavior? Are men more prone to violence with their partners during pregnancy? What changes in behavior are normal for fathers during pregnancy? How frequently do pregnancies result in separation or divorce? Are there early warning signs that a couple's relationship may be in trouble? How can you test and know the strength of your personal relationship? How can you make the pregnant relationship the best you've every enjoyed in your life? What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? provides readers with a roadmap to understanding the windfalls and pitfalls of their new adventure of having a family. It will help every expectant couple understand their needs during pregnancy and give them a commanding lead toward achieving their dreams as parents. As every pregnancy begins with hope, Dr. Rodriguez fulfills this hope by opening new insights, encouraging tolerance, and providing an understanding of the signs and steps to follow for a blissful tomorrow.

Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!

Book Description

There are approximately 3,712 ways for a guy to look stupid during pregnancy - this book's here to help you avoid all(most) of them. And here's your first hint: Focus on what you can be doing for her rather than what's happening to her. She's pregnant. She knows that. You know that. And her 152 baby books tell her exactly what she can expect. Your job is to learn what you can do between the stick turning blue and the drive to the delivery room to make the next nine months go as smoothly as possible. That's where John Pfeiffer steps in. Like any good coach, he's been through it. He's dealt with the morning sickness and doctor visits, painting the baby's nursery and packing the overnight bag, choosing a name, hospital, and the color of the car-seat cover. All the while he remained positive and responsive - there with a "You're beautiful" when necessary - but assertive during the decision-making process (he didn't want to wind up with a kid named Percy). And now it's your turn. She might be having the baby, but you have plenty of responsibilities.

All Roads Lead to Baxter

Book Description

Pregnancy won't be the same after reading What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking?. It presents the similarities and differences between expectant Moms and Dads. It explains that knowing these differences can produce a lasting relationship .that will endure for 50 years. This book describes the expectations, changing, challenging and sometimes baffling behaviors, of first time expectant fathers, a foreign and often misunderstood territory filled with myth and misunderstanding. What do men think about during the nine months of pregnancy? What are their concerns and worries? Are they worried about "real" things related to the birth of the baby? Why do some men stray from their relationship and have affairs during this time? Why do some men lose themselves in work, to old friends, hobbies, habits, and almost anything to avoid pregnancy which is when their partner needs them most. How can you detect and avoid your spouse or partner's destructive behavior? Are men more prone to violence with their partners during pregnancy? What changes in behavior are normal for fathers during pregnancy? How frequently do pregnancies result in separation or divorce? Are there early warning signs that a couple's relationship may be in trouble? How can you test and know the strength of your personal relationship? How can you make the pregnant relationship the best you've every enjoyed in your life? What's Your Pregnant Man Thinking? provides readers with a roadmap to understanding the windfalls and pitfalls of their new adventure of having a family. It will help every expectant couple understand their needs during pregnancy and give them a commanding lead toward achieving their dreams as parents. As every pregnancy begins with hope, Dr. Rodriguez fulfills this hope by opening new insights, encouraging tolerance, and providing an understanding of the signs and steps to follow for a blissful tomorrow.

I'm Pregnant, Not Terminally Ill, You Idiot!

Book Description

A friendly and laugh out loud funny book on the before, during and after of pregnancy. This book is about the good, bad and downright ugly of being pregnant and being a mother. It is about the journey of the author from the time she conceives to motherhood and to everything between and after. What’s so different about this book? Unlike usual pregnancy books, I’m Pregnant, Not Terminally Ill, You Idiot! does not talk about how the foetus grows, how to have an easy delivery, how to breastfeed, etc. It has fantastic illustrations and is about the real stuff like: How the typical Indian family, friends and colleagues react when they come to know that a woman is pregnant. How a pregnant woman is given an overdose of advice by every relative and friend in the world, and how and why colleagues and friends without children react and feel. What exactly a pregnant woman goes through, which includes gassiness, incontinence, morning sickness, sexual desires, mood swings and much more. The hard truth and politics behind normal and Caesarean deliveries, and breastfeeding. Treatment at work after mothers return from their maternity leave. Hilarious accounts of how men try to (or don’t try to) take care of babies and how to find a good baby maid. What a mother goes through physically and emotionally after the baby arrives. Includes real-life stories of many other pregnant women and new mothers. The writing is frank and loaded with humour. This book is those who want to what it's really like to have a baby.

Labor of Love

Book Description

A woman transitioned to a man with her ovaries and birth canal intact. As a result, he was able to be pregnant as a man.

Pregnancy For Men

Book Description

You're having a baby! Or, at least, your partner is! Which means you are too. Not literally, of course, but you do have nine months of excitement, anticipation and nervousness ahead, the likes of which you've never experienced before. Fatherhood is just around the corner and it's ace - but are you ready? Most pregnancy books are for the mother but this one is just for you, the new father. It guides you through this emotional rollercoaster and gets you ready for anything your newborn may throw at you (including, but not limited to, regurgitated milk). From how your baby develops month by month to how to support your partner (it's the little things that count, we tell ourselves), international bestseller Pregnancy for Men is your survival guide to the whole nine months. And when the newborn arrives (and you can't put the car seat in) Mark's on hand with the next instalment, Babies and Toddlers for Men, packed with funny anecdotes and advice from an array of new dads. Or if you're short on time - Pregnancy for Men 101 Tips and Babies and Toddlers for Men 101 Tips.