What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(tm)

Book Description

This guide aims to explode the myths and misinformation about circumcision in an accessible, easy-to-read format. After describing the anatomy of the penis, the book explains the procedure, describes the risks associated and debunks the six most common reasons doctors will give when recommending it.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Circumcision

Book Description

The authors reveal vital information about medical circumcision in America, focusing on the often overlooked health issues associated with this common procedure. Original.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Circumcision

Book Description

This guide aims to explode the myths and misinformation about circumcision in an accessible, easy-to-read format. After describing the anatomy of the penis, the book explains the procedure, describes the risks associated and debunks the six most common reasons doctors will give when recommending it.

The Circumcision Decision

Book Description

An unbiased and thoughtful exploration of newborn elective circumcision. Guides parents through full range of issues, including medical, cultural, religious, personal, sexual, and ethical and helps them reach a decision that is right for their newborn son and themselves.

Circumcision Scar

Book Description

Read this blistering exposé into history's most loathed body part. Did you know amputated foreskins are sold to cosmetic companies for $100,000, or that circumcision was alleged to cure brain tumors? It also has a history of megalomania – doctors believed it would cure black men of their predisposition to be rapists, and the more children they circumcised, the higher they’d ascend to god. Most parents circumcise their sons without giving it a second thought. They have no clue what the risks are because doctors never offer "informed consent" - the legal obligation to educate patients on the risks and alleged benefits of any procedure so they understand what's being asked of them. Circumcision facts doctors never tell parents: · Circumcision can permanently change your son’s temperament. · Circumcision reduces penis sensitivity and causes erectile dysfunction. · Circumcision can result in amputation, disfigurement, or death. · Your newborn son will be given an erection to facilitate the procedure. · Circumcision has no genuine health benefits. · America has one of the highest HIV rates in the world despite circumcision. Your body your choice - His body your preference? Love your son as he was born to be, not for who you force him to be. Jay J. Jackson offers an unflinching glimpse into the debilitating mindset of circumcision related sexual trauma - the same debilitating mindset experienced by all victims of sexual violence. He details his personal experiences with foreskin restoration, medical abuse, and the shocking history behind how circumcision became commonplace in America. THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: After suffering an unrelated trauma at the age of 1, Jay experienced parallel memories that caused him to discern he'd been in two separate hospital settings as an infant, and his inability to reconcile these conflicting memories became the impetus behind his lifelong struggle. As an adult, Jay sought treatment for erectile dysfunction only to be chased out of multiple doctor's offices that branded him immoral and perverse for suggesting circumcision is harmful. Abandoned by traditional medicine, Jay ultimately found a cosmetic surgeon willing to help and he endured 2 experimental surgeries to reverse the damage his circumcision caused. In his 50’s, Jay suddenly realized his recurring nightmares were repressed memories of his neonatal circumcision, which became the impetus for writing this book. "I drew the picture on the back cover in the first grade. It's me in bed having another nightmare, surrounded by my family who were angry that I’d disturbed them again. I was in my 50’s when I finally understood I was having recurring nightmares about my neonatal circumcision. Please don't do this to your son." Jay J. Jackson “...a powerful and moving narrative of suffering and recuperation. This unflinching memoir could be a valuable resource for readers researching the negative effects of circumcision.” - BookLife Reviews ”Jackson’s honesty provides a new way of looking at a practice that is rarely discussed. In the end, this intriguing subject is not only brought to light, but also done so in an impassioned way.” - Kirkus Reviews Contents:  i) Preface 1) Introduction 2) How will your son learn he’s been circumcised? 3) Early Restoration Techniques 4) Attack of the Urologists 5) Foreskin Restoration Surgery 6) Embracing Denial 7) Circumcising Our Imaginary Baby 8) The Final Stretch 9) Faux Foreskin 10) The Prepuce Police 11) How I Remembered My Neonatal Circumcision 12) An Apatheist in a Dogmatic World 13) Cult or Culture? 14) Christian American Doctors Hijack Circumcision 15) Foreskin Fascist 16) The Church of Medicine 17) Side Effects May Include 18) Modern Intactivism Footnotes

Circumcision: A History Of The World's Most Controversial Surgery

Book Description

How has a medical practice that carries substantial risk to the patient and offers very little actual benefit become so widely accepted by parents and fiercely advocated by the medical community? Historian of medicine David Gollaher tells the strange history of medicine's oldest enigma and most persistent ritual in Circumcision. From the extraordinarily painful initiation rite of the ancient Egyptians, through the Hebrew purification ritual, through circumcision's use by the rising medical community in the nineteenth century as prevention for ailments ranging from bedwetting to paralysis, the great mystery has been the persistence of the practice through vastly different social contexts.


Book Description

Features a collection of articles about circumcision, compiled by Vernon Quiantance. Provides guidelines for making a decision on circumcision, FAQs aimed at teenagers, descriptions of the surgical procedures involved in circumcision, and a glossary of terms related to circumcision and the genital organs. Links to other related Web sites on circumcision.

Complications in Male Circumcision

Book Description

Circumcision remains as one of the most controversial topics in current urological practice. The most important argument against circumcision is the permanent change of anatomy, histology and function of the penis, with potential complications, with rates reported to be low in developed countries, whereas it may be up to 85% when circumcision is carried out by traditional circumcisers, rather than by medically trained professionals in developing countries. In some studies, reporting the complications of circumcision, primary haemorrhage was the most common (52%), whereas infection, meatal stenosis, incomplete circumcision, penile oedema, glandular injury, penile adhesions, iatrogenic hypospadias and urethral injuries were also detected at different rates. At times minor complications after circumcision which cannot be avoided even when the procedure is undertaken by specialized pediatric surgeons or urologist, in a properly equipped centres; specially if the child or his penis is congenitally abnormal, the obvious examples are, circumcising a child with an excessive suprapubic fat or a child with webbed penis or microphallus . This title aims to minimize complications of MC and to compete against its serious impact on men’s’ health, it will educate and teach physicians about potential complications and how they could manage it early on and avoid further patient problems This title will shed some light over the common as well the uncommon complications, which usually raise a debate about its management. There are different sets to classify MC complications: Either early, or late, minor or major, local or systemic, rare or common. Both rare and common complications will be discussed with comprehensive photos and illustrations for each complication and its operative remedy.

Surgical Guide to Circumcision

Book Description

Surgical Guide to Circumcision is a compendium of the who, what, where, why, and most importantly, the how of circumcision. Given that one third of the world’s males have undergone this most ancient of surgical procedures, a contemporary resource on the subject is in order. Most circumcisions are elective with no acute medical necessity; that is, most are done for cultural reasons. Thus, in addition to being a standard surgical guide for those who perform circumcision, this book is an anthology of circumcision, from its prehistoric roots to its present day admixture of religion, culture, and medicine. Surgical Guide to Circumcision is a fully illustrated, step-by-step guide to the most common techniques of circumcision and addresses aspects such as informed consent, religious and cultural sensitivities, pre-exam, post-care, pain control, and prevention and management of potential complications. Written by experts in the field, Surgical Guide to Circumcision will appeal to family physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians, midwives, nurses, urologist, and anyone with a general interest in circumcision.

Baby Matters, Revised 2nd Ed., What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby

Book Description

Early parenting and health care choices make a huge difference in your baby's health and wellbeing. This book is filled with caring advice based on the latest scientific research on key issues of infant care-a rare overview of information too often missing from parenting circles, pediatric offices, and financially motivated product promotions: Why exclusive breastfeeding is so beneficial, How you can reduce crying, colic, food allergy, and illness in your baby, What you can do to optimize your child's nutrition and avoid the ADHD, colitis, diabetes, osteoporosis, and obesity now epidemic in the U.S. How you can raise securely bonded children, more likely to become responsive teenagers and emotionally healthy adults. In a warm and down-to-earth style, Baby Matters provides the hard-to-find facts you need to make informed parenting choices for healthier, happier children with brighter futures. Book jacket.