When it rains it F-n pours......

Book Description

A memoir of a minority woman growing up in the ghettos of New York City shows how anyone can become someone successful. Although, Mirian’s struggles started from birth she firmly believed in many things such as castles, knights in shining armor, and a big house with a picket fence. It was those dreams that kept her spirit alive when life became too horrendously painful. Mirian Detres was not only born disabled, but she has been mentally, physically, and sexually abused. Her memoirs include being locked in a closet at the age of 9 for a year, hospitalized in a mental institution as an adult for approx. 2 years and received shock treatments, been beaten as a wife, a druggy and living in the streets as a homeless woman with her babies. It was the love she had for her children that caused her to go through a metamorphosis in life. The change was so drastic, that not even her own family recognized her. Mirian Detres’s memoirs not only takes you into a world of poverty, abuse, and neglect but it plunges the reader into a dark rabbit hole of struggles with drugs and crime only to come out on the other side as an educational scholar with two masters, doctorate of philosophy, spokes person for battered women, and a successful mother of five children. This is a true story of a woman without any role models became one herself.

Ward of the State

Book Description

"Ward of the State: A Memoir of Foster Care," tells what happened to a little black boy from the inner city of Detroit. This is the story of Karlos Dillard, severely neglected by his mother who often left him and his siblings at home alone for weeks to fend for themselves. Enduring severe neglect and abuse, the boy was removed by the State of Michigan and put into foster care. Karlos was removed from his mother's care just to end up in foster homes that treated him worse. The book is an emotional rollercoaster. Every time Karlos describes the pain he is feeling you will feel the same pain. Whether it be hunger, anger, or being sexually violated. Karlos' use of words makes sure that you aren't just reading the book, you are actually engaged. What is most enticing are the small victories experienced in the story because they give you a break from the horrors of some of the foster homes. Karlos was told he was not loved, he was not wanted and he was nothing but a ward of the State. Karlos had nothing left to look forward to and that almost ended his life, but his hope to find a family that loved him kept him alive.

Индоевропейский словарь с ностратическими этимологиями. Том II

Book Description

Настоящая монография представляет собой трехтомное посмертное издание труда выдающегося советского и российского лингвиста А. Б. Долгопольского, одного из крупнейших и всемирно признанных специалистов по сравнительно-историческому языкознанию и изучению дальнего родства языков. «Индоевропейский словарь с ностратическими этимологиями» составлен автором на основе главного труда его жизни – «Ностратического словаря», работу над которым А. Б. Долгопольский неотрывно и интенсивно вёл почти полвека.Основной своей задачей автор считает определение и доказательство ностратических истоков индоевропейской лексики, поиск регулярных соответствий между лексическими единицами индоевропейских языков и языков других семей Старого Света. Словарь содержит 1397 вхождений, представляющих собой реконструированные корни индоевропейского праязыка с указанием их потомков в языках индоевропейской семьи и внешних соответствий в других семьях ностратических языков. Как по широте охвата лингвистического материала, так и по глубине разработки каждой словарной единицы словарь представляет собой уникальный материал для анализа и предназначен не только для лингвистов, изучающих индоевропейские языки, но и для специалистов по сравнительно-историческому изучению языков других семей.

My Bloody Life

Book Description

Looking for an escape from childhood abuse, Reymundo Sanchez turned away from school and baseball to drugs, alcohol, and then sex, and was left to fend for himself before age 14. The Latin Kings, one of the largest and most notorious street gangs in America, became his refuge and his world, but its violence cost him friends, freedom, self-respect, and nearly his life. This is a raw and powerful odyssey through the ranks of the new mafia, where the only people more dangerous than rival gangs are members of your own gang, who in one breath will say they'll die for you and in the next will order your assassination.

A Century of Innovation

Book Description

A compilation of 3M voices, memories, facts and experiences from the company's first 100 years.

T.P.'s Magazine

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The Scots Magazine

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Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story

Book Description

This volume opens up new perspectives on Babylonian and Assyrian literature, through the lens of a pivotal passage in the Gilgamesh Flood story. It shows how, using a nine-line message where not all was as it seemed, the god Ea inveigled humans into building the Ark. The volume argues that Ea used a ‘bitextual’ message: one which can be understood in different ways that sound the same. His message thus emerges as an ambivalent oracle in the tradition of ‘folktale prophecy’. The argument is supported by interlocking investigations of lexicography, divination, diet, figurines, social history, and religion. There are also extended discussions of Babylonian word play and ancient literary interpretation. Besides arguing for Ea’s duplicity, the book explores its implications – for narrative sophistication in Gilgamesh, for audiences and performance of the poem, and for the relation of the Gilgamesh Flood story to the versions in Atra-hasīs, the Hellenistic historian Berossos, and the Biblical Book of Genesis. Ea’s Duplicity in the Gilgamesh Flood Story will interest Assyriologists, Hebrew Bible scholars and Classicists, but also students and researchers in all areas concerned with Gilgamesh, word-play, oracles, and traditions about the Flood.