When the Wind Stops Blowing

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When the Wind Stops

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Where does the wind go when it stops? When a little boy asks this question at the end of a happy day, his mother explains that the wind does not stop-it blows away to make the trees dance somewhere else. Reassuringly, she tells him that nothing ever ends, it simply begins in another place or in another way. Rain goes back into the clouds to create new storms, waves fold back upon the sea to become new waves, and the day moves on to make way for the night, bringing the darkness and stars for the little boy to dream in. Charlotte Zolotow's lyrical prose and Stefano Vitale's rich illustrations make this a beautiful celebration of the cycle of life.

Aristotle's Meteorology and Its Reception in the Arab World

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A survey of what Arabic scholars have written on the subjects treated in Aristotle's "Meteorology." It is investigated how they were influenced by one another and by previous Greek commentators. Also, two Arabic treatises are edited and translated.


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Too often we never share our innermost thoughts for fear of what others might think of us. Here finally is an author who tells it like he sees it--and lets the sparks fly in the process. Absorbing and intellectual, each Considerations is unique and different. You will find yourself in tears one moment and laughing the next, and will be searching your own heart and soul. Absolutely provocative and unique--you'll want to read and absorb each consideration before moving on to the next one.

An Unworthy Future

Book Description

It is difficult to find an area of public policy more plagued by misunderstanding than energy policy. Even worse, every time the subject is raised, we are obligated to get mired in pointless arguments about the weather. This book helps set the record straight. Not convinced? Consider some of these inconvenient truths: The cost of green energy climate remediation is anywhere from 10-to-1,000 times greater than the damage from the climate change it attempts to alleviate. Germany, the worlds leader in solar energy, will spend more than $280 billion by 2030 on solar subsidies. But all of that investment will only forestall 22nd century global warming by 37 hours. Obamas carbon tax would cost Americans $1.2 trillion over just ten years. But it would only reduce the midrange 3 degree modeled 22nd century global temperature increase by 0.038 degrees Celsius. At their current emissions growth rate, it will take China nine months to replace the entire U.S. emissions cut that Obama wants to achieve over seven years, at a staggering cost in American jobs and lost economic growth. The U.S. biofuel program imposes a cost on consumers 9,862 times greater than any climate benefit they or their distant progeny will ever derive. This is not another skeptical global warming polemic but an economic evaluation of how and why green energy will fail. The world has too many pressing needs. For the money Obama squandered on just a single bankrupt crony solar company, the U.S. could have prevented 300,000 childhood malaria deaths in poor countries. A thoroughly researched, heavily documented book by an expert in his field, it will demonstrate in meticulous detail how wasteful and economically inefficient Obamas green energy dead end future will be compared to other worthy alternatives. Its time to end the hysterical climate cynicism and get on humanitys side.

CK-12 Chemistry - Second Edition

Book Description

CK-12 Foundation's Chemistry - Second Edition FlexBook covers the following chapters:Introduction to Chemistry - scientific method, history.Measurement in Chemistry - measurements, formulas.Matter and Energy - matter, energy.The Atomic Theory - atom models, atomic structure, sub-atomic particles.The Bohr Model of the Atom electromagnetic radiation, atomic spectra. The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom energy/standing waves, Heisenberg, Schrodinger.The Electron Configuration of Atoms Aufbau principle, electron configurations.Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table- electron configuration, position on periodic table.Chemical Periodicity atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity.Ionic Bonds and Formulas ionization, ionic bonding, ionic compounds.Covalent Bonds and Formulas nomenclature, electronic/molecular geometries, octet rule, polar molecules.The Mole Concept formula stoichiometry.Chemical Reactions balancing equations, reaction types.Stoichiometry limiting reactant equations, yields, heat of reaction.The Behavior of Gases molecular structure/properties, combined gas law/universal gas law.Condensed Phases: Solids and Liquids intermolecular forces of attraction, phase change, phase diagrams.Solutions and Their Behavior concentration, solubility, colligate properties, dissociation, ions in solution.Chemical Kinetics reaction rates, factors that affect rates.Chemical Equilibrium forward/reverse reaction rates, equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier's principle, solubility product constant.Acids-Bases strong/weak acids and bases, hydrolysis of salts, pHNeutralization dissociation of water, acid-base indicators, acid-base titration, buffers.Thermochemistry bond breaking/formation, heat of reaction/formation, Hess' law, entropy, Gibb's free energy. Electrochemistry oxidation-reduction, electrochemical cells.Nuclear Chemistry radioactivity, nuclear equations, nuclear energy.Organic Chemistry straight chain/aromatic hydrocarbons, functional groups.Chemistry Glossary

Wheels and Cranks

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This series introduces the basic principles of design and technology, Students will learn how simple machines such as levers, springs, and wheels power more complex machines that we use every day. Each title contains a project allowing the reader to make a machine that uses simple machines and household items. The text is reinforced with colorful photos, clearly labeled diagrams, real-life examples, and easy experiments that allow students to observe the scientific concepts behind the machines.

Data Driven Investing

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Sustainable Energy

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In this timely book, leading authors explore the technologies that might help us to develop a sustainable energy future, emphasising renewable energy and the political and economic context needed for them to prosper. This collection makes hard-headed assessments of what is possible and what is not.