Holy Vedas and Islam

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Exposing Zakir Naik

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For the first time, a complete refutation of every point a Jihadi thinks to justify his hate against non-believers. The only book of its kind to solve the problem of brainwashing and self-radicalization.Zakir Naik's rise has been significantly correlated with the rise of terror attacks across the globe. The terrorists involved in Dhaka siege, the ISIS Hyderabad Module Chief, Areeb Majeed who fled from India to join ISIS - all had one trait in common. Zakir Naik was their mentor.Anyone from the Indian subcontinent who has been active on the terror-related issue would have, definitely, come across hundreds of young fanatic Muslims, who believe that Allah will grant them 72 virgins in Heaven if they convert non-Muslims and hate idol-worshipping Hindus. The vulnerable Muslim youth from Indian sub-continent, who does not know Arabic, relies on his interpretation of Quran and Hadiths as authentic Islam. Now his spread has reached weak minds in other countries as well.They quote verbatim from lectures and writings of Zakir Naik that are a sure-shot recipe for breeding terrorists. These fanatics would turn violent if you counter-question. The situation is indeed terrifying. Unless we do something, a vast number of terrorists are already breeding worldwide who would conduct another Florida attack or Dhaka killing - lone-wolf or planned - as a religious duty.The fanatic belief-set comprises following* Only Muslims will go to Heaven. All non-Muslims will burn forever in Hell. Even if she is Mother Teresa or Gandhi.* Among Muslims, only those who have converted non-Muslims will go to Heaven.* Jihad against non-Muslims is a gateway to Heaven.* Osama Bin Laden was not a terrorist. America is a terrorist.* Sharia Law must be implemented worldwide.* As per Sharia Law, those who leave Islam must be killed.* In Muslim rule, non-Muslims must not be allowed to preach. But Muslims must preach in non-Muslim countries.* Those who worship graves - like Sufis - are worst of creatures.* Hindus deserve to be called Kafirs - the worst of creatures.Agniveer raised the alarm against Zakir Naik 8 years ago and has been working relentlessly against radical Islam. Several youths who came back from clutches of Zakir Naik have narrated shocking details of his brainwashing cartel. To fight this rise of terror, Agniveer created detailed rebuttals to Zakir's speeches and articles that saved a vast number of youths from adopting the path of hatred. It exposed the workings of Islamic Research Foundation formed by Zakir Naik that funded and promoted people who instigated genocide and war against India. Many of these expose had to be withdrawn because government underestimated the threat Zakir posed to world peace and instead Agniveer had to face security threats. In this book, we bring together all those writings that establish the threat that Zakir Naik poses. And soundly, thrashes his every radical argument. Not just Zakir Naik, the book soundly answers every radical argument of every fanatic who instigates people to adopt hate as religion. This book can save the world if translated into major languages and circulated among vulnerable youth. And will equip non-Muslims not to fall trap to his promise of false Heaven by hating non-Muslims. It has already saved thousands and prevented many terror attacks.The only way to counter self-radicalization is to destroy the source - those fanatics who breed hatred against non-Muslims in the name of Islam that means Peace.Funds from the book will be used to fight terrorism and prevent the next attacks.

Essential Hinduism

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As a world religion, Hinduism remains one of the most elusive for many. Its teachings, beliefs, practices, and history are reviewed here by an expert hoping to introduce readers to the world of Hinduism. While there are many forms of Hinduism, and offshoots as well, the complex nature of this faith makes it elusive to many. This straightforward overview, focusing on Vaishnavism-the most common form of Hinduism—is ideal for those who wish to learn more about this ancient tradition.. Beginning with chapters about the foundations of Hinduism, Rosen clearly lays out what is otherwise a complicated history. Providing Hindu terms alongside English translations, he is able to bring the faith alive for readers unacquainted with its varieties and its tenets. Moving on to chapters about practices, including festivals, teachings, chanting, eating habits and more, Rosen brings Hinduism to life in vivid detail.

Law of Success for Both the Worlds

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Khan asserts that most people are unaware of the mental and spiritual side of prosperity, hence they struggle throughout their careers and remain failures until the end of their lives. This volume introduces both aspects of prosperity--that is, earning wealth along with blessings.

The Path of the Masters

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Sahaja Yoga

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Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”

7 Secrets Of The Goddess

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About the Book A CLASSIC GUIDE TO THE LIVES AND LEGENDS OF THE MANY GODDESSES WHO INHABIT THE HINDU IMAGINATION Lakshmi massages Vishnu’s feet. Is this male domination? Kali stands on Shiva’s chest. Is this female domination? Shiva is half a woman. Is this gender quality? Why then is Shakti never half a man? Taken literally, stories, symbols and rituals of Hindu mythology have much to say about gender relationships. Taken symbolically, they reveal many more things about humanity and nature. Which is the correct reading? The third title in the bestselling ‘Hindu Trinity’ series focuses on the Goddess and respected mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik tries to unravel the secrets locked within her stories, symbols and rituals.