Memoirs of a Monster Hunter

Book Description

Courage Goes to Work (EasyRead Large Bold Edition)

Book Description

When he was young, consultant Bill Treasurer feared heights. He overcame his fear and became a high-diving champion. Every day for seven years, Treasurer would climb to the top of a 100-foot tower (as tall as a 10-story building). From there, at a speed of more than 50 miles per hour, he'd dive head-first into a 10-foot deep pool. He became the captain of the US High Diving Team. Now, he teaches managers how to be brave and how to imbue their workers with courage. In this tenth-anniversary edition of his bestseller on building courage in the workplace, Treasurer jokes that he hopes to enroll his readers in the "Fraternal Order of Courageous Managers." Sign up here.

HOW TO WORK FOR AN IDIOT (EasyRead Large Bold Edition)

Book Description

John Hoover, an organizational leadership consultant, discusses how to deal with an "Idiot Boss" - or I-Boss - who does stupid things. Hoover distinguishes idiots from other tricky bosses, including those who think they are God, or who are paranoid, sadistic or Machiavellian. He leaves the reader with a couple of issues. First, you'll think no good, caring bosses still exist. Second, he doesn't tell you clearly where to set boundaries or when enough is finally enough. He often advocates appeasing bad bosses, although his other counsel on how to deal with them has some effective pointers. To his credit, Hoover is very candid about how he has learned from experience, including his mistakes. He offers personal examples from his experiences at Disney and elsewhere, and tries to write in a light-hearted or whimsical vein. finds the book strongest when it is strategic and weakest when it tries to be funny, given that with bad bosses you only laugh to keep from crying.