Write a Book in Two Hours

Book Description

Who else wants their dream book written today? If you can speak out loud, then YOU have what it takes to become a lightning-fast, bestselling author. Most people dream of writing a book, but those manuscripts end up shoved away in dusty drawers, half-finished and abandoned to be eaten by moths. Many of them are great writers, many of them have great ideas. Yet so many people come to the conclusion that they'll never finish their books. Why? Because they aren't following a proven system. Maybe this is you right now. Maybe you believe that you're not good enough, that you'll never have enough time, or that it's a terrible book idea. You wonder how on earth other people manage to find time to write alongside their jobs, family and other commitments. But the assumption that writing is a slow process and books take six months or years to write is outdated. You can easily increase your efficiency three to four times MORE by using this system. As much value as there is in quality, quantity also plays a significant factor. The days where you need to have access to expensive or special equipment are gone. And one of the fastest ways to become profitable as an author nowadays is to write faster. Let me show you how you can hit the finish line at record speed.Every. Single. Time. This is the same system that allows me to spend more time with my family, earn more money and accomplish four times the amount of work in the same eight hours a day. It’s allowed me to release books on an exponential scale, to set goals of writing fifty books per year. This book was written using the same strategy. It can be done. And now you can do the same. This ISN’T a book you read for inspiration and walk away feeling good. This is a book about taking ACTION. I want you to be generating MORE CONTENT THAN YOU EVEN NEED. What you will walk away with... Learn The Conveyor Belt Method: The step-by-step process which will give you an unshakeable FOUNDATION for your writing career Become One With Your Creative Mind: How to become so efficient with your methodology that you can AVOID writer's block entirely Master Your Location Independence: The secret writing anytime and ANYWHERE you want! Harness Your Long Term Sales: Get the exact ingredients you need to capture your readers for good and turn them into lifelong fans! Imagine if... Writing books was no longer a struggle and you could churn out bestsellers on a whim You could write a book in your spare time and don't need to fight against your other commitments You could come up with an idea in the morning, plan out your content and have your first draft FINISHED by the afternoon! Don't let your book rot in a drawer like all the rest. Your time is NOW. You could have the book you've always dreamed of writing in your hands TODAY. Begin your journey by clicking the button above.

Write a Book in Two Hours

Book Description

Who else wants their dream book written today?If you can speak out loud, then YOU have what it takes to become a lightning-fast, bestselling author. Most people dream of writing a book, but those manuscripts end up shoved away in dusty drawers, half-finished and abandoned to be eaten by moths. Many of them are great writers, many of them have great ideas. Yet so many people come to the conclusion that they'll never finish their books. Why? Because they aren't following a proven system. Maybe this is you right now. Maybe you believe that you're not good enough, that you'll never have enough time, or that it's a terrible book idea. You wonder how on earth other people manage to find time to write alongside their jobs, family and other commitments. But the assumption that writing is a slow process and books take six months or years to write is outdated. You can easily increase your efficiency three to four times MORE by using this system. As much value as there is in quality, quantity also plays a significant factor. The days where you need to have access to expensive or special equipment are gone. And one of the fastest ways to become profitable as an author nowadays is to write faster. Let me show you how you can hit the finish line at record speed. Every. Single. Time. This is the same system that allows me to spend more time with my family, earn more money and accomplish four times the amount of work in the same eight hours a day. It's allowed me to release books on an exponential scale, to set goals of writing fifty books per year. This book was written using the same strategy. It can be done. And now you can do the same.This ISN'T a book you read for inspiration and walk away feeling good. This is a book about taking ACTION. I want you to be generating MORE CONTENT THAN YOU EVEN NEED.What you will walk away with... Learn The Conveyor Belt Method: The step-by-step process which will give you an unshakeable FOUNDATION for your writing career Become One With Your Creative Mind: How to become so efficient with your methodology that you can AVOID writer's block entirely Master Your Location Independence: The secret writing anytime and ANYWHERE you want! Harness Your Long Term Sales: Get the exact ingredients you need to capture your readers for good and turn them into lifelong fans! Imagine if... Writing books was no longer a struggle and you could churn out bestsellers on a whim You could write a book in your spare time and don't need to fight against your other commitments You could come up with an idea in the morning, plan out your content and have your first draft FINISHED by the afternoon! Don't let your book rot in a drawer like all the rest.Your time is NOW.You could have the book you've always dreamed of writing in your hands TODAY.Begin your journey by clicking the button above.

Sara's Year

Book Description

It's Never Too Late to Follow Your Dreams! Esther and Sarah share a single passion: to be the best they can be – on an epic scale. That's easier dreamed than done in Jewish Montreal on the eve of World War II. Fifty years later when death takes Esther, her son and her oldest friend must each decide whether Esther's abandoned dreams will defeat them or spur them on to triumphs of their own. "Thrilling...bittersweet...triumphant!" – Dan Stone, author of Ice on Fire "A masterful journey with a brilliant cast of characters. What an adventure!" – Carolyn Flower, author of Gravitate 2 Gratitude

Creative Writing

Book Description

From the Author of the Internationally Bestselling Books - Red Herrings & White Elephants, What Caesar did for my Salad, Shaggy Dogs, Pop Goes the Weasel, They Laughed at Galileo: Over the years I have often been asked, by unpublished writers, how they should go about finding a publisher. I am also often asked the question, 'what should I write about.'And, whilst that is irritating; the chief reason being, 'That's your job, ' it is still a good question. (The main thing a writer has to do is to have the idea in the first place.) The answer, of course, is something that other people, your readers, will want to buy and then read and there are very simple ways to find out what that might be. To start with a writer has to consider their reader and what interests them. Can you come up with a book idea that will appeal to an 80 year old lady, a fifteen year old boy, a 25-year old girl and a middle aged man all at the same time? Because that is what you need to do, find as wide an audience as possible. Books about left handed, Norwegian badminton players will not enjoy big sales. A couple of years ago I was in a small, artistic town in South Africa and found myself at a table of half a dozen would-be writers who were all asking me those same questions, and more. And I had the answers because there are professional techniques and habits that a writer must adopt and over the years it seems I have adopted them, possibly without realising it. Somebody then said, 'you should be teaching this. We don't know any of this, no wonder I can't get a reply from a publisher.' And this made me stop to think for a while. He was right, they didn't know any of this, but it was actually all quite simple. He was just doing all the wrong things. (Lesson number one - Nobody is really interested in your own life story. Unless you are Nelson Mandela) So I began to explain how to find an idea that a top publisher might be interested in commissioning. A subject they would see they could sell to as many people as possible. The questions kept coming and I began to start thinking that maybe I should offer a professional writer's workshop and start sharing all this inside knowledge with as many people as possible. But one thing prevented me. It was fear! I was afraid that no-one would turn up or be interested in what I had to say. The same thing that most writers are afraid of.So I asked my long time friend and illustrator Ama Page, who is usually quite blunt with her advice, 'What would you say if I set up a writer's workshop and started sharing the tips, techniques and habits I have picked up over the years, ' I expected her to say something along the lines of, 'don't you think that's a bit self indulgent or presumptuous.' Or perhaps, 'hark at you Mr Know-It-All, but instead she replied, 'What would I say? It's about bloody time too is what I would say.' That took me by surprise. 'Are you sure, ' I said, 'would anybody really turn up?' 'They better do, ' she told me. 'After all, you know how it all works.' And I suppose I do. After fifteen years of working with Random House, Harper Collins and, for the larger part, Penguin Books I must have picked up something along the way.So, I had been firmly encouraged to share my experiences as a professional writer with those who would like to also follow that particular path. Now, with five successful workshops behind me, I have also been encouraged, by Kindle Direct Publishing, to share those experiences on a much wider scale by releasing what are essentially the workshop notes that I give to all my writers (as I like to call them) in the form of this ebook.I can only now hope this encourages you to develop the correct habits and to target the paying markets in a professional way. In about two hours reading time you should certainly be better equipped to do so. - Albert Jac

The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home (Third Edition)

Book Description

"You do have control over what and how your child learns. The Well-Trained Mind will give you the tools you'll need to teach your child with confidence and success."--BOOK JACKET.

How to Get Your Book Done

Book Description

The Only One Thing You Need to Finish Your Book. Write. Yes, that's it. Just write. Write every day, as much as you can. Keep a notebook by your bedside so you can write down inspired dreams. Keep another pocket-sized notebook with you at all times so you can write any time you come up with something that should be in that book. Set up an area where you can write daily without being disturbed. Some people write after the kids are asleep. One author came to work two hours early in order to write in an empty office. Another wrote during his two-hour commute, with noise-canceling headphones. Regardless, you have to start writing. Today. Every day. Don't skip a day. No excuses. Because when you write, you make progress. If you don't write, you don't make progress. Books don't write themselves. You don't want to die with a book still inside you. (Well, most people don't, if given the option.) Write. Write daily. Write as much as you can. When you're done writing, start editing. If you find something is missing while you're editing, then stop editing and start writing. When you're done, then start editing again. Once you're done writing and editing both, then get someone else to proof it. Correct your errors, and self-proof it again. Then send it out to someone else to proof again. It doesn't have to be perfect. But it does need to get written. If it's longer than 2500 words, you can publish it on Amazon. Some people call it a short story. But if that's all the longer your book is, then it's a book. That brings up another thing: Quit comparing yourself to anyone else. That just messes up your head. You're an individual, so is everyone else. No two people are the same. No two authors write the same book (not any honest authors, anyway.) Your point is to write, then edit, then proof, then publish. If you want to write another book after that point, then start again. But you'll never get to your second book until you finish your first one. And if you only have a single book in you, that's fine. Most people do. But you have to live your own life. "Begin with the end in mind." said Socrates. So start writing already. (From Chapter 3) Get Your Copy Now.

Managing Overflow in Affluent Societies

Book Description

"It is simply too much" is a common complaint of the modern age. This book looks at how people and institutions deal with overflow - of information, consumption or choices. The essays explore the ways in which notions of overflow - framed in terms of excess and abundance or their implicit opposites, scarcity and dearth - crop up in a number of contexts such as sociological and economic theory, management consulting, consumer studies, and the politics of everyday life. Chapters range from studies of overload at home, at work or in the world of cyber information; strategies of coping with overflow in institutions such as news agencies; and historical comparisons. When, where, how and for whom is overflow a problem or a blessing?

How to be an Author Entrepreneur WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME

Book Description

Are You Making The Same Costly Mistakes That Authors Usually Make? Then here is a book that helps realise your author-entrepreneur dreams WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. From the author of 32 books and sixty translations selling over 50 countries, here comes a DIY manual of practical tips and advice that can take your writing dreams to literally publishing Nirvana. Fleecing authors has always been a multi-million dollar business from time immemorial. So how much should you be prepared to spend to create a really professional looking book? The answer is: $0. Yes, you read it correctly. You can create a professional product at ZERO cost, I repeat. I am an Indian and it is in my nature to be somewhat miserly. But Indians are also known for creating high quality, low-cost products, through sheer Jugaad, that can be loosely translated as “improvisation”. In this book, I’m willing to share all my experiences of starting frugal with you. I will explain how to start at $0, to ensure that your “business” does not financially cripple you. And then, the moment you can afford it, to incur costs selectively where they can give you the maximum bang for your buck. Is this book right for me? Please don’t read this book if you are already a best-selling multi-million dollar earning author who has no problems fishing out a cheque for any amount for that fancy book cover design. Again, please don’t read this book if you believe you don’t have the time to learn some simple skills yourself. But if you are an author, struggling to make a living but have the dreams of making it big one day at minimum cost, THIS BOOK IS CERTAINLY FOR YOU. What this book covers: * How to overcome the dreaded writer’s block. * How NOT to be a perfectionist and fall into the trap of scams, plans, clubs, and memberships which have perfected the art of fleecing desperate authors. * How to set up a powerful routine and a daily word count target so you can keep churning out the kind of books you love. * How to edit your book WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. * How to proofread/beta read your book WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. * How to design a professional looking book cover WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME and WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF PHOTOSHOP. * How to format and publish your books (both paperback and digital) WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. * How to market your books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME. * How to build your brand and your audience that loves your books. Changes made in the Revised Second Edition * Discusses writing with an outline and without an outline * Adds a few more suggestions on editing and discusses some popular editing packages * Updates references to CreateSpace (now defunct) * Introduces KDP Cover Creator * Discusses cover designing using Canva and Fiverr * Explains Draft2digital’s book formatting tool and cover designing tool for both e-Books and paperback. * Discusses the downsides of the Reader Magnet and free book strategy * Updates links for promoting free and discounted books * Introduces Amazon Ads And much more, as promised, WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME! So what are you waiting for? Just scroll up and grab a copy today or download a sample now! Other Books by the Author How to Translate Your Books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME How to Market Your Books WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME How to Have a Happier Writer Mind-set WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME Keywords: author platform, author entrepreneur and email marketing, how to build your list, how to self publish your book, indie author, how to launch a book, how to market your book and writer's block, how to write a book, how to edit a book, how to publish a book, how to format a book, how to create a cover design and how to promote your book, cost of self publishing a book, self publishing costs, cost of self publishing, how much does it cost to self publish a book, self publishing cost, how much does it cost to self publish, self publishing a book cost, how much does self publishing cost, cost of self publishing a book, cost to self publish, cost to self publish a book, self publishing online, online self publishing, self publish online, self publishing books online, how to self publish online, self publishing online free, free online self publishing, self publishing a book online, self publish books online, self publish book online, how to self publish a book online, print on demand, publishing an ebook for free, how to publish an ebook step by step, how to market your book for free, 1001 ways to market your book, how to market your book online, free email marketing service

Popular Mechanics

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Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.