The Dawn Mission to Minor Planets 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres

Book Description

Dawn is the first mission to orbit a main belt asteroid and the first scientific mission to use ion propulsion. Major objectives of this mission include mapping of the surfaces of 4 Vesta and 1 Ceres, determining its topography from stereo measurements, determining its mineralogy, measuring its elemental composition and obtaining gravity data. This book describes the Dawn mission, its exploration and scientific objectives, the instruments that accomplish those objectives, the operations plan and the education and outreach plan. It is directed to those studying asteroids and the evolution of the solar system. This volume will be a valuable reference for anyone who uses data from the instruments of the DAWN mission. Previously published in Space Science Reviews, Vol. 163/1-4, 2012.

Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh General Assembly Rio de Janeiro 2009

Book Description

A complete record of the formal organisational and administrative proceedings of the XXVII General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union.

Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Book Description

The term “chemical evolution of galaxies” refers to the evolution of abundances of chemical species in galaxies, which is due to nuclear processes occurring in stars and to gas flows into and out of galaxies. This book deals with the chemical evolution of galaxies of all morphological types (ellipticals, spirals and irregulars) and stresses the importance of the star formation histories in determining the properties of stellar populations in different galaxies. The topic is approached in a didactical and logical manner via galaxy evolution models which are compared with observational results obtained in the last two decades: The reader is given an introduction to the concept of chemical abundances and learns about the main stellar populations in our Galaxy as well as about the classification of galaxy types and their main observables. In the core of the book, the construction and solution of chemical evolution models are discussed in detail, followed by descriptions and interpretations of observations of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way, spheroidal galaxies, irregular galaxies and of cosmic chemical evolution. The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to students as well as to amend our present ideas in research; the book also summarizes the efforts made by authors in the past several years in order to further future research in the field.

Proceedings of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly Prague 2006

Book Description

IAU Transactions XXVIB contains the Proceedings of the IAU XXVII General Assembly held in Prague, 14-25 August 2006, hosting a total of 2412 participants from 73 countries. The Assembly featured a rich scientific program, comprising 6 Symposia, 17 Joint Discussions and 7 Special Sessions. During the program about 650 papers were presented and more than 1550 posters displayed. The Proceedings of the 6 Symposia have been published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposia Series, and the proceedings of the Joint Discussions and Special Sessions feature in IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 14. Together with those 7 volumes, these Transactions cover the entire General Assembly. In addition to the scientific program, the XXVI General Assembly hosted the regular Business Meetings of the EC, the 12 Divisions, 40 Commissions and 75 Working Groups. This volume records the organizational and administrative business of the XXVI General Assembly and the status of the IAU membership.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Book Description

The XXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held in Baltimore, Maryland USA from August 02 to 11, 1988. The Inaugural Ceremony on August 02 was held in the presence of representatives of the United States Governn:ent, t~e S~ate of Maryland, the City of Baltimore and the host institution -the Johns Hopkins Umverslty- as well as of the National and Local Organising Committees. The scientific programme maintained the high standards of the Union and the scientific proceedings may be found either in this volume or in volume 8 of Highlights of Astronomy. The scientific programme was organised by the 40 Commission Presidents and coordinated by the General Secretary (1985-1988), Dr. J.-P. Swings. The local arrangements were effectively made through the National Organising Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. F. Drake and the Local Organising Committee under the co-Chairmanship of Prof. A. Oavidsen and Dr. R. Giacconi. The smooth day to day operation of the meeting resulted from the incomparable dedication of Karen Weinstock and Harold Screen.

Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009 (IAU XXVIIA)

Book Description

The Transactions XXVIIA Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009 provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of what has been achieved in astronomy during the years 2006 to 2009. These insightful and up-to-date reviews have been written by the presidents and chairpersons of the IAU scientific bodies: the Divisions, the Commissions, and the Working Groups. Topics covered in this wide-ranging volume include: fundamental astronomy; the Sun and heliosphere; planetary sciences; stars; variable stars; interstellar matter; the Galactic system; galaxies and the Universe; optical and infrared techniques; radio astronomy; space and high-energy astrophysics; and other IAU activities. The reviews have been written at a level suitable for colleagues in the same fields, but will also be useful for students and researchers wishing to gain an overview of astronomical fields beyond their own research area.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Book Description

The XIXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held in New Delhi, India, from November 19 to 28, 1985. It was dedicated to the memory of a former IAU President, Professor M. K. V. Bappu, who tragically passed away on August 19, 1982. On the occasion of the Delhi General Assembly, the IAU Minor Planet Center announced that Minor Planet (asteroid) No. 2596 henceforth will carry the name Vainu Sappu. The full text of the announcement reads: "(2596) VAINU BAPPU = 1979 KN (diameter about 8 kilometers, period 5 years 4 months, mean distance from the Sun around 450 million kilometers) Discovered 1979, May 19, by R. M. West at the European Southern Observatory. Named in memory of Manali f

The International Astronomical Union

Book Description

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) was founded in 1919, in the wake of the First World War, together with its sister Unions in related natural sciences. It will thus turn 100 years in 2019. Written by a mixed team of insiders and outsiders, this book presents the IAU in the changing context of the historical, scientific and technological development of astronomy during the past 100 years. While much important scientific progress took place already before 1945, the book naturally focuses on the accelerating evolution during the second half of the century. In the past few decades, the previously narrow IAU focus on organising professional astronomy has broadened to include societally relevant activities such as addressing the hazard of asteroid impacts, the planetary status of Pluto in the Solar System, and the hugely successful International Year of Astronomy. Most recently, it is spearheading a combination of science literacy and public outreach. The book will be of interest to professional astronomers as well as an astronomically interested general audience. The book features live personal interviews with as many of the key actors as still possible.