Yoga Namaskar

Book Description

Sun Salutations

Book Description

How to do Sun Salutations, a Hatha Yoga sequence (Surya Namaskar Vinyasa). Describing the physical postures (asana) and the connecting transitions between the asana in detail. Guides internal direction of the attention, and use of proprioception during practice. With options for both softer and more intense versions, this book is suitable for beginners, and as a reference for intermediate to advanced students. Illustrated with photographs.

Mimi and Soni Learn Yoga

Book Description

This story is about best friends, Mimi and Soni, who live in an Indian metropolis. Initially they are afraid to try any kind of yoga. However, soon they learn how helpful it is and become eager to learn it. This comic book is meant to be a brief introduction to Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation, for kids. It tells an interesting story about the benefits of starting to practice Surya Namaskar, at a young age. Benefits such as focus, flexibility, and character traits like gratitude. The book not only teaches kids all the Surya Namaskar poses, but also teaches them that with daily practice, you can learn anything you wish.

YOGA Surya Namaskar

Book Description

Our Vedas eulogize the Sun, and there are many hymns in praise of the Surya Devata. Especially, the first chapter of the Krishna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Aranyakam has come to be known in recent times as the Surya Namaskar chapter. ------------------------------------------ Surya Namaskar is a fundamental set of 12 postures to step into a higher state of consciousness that reflects Purity. It leads to Yoga, or the significant moment when one relaxes, absorbed in divine union. ------------------------------------------ The entire process comprises of • A Cheerful beginning • Stepping onto the Yoga Mat facing EAST • Having a sip of Water to begin with • Chanting Om Suryaaya Namah ----------------------------------------- It is a proven cardiovascular workout of a high order, when done at a smooth pace. When done with holding the stretch at each pose with normal breathing, it is meditative, relaxing and toning. The Sun is traditionally connected to the Manipura Chakra, known as the Navel Center, or the Solar Plexus. It is also the 2nd brain of the body, where all the nerves meet, and the place of the umbilical cord attaching every new born. We see that all the poses in the Surya Namaskar have a significant effect on the solar plexus. In other words these asanas massage, strengthen, realign, and invigorate the stomach and gut. That by default in medical parlance is the prime source of illness prevention and cure.

The Path of Modern Yoga

Book Description

A history of yoga’s transformation from sacred discipline to exercise program to embodied spiritual practice • Identifies the origin of exercise yoga as India’s response to the mania for exercise sweeping the West in the early 20th century • Examines yoga’s transformations through the lives and accomplishments of 11 key figures, including Sri Yogendra, K. V. Iyer, Louise Morgan, Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda, Indra Devi, and B. K. S. Iyengar • Draws on more than 10 years of research from rare primary sources and includes 99 illustrations In The Path of Modern Yoga, Elliott Goldberg shows how yoga was transformed from a sacred practice into a health and fitness regime for middle-class Indians in the early 20th century and then gradually transformed over the course of the 20th century into an embodied spiritual practice--a yoga for our times. Drawing on more than 10 years of research from rare primary sources as well as recent scholarship, Goldberg tells the sweeping story of modern yoga through the remarkable lives and accomplishments of 11 key figures: six Indian yogis (Sri Yogendra, Swami Kuvalayananda, S. Sundaram, T. Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda, and B. K. S. Iyengar), an Indian bodybuilder (K. V. Iyer), a rajah (Bhavanarao Pant Pratinidhi), an American-born journalist (Louise Morgan), an Indian diplomat (Apa Pant), and a Russian-born yogi trained in India (Indra Devi). The author places their achievements within the context of such Western trends as the physical culture movement, the commodification of exercise, militant nationalism, jazz age popular entertainment, the quest for youth and beauty, and 19th-century New Age religion. In chronicling how the transformation of yoga from sacred discipline to exercise program allowed for the creation of an embodied spiritual practice, Goldberg presents an original, authoritative, provocative, and illuminating interpretation of the history of modern yoga.


Book Description

The book highlights the fact that Yoga is an art that has been practiced by rishis since ancient times. It consists of ancient theories, observations, and principles about the mind and body connection. If it’s given the proper directions and brought to the proper environment, it can find harmony and heal itself, which modern therapy has now proven. The roots of yoga originate from our conscience that heals our body, mind, and soul. Yoga is so be defined as the food of the soul. The food we consume by our body for our daily work but the soul is the yoga that involves breathing, asanas, meditation, and several kriyas. Conscience is the moral rationality of the soul. Yoga is an action derived from our conscience. This book covers comprehensive and exhaustive research on a large number of yoga subjects in depth relating to the current scenario co-relating its existence and re-evolution from past principles and values thus summarising us to the fact that the roots of yoga are inherited in our conscience. The roots should grow into a huge tree that is fruitful for us. About the Author Sanjeev Thakur (1977) born in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India grew up in Dehradun. Associated with Laxmi Devi Lalit Kala Academy, Kanpur, and worked with Times of India. A Yogic, poet, writer fond of music and the author of "Yoga Conscience - an eternal light within us ".I believe Yoga, a way of life, an art that can be perfectly attained on regular practice and devotion. ALTHOUGH THIS BOOK PRIMARY COVERS TOPICS RELATED TO YOGA AND ITS BENEFITS BUT I SHOULD QUOTE THE FOLLOWING LINES OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA THAT ALWAYS INSPIRED ME – “ Purity, patience, perseverance, and above all love are the three essentials to success. Great occasions rouse even the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but he alone is the great whose character is great, always.” Remember yoga is an ongoing journey of regular internal and external growth to heal body mind and soul for the betterment of human beings.

Yoga for Health and Relaxation

Book Description

Dynamic Suryanamaskar

Book Description

Surya Namaskar is a magical name in Indian history and now becoming popular all over the world, it has become a global household name. Surya Namaskar has many references in the Vedas and Puranas. Since that time this yoga has been practiced by many people all over the world. To begin one’s day with the Surya Namaskar is very beneficial as it connects the individual with the cosmos. Out of so many people interested in yoga and spirituality some persons have taken Suryanamaskar as their life style. One such person is Krzysztof Stec from Poland who loves this practice. I remember that as soon as he arrived at Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram almost 10 years ago he was talking about and encouraging everyone to start practicing Suryanamaskar. He has been practicing it every day for many years, and in a little more than two hours he performs in excess of 1008 rounds of Suryanamaskar. Such feat is astonishing and worth praising. He has built tremendous stamina and extraordinary endurance over the years with such regular and disciplined practice. The medical practitioners in the nearby town of Kopargaon have examined him and came to conclusion that he has the physiological parameters of 25 year old youngster (as of today he is running 59 years old). Only two years ago he completed a demanding two years’ master degree program at the department of physical education at one of the primary universities of India, at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. There he had to compete and work-out with colleagues who were one third his age! Last year when he undertook 42 days’ complete fast for the Gurupurnima (anusthan), he began without water (or any food) and continued for full 23 days and later, to complete the fast, he drank only water. In spite of such severe tapasya (discipline and austerity), when most other people usually stay in bed and barely move or to help themselves get several I.V., he was so energetic and full of vitality that he was swimming daily the distance of 5 to 8 kilometers.

COSMIC BLISS by YOGA- Beginners guide Part-1

Book Description

This book is perfect combination to attain Academic, philosophical, and practical knowledge and understanding of Yoga for self-help. To get all benefits of Yoga, one must understand certain basic concepts like philosophy of Yoga, Ashtangayoga with practical approach, Yogic cleansing practices, awareness through breathing practices, step by step Asana and also indication and contraindications while practicing them, Nadi science, Shatchakras, and Panchakoshas with importance of it in meditation to achieve mental health. With meticulously crafted illustrations, this book is a humble endeavour to weave together the threads of Ayurveda and Yoga, illuminating their symbiotic relationship and offering practical guidance for those traversing the path of self-discovery and healing.

Yoga 10 Minutes Anytime, Everywhere

Book Description

Yoga for anyone... Everyone from moms to dads, staffs even kids. From author and illustrator of Yoga 10 minutes anytime, everywhere, this fun and informative book guide in classic yoga poses, complete with instructions. Yoga 10 minutes anytime, everywhere offers unique book combining yoga and mindfulness in an easy to read format. Written specifically for parents and kids, the book aims at teaching to pay attention, increase focus and balance their emotions. The simple yoga exercises in this book can easily be integrated into improving health, behavior. The book details the main components: focus, connect, breath, move and relax. And while this book is targeted to parents, children, teachers may also find it extremely useful in helping anyone that desire to achieve better attention and focus.