Book Description
Nearly every city has a Ghetto, a Gutta, a Trap, and products of those very environments. In Trapstarz Raine Carter and Davae Sanders are doing all the Trappin'; as well as reaping proceeds from their actions. Along with rubberband bundles of blood-stained cash, expensive cars and promiscuous women-led on by the alluring street life-comes dishonor, deception, betrayal, and oh, murder, as the two childhood friends fight for a more substantial position on the totem pole of life. Like every other obstacle-course, there's hurdles and surprises around nearly every corner. So many in Trapstarz that Raine and Davae manage to lose themselves in the thick of things. Could it be the newly discovered drug Ecstasy abruptly interjected into their world? Wear and tear from the coarse streetz taking its toll on their lives? Or even worse, the wrath of Karma vindictively finding her way back to the two? Even though the game has a predictable ending in most cases, this grimy street tale will definitely leave your stomach twisted in knots. Will they finally make it up and out of the traps, or will they remain Trapstarz for the rest of their lives?