Book Description

LifeIS an ISNIS NOW. At first this seems so odd to your mind. YU, The RealU will begin to SeeMore than just what you have come to know and decided as a life here. The Whole of LifeIS invisible and not visible. The TruReality LifeIS cannot be determined with a Literal or Logical Approach. ALL Life IS an ISNIS. This IS The RealTruth LifeIS. Until YU take the time to learn to See Beyond what YU have come to know here, then YU will continue to reenter more body forms and be at the mercy of those who Kontrol this Prison Planet. YU must learn to 'earn your way' out of here, and the existing KEK Systems cannot do this, because they do not want YU to BE Free, even though they 'imply' they do, they really do not! Being Now is part of this adventure and journey, but YU must also Recognize THE ALLIS LifeIS, or no matter what you 'Think' or do here will not amount to anything, even though it may seem to. Have Fun Deciding!


Book Description

"No one on the earth knows what really took place before Paul Twitchell arrived here and was brought into The TruReality of THE ALLIS, or what he termed as 'The Rod of Power, ' which is for those on the earth in a literal sense. The Six Levels of Creation are power areas, and this was his definition at the time of his presence into The RealPosition in 1965 from Rebazar Tarzs. Before coming here, Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides were preparing our adventure into the PsycRealms of time and space. I had just finished the first part of my preparation that took lifetimes with The RealGuides, and then to finish with my life before this one as a half-breed Indian in the southwest of the US, known as 'Goldie, Golden Winged Warrior.' For what seemed like eternity in The Seventh LifeLevel, I was with Rebazar Tarzs & The RealGuides, along with the Being who would be known as Paul Twitchell on the earth...


Book Description

Duane was given The Rod of Power in 2001, from Rebazar & Paul, I was shown that the HU Word was destroyed by THE IS. Reptilian Joanny and her Kontrolling Krone Korporation has convinced the Dumbed Down MemberShrimps that they must worship and pray to the Kalaum God and be a part of the Sacrificial Religious Priests that the Kalaum God supports with the RoundWorlds in time and Space. SHE has totally possessed HarOld, who is now the TapLining Master and has infected thousands upon thousands of unaware people with Reptilian TapLines in the unseen Astral Bodies of the membershrimps. Rebazar Tarzs, Yauble Sacabi & The RealGuides are telling everyone who will listen to "Sing The NU-U Now" to break the TapLines set by Reptilian Mate Joanny. The NU-U Session IS The RealConnection to THE ALLIS. In 2007, The Rod of Power became, THE NUWAVIS THE NUMAN NOW. For those who pay attention to The RealGuidance from Rebazar Tarzs, they will be shown in Your DreamVisions, What IS Real Now!


Book Description

To most of the general public what I am presenting is not known or common knowledge. I have come up thru my own RealExperiences and this is what I am sharing and also 'Reporting The RealNews' as to what is actually happening on the earth Right Now. We are Duane&Eva The Great Writers. WE created The NUPresentation as a WorldWide Education & WakeUp for Everyone. What We are presenting is not religious, political or a spiritual teaching or a path and WE do not have 'followers' as do the masters and gurus of days gone by. We are Simply Real with everything I do and present. I stand with Rebazar Tarzs & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality, THE ALLIS. In 2001, I was given The Rod of Power from Rebazar & Paul. See for yourself on The RealSide in Your DreamVisions... / ASK DUANE&EVA on Facebook


Book Description

THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH has nothing to do with the physical body, it is all about Becoming Moreaware as THE REALU. All of us are in the same Reality we call Life, and The Whole of Life is all about RealAwareness. We each have the opportunity and Free Will to decide our RealPosition in Life. The Earthly Systems, from political, religious, educational, and scientific, have tried to find THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, but as yet they have not. Even the Spiritual Paths and Teachings have not totally encompassed The TruReality, THE ALLIS. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides stand in THE NUWAVIS, The PurReality of THE ALLIS, which can be experienced by those who do The NU-U Sessions, which are provided in, 'The AdventurIS Series, ' by Duane The Great Writer. Now, is the time for this world to realize the Existing Systems do not have the answer to RealTruth and RealFreedom, only those who take the risk to explore with The RealGuides do. Website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

PAUL TWITCHELL INTRODUCES THE REAL UNIVERSAL GUIDES, is a revelation into what really took place many years ago when Paul Twitchell was on the earth. Most of his followers do not know what really took place in other realms and dimensions, but with the help of Ursha LU the MerMaid, Young Duane, who has now become, Duane The Great Writer, is providing what no one else will. For those who need their own proof, they can simply contact Rebazar Tarzs and Paul, and they will be shown, THE NUWAVIS THE ROD OF POWER NOW. This NUBook is a must to read for those who want to learn what is really taking place on the earth right now. The humans of this planet have been marketed with 'false fronts' for lifetimes, and even Paul's creation has fallen to The Gods of Man. On the earth there is always the 'appearance' of something real, but only The RealGuides back THE NUWAVE NOW. For those who test The NU-U Sessions, they will be shown The Keys to Secret Universes. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

THE REALCURE FOR ALL - THE BECOMING MOREAWARE SERIES, is for ALL of Mankind. With this world the way it is now, it is time for Something Real and Wonderful. The Political and Religious Systems of The Earth, have already proven they do not have a Real Cure For ALL, not even any Real Freedom, but only politically 'implied freedoms.' There is a gigantic whirlpool of purposely driven deception and total-control, which has been formulating for hundreds of years, and it is showing up all over. Most people have been 'dumbed down' to stay asleep to what is taking place, and this is why I am providing 'THE REAL NEWS NOW.' I do not advocate anything of a rebelious nature, but only that of Becoming MoreAware Now. When one has read any my NUBooks, they will begin to See Beyond all the 'fronts' that have been created on this 'Place in Life' called earth. Website: www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info