English ABC - Alford Books Club - Lessons 4 and 5

Book Description

Learn “English ABC” - with Lessons 4 and 5. Practice English with “Understand Others” and “S, Same and Sentences”. I learn new words and sentence inside this book. English helps me to understand other people too

Numbers Count - Not to Nine

Book Description

Number count! We have one nose and two eyes. Triangles have three sides. Cars have four tires. Stars have five points and blocks have six sides. There are seven days in a week. Stop signs have eight sides. Keypads have nine numbers. But nine numbers alone are not enough. They need a not to join them all together. This is the story of numbers from not to nine and how they are useful.

Computers - Then and Now

Book Description

Where did computers come-from? How did the roots of IC's and Apples, sprinkled with flower-power lead to personal computers? This is the true story behind our real-time, worldwide computer connections.

जंगल में आग Jungle Fire! HINDI

Book Description

A fire burns in their jungle. What should the animals do? They can run away or work together to save their homes.

Stars of Days & Months

Book Description

Why are there 7 days in a week and 12 months in a year? What do stars have to do with it? Long ago, people looked up at the night sky. They made up stories to explain the speckled dots of lights. The ancients divided up the year into weeks and days. They assigned “stars” to days and groups of stars to months. We may not know all their stories and beliefs, but we still tell time the same way. Inside this book are the reasons why.

Plants Give

Book Description

Plants give us beautiful flowers that look and smell nice. Plants also give us food. This book helps us learn about how plants give. It also teaches us that we can be giving as well.

Nature's Links of Life

Book Description

All around us are atoms on adventures. They join together to make everything on earth: from rocks, to plants and animals and us. Nature flows from elements and into life. The journey is brief and borrowed. This is the true story of nature and the links of life.

Queen Jeen and the Thrown Throne

Book Description

Queen Jeen is mean. She orders people around. Suddenly, a big storm blows the Queen away from Jeenland. Jeen has to do things for herself. She learns how to be nice to others.

Science of Everyday Objects!

Book Description

This book shows the science behind everyday objects. Learn how ancient mummies and frog legs are connected to modern movies and more!

Disability - To This Ability - Alford Books Combo

Book Description

When we learn about our own abilities, we learn to understand and be patient with ourselves. In Bees Sneeze, Billy Bee wants to pick the pollen that makes honey for all the bees in the hive. There is a problem. The pollen makes Billy sneeze. Humm, how will he overcome this? In Yo Frog, a frog named Gope has to cope with singing songs that other frogs don’t like. Billy learns to turn his disability into the ability to make special songs. To know ourselves, is to understand our own strengths and weaknesses. When we know ourselves, we learn patience with others who have disabilities too.