For Those Who've Come Across the Seas

Book Description

Each year Australia's Catholic bishops issue a Social Justice Statement on a particular topic. For 2015-16, they are addressing the issue of refugees and asylum seekers - a debate that has deeply divided Australian society for many years. In this Social Justice Statement Australia's Catholic bishops urge a more humane approach to asylum seekers, based on the teachings of Scripture and the words of Christ.

For Those Who've Come Across the Seas...

Book Description

Collection of 21 papers addressing aspects of multiculturalism in Australia. Issues such as public policy, social justice, politics, education, employment and crosscultural friction are explored.

Contextual Theology for the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

In this compact collection of essays on contextual theology, the reader is offered fresh voices from the United States, Latin America and Oceania. The inclusion of diverse cultural voices is one of the book's strengths: these voices emphasize the significance of contextual theology for our twenty-first century. The proposal of the book is to address new ways of doing theology, opening up new and fresh topics for our theological agenda.

Migration by Boat

Book Description

At a time when thousands of refugees risk their lives undertaking perilous journeys by boat across the Mediterranean, this multidisciplinary volume could not be more pertinent. It offers various contemporary case studies of boat migrations undertaken by asylum seekers and refugees around the globe and shows that boats not only move people and cultural capital between places, but also fuel cultural fantasies, dreams of adventure and hope, along with fears of invasion and terrorism. The ambiguous nature of memories, media representations and popular culture productions are highlighted throughout in order to address negative stereotypes and conversely, humanize the individuals involved.

Territory Beyond Terra

Book Description

Provides a focus on the planet’s elements, environments, and edges, to extend our understanding of territory to the dynamic, contentious spaces of contemporary politics.

The First Wave

Book Description

The European maritime explorers who first visited the bays and beaches of Australia brought with them diverse assumptions about the inhabitants of the country, most of them based on sketchy or non-existent knowledge, contemporary theories like the idea of the noble savage, and an automatic belief in the superiority of European civilisation. Mutual misunderstanding was almost universal, whether it resulted in violence or apparently friendly transactions. Written for a general audience, The First Wave brings together a variety of contributions from thought-provoking writers, including both original research and creative work. Our contributors explore the dynamics of these early encounters, from Indigenous cosmological perspectives and European history of ideas, from representations in art and literature to the role of animals, food and fire in mediating first contact encounters, and Indigenous agency in exploration and shipwrecks. The First Wave includes poetry by Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal poet Ali Cobby Eckermann, fiction by Miles Franklin award-winning Noongar author Kim Scott and Danielle Clode, and an account of the arrival of Christian missionaries in the Torres Strait Islands by Torres Strait political leader George Mye.

The Other Side of the Scopes Monkey Trial

Book Description

The enormous amount of literature on the Scopes Trial focuses on the religious elements of the trial. It almost totally ignored the importance of racism as taught in the text that Scopes used to teach biology. Bryan was not concerned about evolution in general, but specifically human evolution. He believed that Darwin’s theory, as applied to humans, encouraged the oppression of certain oppressed groups. Taking evolution’s philosophy to its logical conclusion meant justifying “survival of the fittest” in social matters. This philosophy he learned from his extensive reading about WWI was a major factor influencing the Germans to fight in the first World War. Furthermore, Bryan believed the citizens of Tennessee had a right to determine what their children were taught in the public schools. Another fact that is rarely mentioned is the main fossil evidence cited in the trial documents, and the press, in support of human evolution has been discredited by evolutionists including Neanderthal man, Piltdown man, Java man, and Nebraska man. Scopes was not a biology teacher, but rather taught math. His college degree was not in biology, but law. He was not put on the stand to testify in his trial, probably because he never taught evolution and could not honestly answer questions about teaching it. This book covers the so-called trial of the century, telling the real story of a sham brought on by the ACLU to further their political and anti-Christian goals.

Take a Trip to Australia Gr. 2-3

Book Description

Take your students on a trip to the wonderful continent of Australia! This resource is jam-packed with fun activities on such topics as the land and climate of Australia, early settlers, Aborigines, food, sports, games, farms, factories, animals, birds, reptiles, trees, plants and sights to see. Music, games and cooking activities complete this fascinating study. 60+ activities and information cards and a reproducible student booklet are integrated across the curriculum. Helps students to develop skills in reading, writing, math, mapping, research and more. Teacher guide for planning and implementation included. 123 pages.