.NET Development for Java Programmers

Book Description

Gibbons shows developers how to move a J2EE application to .NET at the enterprise level, with detailed and serious discussions of how to port Servlet, JSP or EJB-based applications to ASP.NET.

.NET Development for Java Programmers

Book Description

Gibbons shows developers how to move a J2EE application to .NET at the enterprise level, with detailed and serious discussions of how to port Servlet, JSP or EJB-based applications to ASP.NET.

Java Network Programming

Book Description

A guide to developing network programs covers networking fundamentals as well as TCP and UDP sockets, multicasting protocol, content handlers, servlets, I/O, parsing, Java Mail API, and Java Secure Sockets Extension.

C# For Java Programmers

Book Description

Java Programmers, Preprare for Microsoft's .NET initiative while enhancing your repertoire and marketability with C# for Java Progammers! C# for Java Programmers will prepare readers for the .NET framework by building on what they already know about object-oriented languages and give them the means to maintain their flexibility and effectiveness in an un-certain marketplace. This book will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and C# to allow programmers to make their own decisions regarding what each language is best used for. Whatever your feelings are about Microsoft and its .NET initiative, there can be no denying that C# is here to stay. The C# language, a close cousin to Java, is a new object-oriented programming language (OOPL) designed to work within the .NET framework. It improves upon many of the vague or ill-defined areas of C++ that frequently lead programmers into trouble. C# is a strongly-typed, object-oriented language designed to give the optimum blend of simplicity, expressiveness, and performance. - Written specifically for Java programmers. C# for Java Programmers is not an introductory guide to C#, but builds on what Java programmers already know about object-oriented languages to give them an efficient means for making in-roads to the .NET framework. - Compare and Contrast. This book will compare and contrast many of the advantages and drawbacks of Java and C# to allow programmers to make informed, intelligent decisions based on the unique uses of each language.

NET Programming

Book Description

Tapadiya takes a straightforward, hands-on approach to explain everything readers need to know from development to deployment and maintenance for this platform--all from a developer's perspective. Using C# as the primary language, and with plenty of code examples throughout, this book is an excellent way to learn.

Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

Book Description

Java's rich, comprehensive networking interfaces make it an ideal platform for building today's networked, Internet-centered applications, components, and Web services. Now, two Java networking experts demystify Java's complex networking API, giving developers practical insight into the key techniques of network development, and providing extensive code examples that show exactly how it's done. David and Michael Reilly begin by reviewing fundamental Internet architecture and TCP/IP protocol concepts all network programmers need to understand, as well as general Java features and techniques that are especially important in network programming, such as exception handling and input/output. Using practical examples, they show how to write clients and servers using UDP and TCP; how to build multithreaded network applications; and how to utilize HTTP and access the Web using Java. The book includes detailed coverage of server-side application development; distributed computing development with RMI and CORBA; and email-enabling applications with the powerful JavaMail API. For all beginning to intermediate Java programmers, network programmers who need to learn to work with Java.

Application Development Using C# and .NET

Book Description

The practical guide to C# .NET development for experienced programmers. Running case study covers the entire .NET development process. .NET attributes, collections, threading, security, versioning, remoting, and more.

JAVA Developer's Guide

Book Description

This advanced-level guide offers a detailed look at developing real-world applications using Java, the hot new technology that allows programmers to embed applications within Web pages. Assuming knowledge of HTML and some Java, the book sharply enhances the programmer's ability to manipulate the Web. The CD-ROM contains Sun's JDK v. 1.1, Cafe Lite from Symantec, and a variety of third-party applets and source code.

C# for Java Developers

Book Description

Although Java and C# share many similarities, there are fundamental differences between them. This volume is an ideal guide to help any Java developer master .NET programming with C#.

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Book Description

The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It starts with the first steps in programming and software development like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops and arrays and continues with other basic topics like methods, numeral systems, strings and string processing, exceptions, classes and objects. After the basics this fundamental programming book enters into more advanced programming topics like recursion, data structures (lists, trees, hash-tables and graphs), high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring, object-oriented principles (inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism) and their implementation the C# language. It also covers fundamental topics that each good developer should know like algorithm design, complexity of algorithms and problem solving. The book uses C# language and Visual Studio to illustrate the programming concepts and explains some C# / .NET specific technologies like lambda expressions, extension methods and LINQ. The book is written by a team of developers lead by Svetlin Nakov who has 20+ years practical software development experience. It teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by free video lessons, presentation slides and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises and live examples. Download the free C# programming book, videos, presentations and other resources from http://introprogramming.info. Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (The Bulgarian C# Programming Book) ISBN: 9789544007737 ISBN-13: 978-954-400-773-7 (9789544007737) ISBN-10: 954-400-773-3 (9544007733) Author: Svetlin Nakov & Co. Pages: 1132 Language: English Published: Sofia, 2013 Publisher: Faber Publishing, Bulgaria Web site: http://www.introprogramming.info License: CC-Attribution-Share-Alike Tags: free, programming, book, computer programming, programming fundamentals, ebook, book programming, C#, CSharp, C# book, tutorial, C# tutorial; programming concepts, programming fundamentals, compiler, Visual Studio, .NET, .NET Framework, data types, variables, expressions, statements, console, conditional statements, control-flow logic, loops, arrays, numeral systems, methods, strings, text processing, StringBuilder, exceptions, exception handling, stack trace, streams, files, text files, linear data structures, list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, balanced tree, graph, depth-first search, DFS, breadth-first search, BFS, dictionaries, hash tables, associative arrays, sets, algorithms, sorting algorithm, searching algorithms, recursion, combinatorial algorithms, algorithm complexity, OOP, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, constructors, fields, properties, static members, abstraction, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual methods, polymorphism, cohesion, coupling, enumerations, generics, namespaces, UML, design patterns, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ, code quality, high-quality code, high-quality classes, high-quality methods, code formatting, self-documenting code, code refactoring, problem solving, problem solving methodology, 9789544007737, 9544007733